When love was enough
Remember when they told us
That love was enough
That the world was fair
And to never give up
And we lived without care
Cause the stories they told us were true
Remember when I told you
My name at the store
And we both became shy
While we both wanted more
We decided to try
And we knew what we wanted to do
Remember when you told me
Till death do us part
Till the end of the world
Then I gave you my heart
And we danced and we whirled
And both our lives had just started new
Remember how we loved
So full of bright light
And we both were content
And it all seemed so right
Through where ever we went
Even when our small family grew
But I don't quite remember
When your mind slipped
Or when the fights started
When we went off script
When the plan departed
Just that I was left without a clue
Remind me when you told me
I wasn't enough
That you wanted more
Your voice and hand rough
You went through the door
Even when I cried and screamed for you
How I wish I could forget
When you served the divorce
When she caught your eye
When my life went off course
You didn't even say good bye
You just left me with a mournful view
Dont you remember when love was enough
To keep you here with me
And now here you are
Saying you're sorry
You shouldnt have left
Crying out your plea
Your tongue just as deft
As the day you left me crying for you
You want me to remember
When we were happy
When life was good
Our hearts were so sappy
So free of falsehood
And when we were one instead of two
But all that i remember
Is how much it hurt
And how deep it cut
How tears stain my shirt
You say you love me
But all I can here is goodbye from you
A Soldier’s Burden
The weary soldiers came
To spit and angry
Is this how we thank them
For their hard spent long years?
Where were the hugs
And the welcome home signs
The emotional families
And the thankful cheering lines
Home from the war
And worse for the wear
The Vietnam soldiers
Had so much to bear
I look at him now
Proud in old age
And feel such shame
For the protesters rage
I want to say thank you
And give him a kiss
He lost so much before
So many good friends to miss
My Grandpa stands ready
He remembers those days
When he fought to protect us
In so many ways
Now we salute
And thank our brave troops
Now we understand
Our world needs those brave groups
We can still understand
War is a crime
But those who stand and fight
Are heroes of their time
The Monster Inside
I can not escape
The beast in my mind
I can not hide from
Him or his kind
I can guard my heart
From what's outside
But how do i fight
When the threat is inside
Doubt, self hatred
Anxiety, fear
These are the monsters
Who are always near
Always so loud
When i try to ignore
Always so eager
To mess with the score
They laugh and
And they whisper into my ear
Hateful things
I do not want to hear
The Nightmare
The dream starts like most do. I’m wandering around laughing, having fun. As is the way in most dreams I don’t quite know where I am. I know I’m having fun wanderiwandering , but the setting I’m in seems to change every time I look around. Despite the fluid scenery I feel calm and content. As I walk I find myself outside enjoying the sun. But I slowly become aware of a shadowed crowd gathering in the background. As I turn to face them I realize that the beings moving around behind me, though human in shape, are not people like I thought they were. They are hideous creatures with gray flesh falling from their bodies, dead, staring eyes, and gaping mouths that emit groaning howls. As fear begins to seep into the dream I attempt to flee the monsters, yet though I ran hard, sprinting through multiple scenes, I am unable to escape the decaying creatures behind me. As my fear grows stronger the world around me seems to grow darker and more desperate. Though I pass through many crowds in my attempts to flee the dream, it is as though I exist on a different plane than them. Though I can see and hear them, they remain ignorant of my pleas for help, never noticing me or my pursuers. I run hard, pushing myself to go as fast as I can, fleeing through stores, houses, and deserted streets, never escaping that which has driven my state of fear into blind all consuming panic. As the dream continues I am unsure of whether I have been running for days or for seconds. I know only that my legs feel slow as though stuck in molasses, and my fear has infected the dream to the point where everything around me has grown dark and been twisted into intimidating shapes that seem to reach out towards my fleeing form in an attempt to ensnare me as I run. Finally, I come to a familiar setting. I find myself inside my grandparents’ house. The house is filled with my family as though it was Christmas time. Everyone is talking and laughing, the rooms are bright and warm, the tv plays in the background constantly switching between sports. For a moment I pause and enjoy this new scene. I’m happy, surrounded by family and in a safe, welcoming setting. I began to believe that I had finally escaped and so, allowed myself to relax once more. But my moment of peace is shattered as the light, and sound of laughter drain from the scene leaving me in cold shadows with my family crowded in one room standing stiff and still as statues. My moment of hesitation has allowed the creatures to catch up to me. I try to hold on to my family as the gruesome, decaying creatures enter the room pushing me back with nowhere to run. I stare at the creatures in horror as their moans fill the room. I turn back to my family to beg for help, or to at least see a friendly face, but as I turn I realize my family is gone. Instead I am surrounded by monsters pressing in closer, reaching out with clawed hands towards me. As the monstrous crowd closes in I scream out desperately crying for my family, even as I realize I’ve been left alone with no hope of survival. All I can do as hands grab and tear at my clothes and flesh is close my eyes and scream
The Book
Its cover creaking open
Tempting me to look
I glanced across the room and saw
A rather ancient book
Its pages old and brittle
Its cover cracked and worn
The writing fading off its pages
Its spine was split and torn
I slowly crossed the room
And bent down just to see
I asked the book its secrets
And it began to talk to me
It told me of long lost times
And of their Queens and Kings
It showed me ancient lands
Upon its paper wings
The Book
Its cover creaking open
Tempting me to look
I glanced across the room and saw
A rather ancient book
Its pages old and brittle
Its cover cracked and worn
The writing fading off its pages
Its spine was split and torn
I slowly crossed the room
And bent down just to see
I asked the book its secrets
And it began to talk to me
It told me of long lost times
And of their Queens and Kings
It showed me ancient lands
Upon its paper wings
The Beast
My love was a warrior
A strong hearted man
The beast was a monster
That my love tried to ban
The beast plagued our village
It hunted us all
My love went to fight it
He rode off proud and tall
So I followed after
To watched him battle the beast
He was sure he would win
And come home to a feast
He fought long and hard
And deeply injured his foe
But the beast was too strong
It broke his sword, spear, and bow
It grabbed him in claw
And flew far away
The killer of men
Had captured its prey
Now I stood before it
Preparing to fight
I prayed to my God
For his righteous might
I had hunted all day
To find its cave
Now here I stood
Trying to be brave
It had stolen my love
The beast stole him from me
I was here to retrieve him
I would set my love free
Vicious claws like knives Rigid scales like gold
A feline body
Fearsome to behold
Long sharp teeth
Keen eyes dancing with glee
I saw the beast
And the beast saw me
I looked past the beast And saw my love by the wall
Unconscious, unmoving And deaf to my call
The Beast tossed back its head
And threw open its jaw
It let out a roar
The sound of hell’s deepest flaw
I drew my sword
And steeled my will
It sharpened its claws
Eager for the kill
My sword shone ever ready
My heart beat ever strong
I charged the fearless beast
My battle cry a piercing song