Worry is staying up late, waiting for the person you care most about to text you
Worry is that sinking feeling in your stomach that something is wrong
Worry is walking out into a dark cold night, desperate for answers
Worry is the vibration of your phone when you finally receive that message five hours later
Worry is feeling physically sick with tears in your eyes as you read "I'm okay."
Worry is the fear of him lying because even if something was wrong he'd never say
Worry is realizing that you are helpless to him, no matter how badly you want to do something
Worry is realizing you're worthless
Anxieties Train Wreck
The pain was real as the knife repeatedly stabbed me in the back. Oh Julius Caesar how you must have suffered as I do now. Et Tu Brutus your final words. Why you brutal anxiety? why do you plague me so? I hear the train coming now and I'm too weak to stand. I guess lifelife ends with a light at the end of a dark tunnel. This is the way the world ends in a bloody train wreck.
I really want to love you
to tell you how i feel
to let words just cascade out my lips
where they have been barricaded behind the tallest dam
of self-consciousness
since I met you;
But I worry
its all too much
and I feel
as though I am a looking glass and you can see right through me
because vocalizing my feelings
will make it all too real;
And I'd like to think of my self as an adversary
or a fighter
but right now I am not
and I can't leave myself vulnerable
to rejection and change
But I am losing time to the thief of opportunity
and I feel you slipping away
and this worries me also;
Was it something I said?
or something I didn't say?
I really want to love you
but I can't yet tell you how I feel
I only hope tomorrow
won't be too late
The scenarios drift through my head,
and the urge to vomit comes on strong,
they all end with them dead,
for I have been away too long.
The tears fall from my eyes,
as I deceive myself to hope,
everything I thought were lies,
refusing to know how to cope.
I brush away the tears,
shake off the pain,
but its been years,
and all of it was rain.
I ignore the warnings in my head,
but walk in to find them dead.
A Version of Fear
The fear that you will fail
The fear of rejection
The fear of leaping over the rail
Into unknown land
Afraid that when the ship sails
You'll wish you had
Keeps us afraid of the result
Worry brings us to a halt
Making a decision?
Thoughtfully considered
Mistakes crushing our ambition
Of course it is
Faith keeps you alive
Living and not just existing
Hoping it works out
Getting rid of all doubt
And in the end we say
"I don't know what I was so worried about,"
worry.. as it feels
Devastating it is
as panic it spreads
senses go numb
as, coordination fails
Yes, you guessed it right
I am taking of worry
or Fear it is said..
As simple it spells
raised to infinity
it threatens..
Excruciating it is
ferocious it makes you feel
as a cold blooded murdered
ruthlessly it kills..!