what do you get when you cross a bookworm and a metalhead? i'm not quite sure; i'll get back to you once i figure myself out.
Try this challenge. Write a 30 word short story (any genre), but there's a catch. The first and third sentence must contain 5 words each while the second and fourth sentence must contain 10 words each.
Just as it says in the challenge prompt.
Write a creative 'Roses are Red' poem. Change it up, make it funny, sad, romantic, scary, etc.! :)
Bonus points if you make me laugh! ^0^
“The power to live life as one wishes”. This very word means differently to different people What does freedom mean to you? What were the instances you found your freedom denied? Did you do anything to regain it?
Talk someone out of suicide
What would you tell your child, friend, family member, etc if they came to you saying they were suicidal? Some people don't have anyone to turn to so let's give them a place for some hope.
One rule: No negativity. Suicide isn't a joke and it's not something to be ashamed of or made fun of.
For my first challenge - I would like a break up, a bad break up. One that haunts you or just keeps popping back in your head. Story or poem as you like, but it must convey the message "It wasn't me, it was definitely you" I want to relish in these tales of woe, so please tag me.
For my first challenge - I would like a break up, a bad break up. One that haunts you or just keeps popping back in your head. Story or poem as you like but it must convey the message "It wasn't me, it was definitely you" This will be a Monarchy Judging with 15-350 words max
Drabble me this. 100 words of fiction. Not 99, not 101, not 847. One hundred words precisely.
100 words of fiction. Not 99, not 101, not 847. One hundred words precisely. On choosing the winner, I couldn't care less about popularity and likes. I care about the storytelling. With a good side dish of solid grammar and following the rules of sticking to a hundred words.