I was the winter during every summer
Cold, unshakeable, stoic
You were the summer during every season.
Happy, lively, Hot
I was stubborn
You were confused
I get it
I am now having the taste of my own medicine.
I never meant to act like that
It was my self defense from everyone
I hate the way you look at me
Like you never knew me
I hate that you're avoiding me
When it was I who avoided you first.
We tried I know
To stay neutral in the midst of very word every feeling known to each other
We tried to be friends
We tried
We don't get everything we want
Perhaps it includes the relationship we must have
I need to give up
I will give up
Just don't give me that look again.
We are not suited for one another
You are the famous one
The one everyone wants, the humble one
I? I am the grumpy ugly one
who hides behind a poker face so that no one would see how broken I am inside.
You are the beauty I am the beast.
I just hope that one day someone would free me from the beast inside me.
I hope we can start again
I want to go back to the time when
I wanted you as a friend
And we can exchange quick smiles in the corridor
I’ll be Damned.
I'm sorry to tell you this, honey, but please listen close.
It has something to do with where we’ll rest our souls.
A while ago, I sold mine to the Devil.
Not for money or power or love, though he haggled.
I gave it to Lucifer, I gave it for keeps.
I let him have it for a moment of peace.
And that ol’ naughty Satan, do you know what he did?
He snatched my soul; in it's place, a demon now lives.
So, sorry dove, but I won't be with you when you see those pearly gates.
I’ll be ruling in hell, sipping tea with some snakes.