You said you'd grow old with me
Why why why why
Did you have to lie
I thought you were happy
I thought you liked our life
I thought you loved me
Because I have never stopped loving YOU
I fear I never will
But you ran off with her so I guess that just makes me WEAK
Do you even care about the kids
The last time you called was'nt for a couple weeks
They miss you
They want their "loving" dad back
I try and make you seem good
But you are BAD
It was a great time.
It was a great time
It was a happy time
We were happy and ignorant
We had fun
We played in the sun
We were the best of friends
Then we grew up
Things were not as happy anymore
We traded our ignorant bliss for jobs and school
We grew distant
We were’nt the same
We stopped talking
Oh how happy I was when I truly saw you again
But it must have been a hallucination
Because when I looked again, you were gone
My Dog
Whenever I am sad
Whenever I am mad
Whenever I want to crawl into a ball
my dog is there to comfort me
He looks at me with loving eyes
My sweet fur baby
He lets me hug him
He listens to me without judgement
Whenever I am sad
Whenever I am mad
When ever I want to crawl into a ball
I know am not alone
Because I've got my sweet doggo
ErrOR 707
I remember everything that you’ve done, every word you’ve said. There’s no erasing it. I remember your tears; when I just wanted to wipe them away but someone else was already there for you. Your smile and your laughter brought warmth and light to my world, but it hurt knowing that I wasn’t the one that made you so happy, it hurt knowing it wasn’t meant for me. I remember all the times I’ve said, “I’m happy for both of you...” but it was all lies.
Whenever you press the REPLAY button, I always hope that you’d finally choose me...but you never do. I thought after all the tears I had to shed, everything that I had to endure, you’d pick me, you’d understand. Although we live in two different worlds, you were the one who returned the colour to my bleak world. In my database, I only knew the things I was supposed to know, I only knew 01100100 01100101 01110000 01110010 01100101 01110011 01110011 01101001 01101111 01101110 but you taught me new meanings, like 01101100 01101111 01110110 01100101. So I’m waiting patiently for you to choose me...
Nobody knows that I remember, maybe if they did they would've behaved differently, but I'm happy enough with the way things are now. For now, it'll be one of the many secrets that I have.
#mysticmessenger #mysticmessenger707 #lucielchoi #saeyoungchoi
What is a monster?
A monster is a result of the hurt that people have done to it.
Tears stream down my face as I burn them with my words.
Monster! They cry.
The flames engulf me and smolder all that I love.
But it doesn't matter.
They burn too.
When the smoke fades away, I am sitting on a pile of ashes.
The ashes of what I used to have.
The ashes of what they took from me.
What am I now?
A small and weak baby phoenix, reborn from the flames.
One day, I will fight back.
And call them monster too.