paralyzed and waking
Probably 15 or 20 times
Sometimes I lose count
Counting for this long can damage the mind
The mind is a fragile thing
Probably 10 or 12 times
But hey, who's counting?
I am I guess, but why?
Who knows but I ain't stopping.
Sleeping and waking, sure I get rest
And even though my bed's not the best
I don't care cause I'm off in dreamland
Counting my steps to the mountains
Closer and closer ever farther away
A treadmill-like rush, I'm just lost in the race
No finish line, I don't think this ends
Till it does
And I wake up gasping grasping for air in a cold sweat drenched soaking my hair my shirt's sticking to my back and I'm cold and shaking just barely awake
2:30 AM
It hasn't been long
More like 5 or 6 times
But I could be wrong