Tears for 9/11
I cried salty tears today for all to see
when the American flag was unfurled.
Church members stood up and cried with me
as we sang “America the Beautiful” proudly.
We can never forget the pain and loss we felt
and exactly where we were and what we were
doing on 9/ll/0l – engraved on our hearts forever -
memories of heroes and bravery and grief of all,
lessons we were taught as we lost our innocence
but gaining strength together as a nation,
fighting against enemies for what was right.
As the flag waved freely, we acknowledged that
Old Glory stood valiantly giving us reborn hope.
We held our loved ones to our breasts and renewed
our pride and integrity as we heard an eagle cry
a mournful dirge but hopeful for future, yet.
We felt reborn as we sang, hopefully, “We crowned
thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea!"