If walls had ears, they'd hear the music of my family.
Some days our tune is happy, filled with laughter.
The drumming of little feet running from room to room,
with the bass of a teenager stomping down the stairs.
Our voices the melody. Drifting up from the first floor calling to one another.
Other days our song is more quiet. The whirring of a fan a constant buzz,
a whisper while the baby naps. More silence than singing but a silence that
fills the room with itself.
Sometimes the silence is shattered with good news, bad news. A child crying.
Dishes clanking together as we sit down to dinner. Doors opening and closing.
It can be the same song played over and over and then one day it's new.
It's a love song, a children's song, a folk song. It's all songs.If walls had ears, they would hear the music of my life.
I am born.
From the womb begins my journey.
I am a girl, playing in the meadows
My legs growing and running, running and growing.
I am a maiden, waiting and wishing
I can bear children, I am beautiful
My body curving, sensually curving.
I am a mother, working and teaching
I am a woman strong and proud.
My body is fruitful, bringing forth life.
Now I am aging and changing, weakened yet strong.
I am the crone. My children have left me.
I am wise and have knowledge from years.
I have, I am, I will be.
I have come from, am going to, and will return.
My journey will be my daughter's journey.
Life goes on.
hey guys
Um, hello alien invaders. Greetings, I guess? I was trying to come up with a very intelligent and moving speech filled with sentiments of pride and the American dream to give you. To tell you how our forefathers threw off the yoke of tyranny to create an independent nation. A place of our own. How we wanted to make a new world full of equality and the right for all people to pursue happiness. (Even though this was an already inhabited land and they really didn't think all people were equal...anyways that's a whole other story).
So you see, right now, we're a little lost. We're not entirely sure how to stop hurting one another. All of these years after declaring independence there are people here who are not treated as equals. We're not even all really on the same page as to how that declaration should be interpreted for our modern society. We're figuring it out. I don't know how you do things in space but people here are so passionate about what we believe. It's our spirit as a country. Slowly but surely we're changing and growing. Don't we deserve the chance to keep moving forward? Honestly it would be a little embarrassing to go out as we are right now. Anyways, the point is, although we are troubled, we are strong. And even though we are divided by many things, I think we could all pull together to make sure we are not overtaken. I have to believe that our country would never give up. We're fighters. Each and every one of us would fight to keep our independence. The right to keep changing and to keep getting better. Making sure that all those brave men and women who have died in wars, in fights for equality, even in protest of those rights have died for a reason. Maybe you guys are just trying to find your own space to restart and we get that. But let's do more talking and less invading, ok? Because we're definitely not ready to give up yet.