Write a humorous tale of a superhero, either one of your own creation or an already existing character. Any form of writing welcome. Make me LOL! Hehe ;p
Have fun!
I don't know why I did it. I spent my whole life trying to blend in, why would I suddenly thrust myself into the spotlight. Well it's to late now I saved the world, dammit. I should have just waited a few more minutes. It's not like any of the others would have let the meteor hit. It's just that the damn thing was heading straight towards me, I just reacted. Of course someone just had to get a picture... it's not my fault I looked like that. What was I supposed to do fly up there with my identity hanging out for the world to see. I just grabbed the first thing I saw, covered my face and flew to the rescue. It's so unfair, just because I was folding laundry when I saw it I will spend the rest of my life as Underwear Girl.