The Queen is Dead
and We
still try to pluck
the gold pucks
out of toonies
only now they're wreathed in black
TV says the king is yet
to approve his visage
for our coinage
The king can go
fund himself
His brother can go straight to jail
Did we just forget?
Blood can be transfused
but life cannot diffuse
back to feudalism
To everyone who ever shouted
where the hell are your voices now?
You didn't find the irony
in a queen
who would let her son
keep those girls quiet
so She could rest in peace?
Photo by The Globe and Mail
#Feminism #Feminist #Poetry #Poets #Monarchy
Half the Sky, All the Work
Women hold up half the sky.
-Mao Zedong
The subjugation of women is a topic often ignored in liberal and leftist circles alike. While both sides posture themselves as paragons of equal rights, and crusaders against the patriarchy they often do very little to understand many issues regarding women’s oppression. While both sides recognize the oppression of women, their analysis of the aspects of women’s oppression is often lacking substance. While there are many issues plaguing the status of women, one such issue that I’d like to discuss is the oft-ignored reproductive labor that many women engage in.
In a Marxist analysis of capitalism, one can understand the role that the worker places in productive labor (labor that produces a product to be sold). If we subscribe to the labor theory of value, we find that the value of a commodity is determined by the amount of socially necessary labor time. In simple terms, the labor put into a product will make the product more valuable. This simple concept does not negate capitalism in its entirety, as capitalist theorists like David Ricardo and Adam Smith formulated the basis for Marx’s theory. Understanding this is important to understand the importance of reproductive labor.
Going further into Marx’s theories, we can take the idea of the labor being the commodity of the proletariat (worker). Wage Labour and Capital discuss this in full, as it states:
....wages are the sum of money paid by the capitalist for a particular labour time for a particular output of labor.
Marx goes further in his analysis and finds that:
Labour power is, therefore, a commodity by which its possessor, the wage-worker, sells to capital.
Essentially, a worker will sell their labor to a business owner in exchange for a wage. In the same way, one can sell materials to a firm in exchange for money, the working man will sell their labor to a business owner in exchange for a wage. The perception of this transaction leads to labor power’s description as a simple commodity. A wage pays for labor as a carpenter would pay for wood. While this aspect of Marxist analysis forms the basis for many other theories, it is also incredibly important to the analysis of reproductive labor.
By taking the concept that labor put into a commodity will make the commodity more valuable, and synthesizing it with the concept of labor as a commodity, one can find that the labor put into creating labor power is integral to the functions of capitalism. The labor that is put into making labor power is referred to as reproductive labor.
Reproductive labor stretches from feeding a child, to teaching a child, to disciplining a child. It covers many different roles, however, the one most associated with reproductive labor is housework. Housework, like teaching or practicing medicine, will provide labor towards the labor power of their child. The important difference is that housework does not receive a wage. Despite the incredibly important role that home-keeping plays in capitalism, it does not receive supplements.
This relates to women’s oppression, as due to the role that patriarchy has put on society, they are more likely to be the home keepers that add value to labor power. The labor power that later goes into creating the products that flood the markets of modern society is almost entirely cultivated through domestic labor. Reproductive labor acts as one of the most important cogs in the capitalist mode of production, yet it goes unnoticed. Despite housework having a 7-day work week, and an over 8-hour workday, it is treated as a joke. The “stay-at-home-mom” is a trope that acts as a punching bag for many, despite the incredibly important role it plays in society. Reproductive labor, a hallmark of women’s oppression, continues to go unnoticed to this day.
In the early 1970s, a movement began that advocated for reform regarding the importance of housework came about. Called, The International Wages for Housework Campaign, this grassroots campaign advocated for those who engaged in solely domestic labor to earn a wage for their work. Inspired heavily by Marxist-Feminist theorist Mariarosa Dalla Costa, and Silvia Federici, this movement advocated for reproductive labor to be treated in a similar way to wage labor, as that would lessen the division between men and women in society. This movement gained traction, however, nowadays, popularity has faltered.
The importance of reproductive labor in capitalism is incredible, and Mao’s dictum remains true; women really do hold up half of the sky. Without the reproductive labor that many women engage in, our society would not function properly. This is not to say that women out to stay inside of the household, however, it is saying that people should become more aware of the importance of reproductive labor, and appreciate it more.
#philosophy #feminism
Who is Your Feminism For?
March for your right to vote, the right to know,
the right to go where you please.
Yell for your right to fight, the right to female might,
the right to bite the hand of those
who wish to see you on your knees.
Take your right to commit your time to what
you want to do, the right to split
yourself from a system that never included you.
Love your right to not fit in and simply be.
And be whatever you want!
But why be a woman who stops fighting
after she has rights to flaunt?
Is it harmless to be blind to “sisterhood”
once you can no longer use it on a sign?
When did your chant go from “equal rights for all,”
All your power, all that plight,
just to care more about your position,
your boring life, your appetite for
cheap clothes, organic rows of groceries
that will be thrown away because we
all know you don’t care.
You look past that place where brown
people pick your food.
But I wonder, who else does your feminism exclude?
Who is your feminism for?
If you deny the existence of women of color
when talking about the system?
Who is your feminism for?
When you love to quote de Beauvoir but when
I ask about Davis or Luxemburg,
you say “oh I must have missed them.”
Who is your feminism for?
If you bask in the light while there is a shadow
holding other women hostage?
Who is your feminism for?
When you wave a flag at Pride but
don’t think to thank the efforts of Martha P. Johnson?
Who is your feminism for?
When you wear a shirt that says,
“Girl Power!” when that shirt was made
by a woman making cents in an hour?
Who is your feminism for?
When you back a war to protect
your liberal society, ignorant to the
anxiety of the poor who can’t afford
the lifestyle you take for granted?
Who is your feminism for?
If you’ve implanted the idea in yourself that
some misogyny is okay if he’s a hottie?
Who is your feminism for?
When it doesn’t include someone
born in the wrong body?
Who is your feminism for?
When you worship a podcast affiliated with
men who still believe in female hysteria?
The ones who once said,“We don’t condone rape,
but if a chick passes out, that’s a grey area”?
Who is your feminism for?
When the rules you agreed to uphold,
were written and sold to us by the same fools,
who never considered us equal in the first place?
Who is your feminism for?
When race is only a hashtag
and not a serious discussion?
Are you only a feminist when there are no repurcussions?
If it makes you unpopular? Makes you less sexy?
Are you still a feminist even when someone calls you Becky?
Or do you get offended when your privilege is highlighted?
When the work you need to do is pointed out,
do you feel slighted?
Would you correct a friend if their opinion was problematic?
Would you stop talking to them or is that too dramatic?
Now that we have a democrat in office,
will you decline to post as much?
Will you search to educate yourself,
if you know you’re out of touch?
Are you pissed off by this poem
because you think it’s all too much?
#feminism #feminist #feministpoetry #BIPOC #BlackLivesMatter #womenofcolor #gayrights #liberalfeminism #marxistfeminism #marxism #poetryandverse #poetry #poem #femaleperspective #protest #problematic #callherdaddy #yt #latinapoet #latinx #latine #hypocrisy #spilledink #politicalpoem #politics #leftist
A few annoyances as experienced by minority women
Say my ancestors were discovered.
Make me memorize it,
Put it on a test.
Tell me being mixed is sexy, you forget
it was first forced breeding.
Teach me high art is naked white women,
Notice I don’t look like them?
Persist I am lucky to be so tan.
Call it a glow up. You’re selling a people.
Is this rebranding?
Say my language is alluring.
Learn a few words to use at a bar.
Habibi, mami, ebony princess. I find it racist,
you call it misreading.
Assume I’m after money, or status, or a green card.
You ask where I was born. Where I went to school.
Probe for an answer.
Didn’t expect me to one up you? Now I’m disappointing?
Treat me like an accessory,
Although this is my life; I’m not pretending.
Paraphrase a culture, you’re so good at it.
Wrap me in sticky rice,
because you’ve made me your happy ending.
#feminist #poem #feministpoetry #spilledink #bipoc #intersectional #minority #feminism #racism #poetry #culture #poetrybywomen #woman #slantrhyme #youngpoet
one night
after hooking up
i get hungry
so i grab myself
a snack
and quietly slip
back into bed
so as not to disturb
what’s his name
i guess i drift off
the next thing i know
i’m hearing
“what the fuck”
and there he is
holding up
a half-eaten
chicken drumstick
looking at me
as if there’s
something in his bed
that shouldn’t be there
-boy, i’m even better the next day
#poetry #poem #femalevoices #femalesexuality #femalepower #erotica #onenightstand #feminism
The Black Woman
The Black Woman
She is an Invisible woman,
Whose got the whole world watching
Fetishized, while being erased
made an Extra in Her own story
She’s a Goddess, whose been denied her glory
The black woman
She is often abandon by white Feminists
Who speak of shattering glass ceilings
Yet use the weapons of Patriarchy
To push her beneath their feet
First seen as a pet
Then seen as as a threat
Her Self-esteem put down
Mind full of regret
I’m ashamed that Aretha Franklin
Had to make a black woman’s anthem
Asking men for respect
R.E.S.P.E.C.T indeed
We call the Black Woman
the moral arbiter of Black America
A title that carries a heavy burden
Never helping her lift the load
we rather watch from the sidelines
demanding that she be strong
All the while, never giving her
a chance to be weak
The Black woman
We show her appreciation
With the sweet nothings of empty slogans
That we let escape our lips
And the stale, crusty, hollowed out platitudes
That we write in books
The Black Woman
We call her Essential
When we really mean Sacrificial
For You (to my body)
I’m going to start standing up for you
You, who has carried me here today
despite all the pleas of my mind
and actions to stop you in your tracks
I’m going to start stepping up
for all the times you stepped forward
all the times I needed you to
I will defend you for all the times
I held you up as a shield against my own attacks
I will get on my knees to pray for you
for all the times I forced you to your knees
to be something you were never made to be
I will work to fill you fully
for all the times my lack of love and attention
left you aching and empty
I will stretch
for every time I demanded you curl up smaller
I will give you the space to grow
I once scorned you for inhabiting
I will fail you, this is inevitable
But still you will bring me forward
Still you will forgive me
But I will learn
Slow and steady
And as you brought me to grow out of shoes as a child
You will see me through as I outgrow these habits
against you
But I will start
by raising my voice to defend you
when my mind attacks
I will stick up for you
because I have you for a lifetime
#mentalhealth #poetry #poem #feminism
And I see her there, wild and feral in a cage made of lace and pastels. Snapping through an underbite smile and singing an underbreath song. She stood on benches and ran through grass in buckled shoes not made to move. She held frogs in hands sprouting fingers adorned in gold trinkets. And skinned knees through white tights wrapped like nets. Carried on the backs of her brothers she learned to walk in her own time and ran rather than stumbled through her first solo journey. She spoke in her mind full soliloquies rather than mumbling letters aloud. She spoke with the confidence of one with something for which to be proud of. She played with her own hands and created worlds with her own thoughts. Twirling spaces jagged lines soft rather than tough. A sense of humor that didn’t quite match but was regardless targeted to be struck. A hope to teach without much of a desire to sit and learn. Because who needs equations when you could hunker down and feel the world turn. A mouth full of laughter and a heart full of sensitive songs all coming out on the swings. A defiance of commands demanding silence trying to cut her words wings. I see her for all she truly was and all she wished she could be. I see her there and beg her to come back to me. She is wild and feral, she is within my reach, little ragamuffin girl, she is me.
#childhood #poetry #feminism #mentalhealth #growingup
The “Fight”
“Keep off the weight”
As though extra skin were a feral beast to hold at knife point
but is the worst that could happen be becoming more than?
And is that weight really even baring it’s teeth-
or are you the one throwing punches at something not even attacking?
You’re wasting time and pain wailing at hypothetical parts of yourself
when those arms could be wrapped around the figure you have instead
What if when you drop your fear and fists
the thing does not lunge at you
but simply smiles and waves?
What if all you’ve been fighting is nothing worth fearing
and the ones to be mad at
are the ones who convinced you to wage an unnecessary war?
#edrecovery #mentalhealth #poetry #bodypositive #feminism
Fault Lines
How many girls could have had the world If only they’d been taught to ask
Or taught to grab?
The Bible says, “ask and you will receive” But how could you blame her for emptiness If you never thought to teach her to speak?
You cannot blame the beggar with no tongue, Or the one on their knees never taught to walk.
I found my own voice
On my hands and knees.
Held it in shaking and bloody hands And held on tight.
But I spent 21 years
Waiting for it to be given to me.
What could I have held? What could I have rejected?
What was
And was not
My own fault?
I’m my own fault.
And I’m starting to realize these fault lines shake in all my favorite ways.
So I take hold of the world now
To hand to her one day when she asks.
#feminism #womenempowerment #growingup #poetry #prose