Well, today is Ask an Atheist Day. I'm an atheist. Ask me anything.
Fellow atheists on Prose are also free to answer too. Just remember to be respectful.
To: Atheists. From: A Curious Christian
Firstly, I find this an interesting and unique challenge; so kudos to you. Secondly, I would like to apologize in advance if I offend you or any other atheists who read this, I am Christian and also someone who doesn't shut up when she needs to. My questions are, what do you believe? Like, after death, is it just infinite darkness, or will there be something? Is there some sort of higher power, or is it just humans going through the motions until the inevitable destruction of all life back into dust? Were you raised atheist or were your families practices not suitable for you? Again, I apologize if I've offended anyone, but I would love it if I could receive a few answers to my questions.