Zero is the
dial tone
of the sky
and i
the finger...
that vulgar
busy signal!
Time & Matter
as a fraction...
that One
..one hundredth
of a decimal...
Near yet far
after the comma
...a coma!
in the circle
of life..
going on
going on
and on...
in the infinite
#iszeroanumber #challenge
The glass is not even half empty
I’m no mathematician.
The sad truth is that there is no hope.
“No hope?” You ask “and what about?”
To that I’ll reply “exactly”
No, zero does not need a field of definitions.
There is no “what about?”,
if i started with no.
And so.
Zero is no number.
It is not.
It is a nothing.
And if i say “there is hope”
Would i need to clarify?
Such dichotomies
do not exist with any
number that i know of.
But I’m no mathematician...
Zero is very much a number. There must be two extremes on either end of a line to tell apart the starkest differences. If the highest end denotes 'all' or'everything', then the lowest should be labelled 'none' or 'nothing'.
What happens if zero isn't a number?
Here's an example: a student sits for a Chemistry quiz and gets twenty out of twenty questions wrong (not like I wish for that to happen but hey, anything's possible). If zero did not exist, what would have been the mark given for the paper? Perhaps it's the next lowest whole number - 1 - but will that make any sense?
Where probability is concerned, zero plays a significant role. For instance, the chances of humans becoming immortal are, as of the time of writing, completely zero. Adding a gazillion zeros after the decimal before finally deciding to throw in a 1 at the end to imply an iota of hope that could be infinitely smaller than a quark's existence is considered wrong information. To laymen, it's still nought for all they care, but it makes a world of difference for mathematicians and other fields which deal with mathematics.
Now, let's look at zero from a numerical point of view: it's written as 0. This symbol should be treasured for its versatility. Otherwise, many integers and decimals would be deemed impossible to convey. How else can you write 10, 300, 4.05, 0.01, etc. without the 0? (I'd love to hear your thoughts if you've got any!)
So folks, appreciate the number zer0.
PS. This is all just my opinion. I welcome any and all rebuttals! This challenge piqued my interest so I wanna look at it from all POVs.