I came from a dark, wet place and to a dark, wet place I shall return. I always loved Florida.
What goes on in your head when someone is talking and you don't want to listen?
Just like the prompt says, answer the question in any format. Examples: A child when a parent is scolding them, a coworker goes on for too long at a meeting, students in class, a patient when the doctor is giving bad news, etc. Use your imagination and your writing chops!
Ended December 12, 2017 • 3 Entries • Created by ktcler
The world is full of them. What's your favorite? Or your worst? What did you do to overcome them? Or use it as a theme. Write in any format with the prompt of "excuses".
Ended November 19, 2017 • 2 Entries • Created by ktcler
It's the weekend!
Or maybe it's not, yet. But in poetry and prose the time is whatever you want it to be. Write something in any format on the theme of "weekend".
Ended November 3, 2017 • 1 Entry • Created by ktcler
Describe a moment in time where you were frustrated, over anything or anyone for any amount of time. Doesn't have to explain the resolution, if any. You can also describe someone else's frustration as long as you firsthand witnessed it. Any format. I wanna feel your pain!
Ended October 31, 2017 • 13 Entries • Created by ktcler