If I Only Knew Then What I Know Now...
I would be better now
I would have been more accomplished and successful
I would not have made all the mistakes that I had
I would have been a better sister
I would have been a better daughter
I would have been a better friend
I would have been a better girlfriend
I wouldn't have spent all those days in my room
I wouldn't have cried myself to sleep
I wouldn't have tried to take my life
I wouldn't have cut and scratch and bruise myself
If I only knew then what I know now
I would be a better person today
I would be a better person tomorrow
But I would never learn what I need to learn
So I am glad that I
Did not know then
What I know now
In Rage...
Filled with rage she emptied that bottle of bleach in her stomach and was rushed to the hospital but she survived through this only to face the embarrassment of doing this cowardly act for the rest of her life. Little did she know that she was carrying another human inside her womb before the doctors gave her the bad news~
All she could say at that moment was
"If I only knew then what I know now"