I am purple, not blue, not pink
Mornings I wake lilac, my face raised to the blue washed sky
Yellow sunlight beats me as I walk and I fade to a dusty shadow
Inside, in cool, artificial beige rooms of bland smiles and empty words,
I deepen to eggplant, solid, unobtrusive, silent
The flow of voices, evidence of life outside my thoughts, wakes me
in bursts of moss and grass
Sunset rescues me from the world
and at home, I am amethyst
Regal and joyful, awash in a rainbow
Misha’s poem
Today was cold,
snowy and barren-bright.
The sunlight, wan,
the floor too cold on
bare, pink toes.
Today was a day for
fluffy blanket and
hot cocoa in my favorite mug
with the green pine boughs
twined around the handle.
But it was missing its warmth,
the unknown something
that gives the day its joy.
And then my friend writes,
my dearest dearest,
and I find my smile.
Brushing my cheek
I can feel my bones through fevered skin
and it reminds me how soon this touch will pass,
my ears will not hear the whispered voices,
my lips will kiss only dark earth,
and all the flesh of my body
that I have hated, gained and lost over my life,
will abandon me in the end
and leave only bone, thin and cold
with unblushing cheekbones and empty eyes