My grandma started drinking her coffee with cream.
Her entire life, my grandma took her coffee black.
She said it was fine tasting as is,
and there was no point in adding a sugary, calorie-filled, creamer.
She drank her coffee black every morning,
and she was satisfied.
It wasn't until my grandma was diagnosed with Parkinson's last year,
that she started to add a splash of cream to her morning cup.
She said that cream was something good,
and suddenly she couldn't drink her coffee without it.
As she started to book cruises and sign her name at the end of fancy documents,
she enjoyed her coffee with the taste of sweet cream.
I wish she could have enjoyed the taste of sweet coffee her entire life.
But it took this nagging reminder that "time comes for us all",
to add those extra calories to her cup.
Another part of me wishes that she still drank it black,
because that might trick my subconscious into thinking that she had an infinite amount of time left to make up for her boring cup of coffee.
But instead, her morning cup of coffee is sweeter,
and her life is slowly becoming shorter.