Spaceman Superhero
he was born from the galaxy
beautiful and bright
his words and heart save me
each day, every night.
he's my superhero;
my best friend.
the one I can always count on
until the very end.
and the stars seem to shine
a little more when he's around.
it makes my heart flop when
he says he's not okay as he sounds.
I wish I could help
but what can I do?
I'd been broken--
until I met you.
in a past life, she was the stars and he was the boy that watched from below
he was born from the Galaxy
beautiful and bright
birthed within the heavens
sparks and embers soaring
from his bronze lips
as laughter bled from his mouth each chuckle
ricocheting off the stars
his bright dazzling eyes
more lustrous than
one-hundred and seventy six
moons combined
she was born from the world's core
grotesque and dreary
birthed within purgatory
roaming through doors
that led to lost dreams
and shattered ambition
her burnt fingertips traced
white walls that were
covered in old memories
that had fallen through
the cracks of someone's lips
reciprocated kisses
spouted a mixture of
fractured aspiration
and dimmed flames
the stories of their lives
fading into background noise
he loved her
and she loved him
" he was born from the galaxy beautiful and bright."
" is that all you know about him?" I asked my brother.
" so far, he hasn't said anything else. You could try though. The only thing is, from what I can tell he doesn't know much English."
" I guess I could try"
" who are your parents and where are they?" I asked the boy.
" ahxytd kccdfhxhxs gone hdudcicuddd."
" well he definitely has bad English. What I got from that is his parents are gone,so probably dead." I told my brother.
" this boy is quite something!" Exclaimed my brother.
" you're right this boy is hard to explain."
Our Valiant Knight
He was born from the galaxy,
Beautiful and bright,
His destiny to save us
From the evil blight
That threatened us all
And covered the Deep
With death and destruction,
Come from the darkness
From whenst we sleep.
They came with a hunger
That could never be sated,
But He rose up to fight
The war for which he was fated.
He clashed and roared
Into the ranks of the foe,
Cutting them down in swathes
In numbers unknown.
He saved us all,
But died in the end.
Our faithful beloved
Back to the stars we send.
He was born of the Galaxy,
Beautiful and Bright.
He died for us all,
Our valiant Knight.
He was born from the galaxy,
Beautiful and bright.
The smoke trails couldn't fog over
His powerful starlight.
Then came the dark,
Then came the moon,
Then came the blackened purple sky--
Then came the shade,
Then came the clouds,
Then came the night.
And he hid away in a brighter place
And kept secret his glow
Until he met the summer sun,
Who told him all he knows--
"You're bright and fair, a match for me,
But sky the sky, we cannot.
Your rays are cold and glistening,
While mine are burning hot."
They made arrangements then and there
To coexist together--
The night and day they'd split to share,
And thus,
The birth of Venus.