The Pain of Vengeance
Vengeance comes from a soul that has been injured, when the core of the person cannot withstand the insult it has received. In this case, the mind cannot override the painful emotion of the injury, and it fails to restrain the instinct from lashing out at the offending source. The person is not able or willing to balance their thoughts and emotions, behaving like a baby in pain or a toddler throwing a tantrum. Only those who have found the wisdom and peace of balance can reach beyond the pain to live great lives.
Revenge, anon
I bestow upon thee
thy's ticket towards death
the dreamstate abyss
of where art thou best be
to take one's life in the honor or another
why, thou art a gutless whore
in the face of that of which is holy
cursed thee in the pit of villainy
for you were not deemed a lover
the dogs that bark in your wake shall make due friends.
Great Minds/Warriors
Revenge isn't an admission of pain, it is an admission of weakness. A great mind will be able to conquer the anger that comes from injustice. A great mind will become a compassionate heart by the bearing of pain and suffering. A great mind is one that accepts how little they know and is therefore very wise by that admission.
The Tumor
One day, it clogged into my brain like a tumor. I want to hurt you, watch you burn, relish in your tears, FUCKING NUKE YOU, force you to remember.
It metastasized from a crack in the foundations. A fault in my soul I had tried to shut down by any means. Duct tape, glue, the warm words of loved ones, the texture of someone's skin, the passing of time, faith in the world, faith in myself.
They had all failed. What's left but to spread the misery?
I'm sorry that you happened to be the quake that split the ground.
I tell my brother he’s not allowed on social media for one solid reason; a mind preoccupied whether consciously or subconsciously with the thoughts and lives of others will never bear great thoughts. By harboring vengeful thoughts, you allow this preoccupation to fester. Whoever vexes you, be angry, cry if you must, but refuse to have your mind stolen from you. When you finally get your vengeance, the acknowledgement of these pathetic actions builds up, reminding you of how you allowed yourself to be drawn in and lost so much. Sun Tzu’s Art of War reiterates this.
Revenge speaks slowly in a voice honey thick with seduction. You're captivated by the empty yet sweet promises. A mind concerned with promises and lust is shielding itself from pain. From peace.
Pain surfaces in all sorts of ways. Revenge is personification of pain unresolved, unhealed, with a scab torn off releasing fresh vulnerability. We don't like vulnerability, because we feel open and exposed. Open for more pain.
With eyes clouded and shrouded from reality, we stray from the development of a solid, sound, strong mind. A mind bowed from injury is not a great mind, but it can be.