is to surmise, to intuit
the All, in regard to God:
the holy feminine, masculine
as the fragmented I,
in shards of infinite
time, collision, unpinned
the supreme realizationing
that I ...
........... am...
................. not
....................... enough!
disconnected so
from the other,
that would carry
......................... us on...
What is devine? Of or like God. What is God? The creator of all things. To be a devine male/female is to be a creator. Indebted with all the power and creativity of the universe itself.
It is an aura of mystery. A tangible deity. A masterful mind. Beauty mystified. An artisan unparalleled.
It is the personification of power, of love and privilege. An enigma of supernatural force. An all encompassing sensation set to human form. It is you and I.
Golden Hour of Heaven
Do you want to know a secret? When the waive of grief drowns out the finest worldly realities and my breathing drops to a shallow whisper—the thought of you always revives my hope.
Everyday, I grasp the oak rocking chair and pull my shaking legs out from under myself. I will stand again for you, sweet girl.
I think of the robbed cradle and the labored, golden hour lost. This world missed something so beautifully unseen when your final breath came and lifted. You were not in pain, but in the arms of The Father.
How I thank God for saving you my sweet daughter from the pains of this life. That His sovereignty and gift of grace will mean we only have this one melancholy goodbye. I stand and face the day knowing our golden hour of Heaven will be restored with immeasurable joy.
God and the Bromance With Men
The idea of God(s) having a gender has always interested me. If there is a great creator I have to say that God or Deity Numéro Uno must be male. Now, I don't think the creator of the universe is female because of some sexist ideal. Quite the contrary. The reason I believe God is male is because there is NO WAY a female God would fuck things up this bad. I'm not a theologian, but if Judeo-Christianity is correct in any way then I have plenty of evidence that to back my theory that God must be of the testicular sort.
The story of Adam and Eve is a good place to start because it is, "In the beginning." The very male god placed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden within shopping distance of the Tree of Knowledge. Oh, he tells them not to mess with it, but then he lets the serpent into the garden to fuck things up and manipulate them into taking a big bite. When Adam and Eve succumb to the serpent and partake of this naughty tree, what happens? God flips his lid and kicks Adam and Eve out of the garden, but the punishment doesn't stop there. Nope. Adam has to work for a living which is getting off real easy compared to Eve. Poor Eve gets a menstrual cycle and risks her life every time she gives birth as punishment. Oh yeah, that's fair. Ultimately, Adam and Eve are set up by God to fail and when they do, he goes all Old Testament on them. Basically, God blames the victim and then punishes them when it was HE who was negligent and showed horrible parenting skills. A female god wouldn't have allowed the situation to happen in the first place.
How would a female god have handled the situation? Well, a female deity WOULD NEVER have put Adam and Eve near something they were forbidden to touch. That would be like a mommy today letting her toddler play with a plugged in toaster at the edge of the tub during bath time. Nope, a female God would first-human-proof the garden before allowing them in to play. Now let's talk about the serpent, or devil in disguise. A female god wouldn't let the serpent into the garden because a good mom never allows her kids to fraternize with a bad influence. In today's terms, that would be like letting your daughter date any of my relatives which unless you want an son-in-law who's in prison all the time is not recommended. So, a more nurturing female god never would have allowed the shit to go down like it did nor would she have punished Adam and Eve when it was her fault they were put in the situation to begin with.
Okay, now let's talk about all the smiting that goes on. The male God has no problem wiping out entire populations with fire and brimstone, floods, or directing the Israelites to wipe out the long term residents of the, "Land of Milk and Honey." Let's be clear here. God uses a scorched Earth, no mercy approach which means that nearly ALL men, women, and children are smited from existence. Basically, if God felt a group was wicked, he either liquidated them himself or let the Moses Gang wipe them out. So much for the idea that children and babies are without sin. Apparently, when the male God decided to go all cataclysmic on a group of people it was too much of a bother to separate the innocent from their, "Wicked.' parents. A female god? First, it's doubtful she would go scorched Earth. It's wasteful and cruel. Second, if she did have to go all fire and brimstone she would've figured a way to get the little ones out.
For the last Biblical example, let's talk about Abraham. Abraham and his wife, Sara have the ultimate geriatric pregnancy (Sara is supposedly in her nineties) and bless the couple with a son, Isaac. Of course, the couple is ecstatic at having a baby and raise him well. Unfortunately, God decides to test Abraham and tells him to sacrifice Isaac. Isaac, knowing about God's tendency to smiteth when mad, chooses to do as he's told. Now, just before Abraham plunges the knife into Isaac, God call out, "Psych! Got ya! You don't have to do that!" Let me remind the reader that Abraham is OLD and the stress of the ordeal could have killed him. It's kind of a dick move. A female creator of the universe? This would never have happened. No female would ever needlessly put a child in danger or be so cruel as to tell a father to sacrifice his own kiddo.
From a historically verifiable perspective, God has always favored the men, giving them control over, well EVERYTHING! With the male of the species in control, humanity has become a tedious string of war, more war, oh let's have a bit of peace, now we're bored and greedy, so back to war we go! A female God would see this as pointless, wasteful, tragic, and she'd put a stop to it. Given God's macho affection for smiting and destruction, it stands to reason that he lets mankind murder itself as a weird kind of spectator sport.
Okay, finally the reason GOD MUST BE MALE is how he has allowed women to be treated by the men running things. In almost every culture, women have been treated as property, livestock, weaker, and totally inferior to men. They are often called the, "Weaker sex" which is the most absurd notion ever put forth by a man (of course). Frankly, I think that the subjugation of women has been ongoing because men are actually the weaker sex AND THEY KNOW IT, but are too selfish and arrogant to give up the control they've enjoyed since, well, just about forever!
Evidence? I got plenty. First, women carry life within them for 9 months allowing the little human parasite to take everything it needs from her all the while enduring a lot of discomfort and physical change. If that isn't bad enough, women then have to pass a decent sized baby (I always think seedless watermelon sized) through an opening the size of a smallish lemon. Who the fuck calls this weak? If men had to do it, we would have become extinct after the first pregnancy. Once the little one is born, the mother then devotes 100% of what she is to nurturing, protecting, and sacrificing everything for nearly two decades to raise her child to adulthood. All this while dealing with the less than ideal circumstances created by, yep you guessed it, MEN.
Men? We get distracted and lose interest too quickly to be the bearer and nurturer of future generations. As a result, humanity would likely become extinct in the aftermath of mankind's dereliction of parental duty. For example, a man would quickly lose interest in their needy baby and leave it for that nice pride of lions to take care of while he goes out to compare who's dick is bigger with his buddies. Or if the next door neighbor got a new chariot, he'd leave his baby on the edge of that nice warm volcano so he could check out the neighbor's chariot. Oh, and when mankind started to feel a little insecure about the size of its throbbing veiny love limb, it would drop the kids with whoever and go off to war.
Due to the sustained amount of pointless fuckery mankind has been allowed to engage in for pretty much forever, God must be of a sympathetic and equally masculine sort. A feminine God who understands the precarious nature of life and bringing life into the world, would have put a stop to the needless killing and destruction a long time ago.
Now even though God is likely manly, that doesn't mean women have to accept where man have forced them to exist. As a father of a beautiful, brilliant, compassionate, and kick ass 14 year old girl, I know that women are up to the challenge of changing things for the better. My little girl will go up against the biggest knuckle dragging, misogynistic troglodyte, there is. She will then proceed to outsmart, out work, out empathize, and out change things for the better than any man can. She will change things, but she can't do it alone. Ladies prosers, my wonderful, talented, capable, and generally ass kicking extended family, please join her in the feminine takeover of things. Here's my selling point. Man has managed to create enough weapons to exterminate all life (excluding lawyers and Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones), on Earth and allowed his greed to ignore the climate change going on. Having bigger missiles than a neighboring country is more important than peace. After all, life on Earth is overrated, isn't it? Plus, being able to drive massive, diesel, gas guzzling, and polluting trucks is more important than making sure that future generations don't have to deal with the dangerous weather patterns caused by a global warming. Ladies, you can and you will do better.
Now, it is unfortunate that humanity still requires a few males around to continue its existence and continued the existence of Monster Truck rallies. That means that many of you ladies have to find suitable male mates. I have established that women are superior, so how does a lady choose a suitable mate from an inferior gender? As a card carrying male, let me provide some guidelines: If during the finding of a mate the perspective male:
1. Uses phrases like, "No woman of mine" or "This is men's business." Run.
2. Cheats on you. Cheating on a partner demonstrates (this can be male or female) a serious lack of caring, lack of moral compass, the emotional maturity of a two-year old, the willingness to be cruel, and a level of selfishness that is beyond redemption. Once the cheating is uncovered proceed to kick said male in the nuts then proceed to rent a billboard near his place of employment with his picture on it and the following information:
a) The cheater couldn't find the G-spot with GPS, compass, Hubble Telescope, or Sacagawea to guide him.
b) The cheater currently has a particularly virulent strain of genital warts that is in full flare up.
c) The cheater is hung like an ingrown hair.
d) The douche bag cheated and shouldn't be trusted EVER AGAIN!
e) Cries out his mom's name during sex.
3. Being intellectually compatible is important. No matter what a man may do for a living or his education level, he should have a deep love of learning and desire to be better. This means that the perspective mate will read, choose a cause to fight for, stand up for women, and parent along side his mate.
4. That nice guy who is such a good friend and always there for you. He probably has a major crush on you, but is too shy to act on it. It's 2023 ladies, take initiative and consider the fact that your friendship may have the chance to grow. It's okay to test the waters.
5. If a guy starts talking about always being in the, "Friend Zone," run. This guy lacks the maturity to take responsibility for his circumstances and his inability to find a mate will always be the girl's fault.
6. While the male of the species is famous for thinking with their dicks, ladies can be just as guilty of thinking with their mommy parts when it comes to looking for a mate. Ladies, he may be 6' 5,'' have sixpack abs, be hung like a bull, and drive a Porsche, but remember, there is only so much fucking a person can do before they have to talk to their partner. Physical attraction is great, but when you realize that you actually have to talk to a person when fucking him is done, the stud may be an intellectual dud.
7. A sense of humor is sexy. If he makes you laugh, he may be able to make you moan too.
8. Money is a piss poor excuse to do anything in a relationship. Just because he has money doesn't mean he has the ability to be kind, decent, and respectful.
9. If you're like my daughter and guys aren't your thing, I don't blame you! Don't let that stop you from making a family for yourself. There are currently over 300,000 kiddos in foster care who would adore having two mommies!
10. Don't take relationship advice from Shallowgenepool. Really. It is a light weight miracle he's been married almost 18 years.
Being There
What comes to my mind by the phrases divine feminine and divine masculine is the hermaphroditism of God. It is the separate emanations of male and female from God that defines each gender's uniqueness, but it is the longing for reunification in love that makes two people (not necessarily male and female), Godlike. God is love. So there.