This is like a secret club.
Learn our language and be successful.
Otherwise, you're grasping at fool's gold.
Put your bank account on a roller coaster.
Supply and demand.
Up and down.
Gain and loss.
Fortune and poverty.
Now you're hungry.
You make money and eat.
Now you're hungry for more.
You take your new money and buy an SUV.
Shares come and go like waves anyway.
The business of businesses.
Closing at $81.77.
Close the portfolio.
Standing in front of the ocean, I see distance. The prospect of foreign lands fills my field of view. I can't see it, but I know it is there, just beyond my eyesight. There is a gap between these places and my own. It is one filled with uncertainty and danger. However, forging onwards, one may reach a different world within our own.
Lucid Dreams
Being awake in a dream state is like a transfer away to another world, separate from our own. The consequences of reality are an afterthought when our brain is the simulator of the real and surreal. I awoke on the dusty ground with the skies rumbling above me. Like spotting a shooting star, I was able to gaze upon it as it happened: the universe crumbled. For an instant, everything rose from the ground around me. Gravity vanished for a brief time, before darkness splashed down upon everything. I panicked. I sobbed and I heaved. I realized after moments of misery that I was dreaming. I stood.
"This is a dream!" I announced, triumphantly.
I blinked, suddenly transported back to the tame comfort of my own element. I was awake.