Lonely Showers
December twenty-fourth
It's late at night
The city is buzzing with activity
Bright lights flashing as the city pumps out a cacophony of Christmas cheer
Outside fluffy snow starts to blanket the earth
And here I am taking a shower
I should be out celebrating with family and friends
But how can I go out knowing you won't be there?
You made the holiday season mean something for me
Now it just reminds me you're gone
I really miss you
Especially now
Say, won't you come back?
I stand here lonely in the shower
My tears blended in with the falling water
I try fooling myself
By replacing the warmth of your body
With the hot water
But there really is no replacement
I had you, but I lost you
Please come back
355 days since you died
My friend was going through a rough time, so I put this on her phone case.
When the sky turns grey,
When the lightning strikes,
When the thunder claps,
When the rain falls,
Because you know,
That eventually,
The sky will turn blue,
The lightning will stop,
The thunder will silent,
The rain will disappear,
The storm will pass,
And you will have a headstart.
The Title is the Hardest Part
Punctuation is optional, but highly recommended.
Reviews are sometimes welcomed, but often they are dreaded.
Originality is key, or so every writer says.
Short stories are the truest art, though Tolstoy may disagree.
Evading rules is the only rule that's ever worked for me.