Turn negativity into something positive.
So with all the negative we've had i wanted to try to take a less than ideal situation and lets find something positive in it together.
What was something good that came out of dating your ex?
Ended badly? Hate him/her? Well you loved them for a reason. What is something they did for you or your life that was positive?
Ode to DAH
A great husband, he was.
An excellent father, he was.
A fine gentleman, he was.
Definitely not.
A true-blue friend?
Mmmm...not so much.
But he is father to my children,
shared DNA to God's greatest gifts.
And he was a catalyst to my betterment,
so heaviness, I could lift.
He was the exact opposite of responsible;
drug-addicted, he left me bitter and hateful,
drowning in the darkness of unrelenting loathing,
but for even that, I can be grateful.
A better woman, I am today,
his role playing no small part;
and as for love, I've gotten wiser,
more careful to whom I give my heart.