Fear is the hand grabbing my ankle
While I toss and turn at night,
Kicking blankets as if they're thoughts
That I wish weren't in bed with me.
They grip my wrists and kiss my neck
And remind me they'll never go
Because this is what I want.
Someone that loves me and cares
And will stay even when I'm being me.
That I want him to be in my bed,
Holding me and telling me softly
That the nightmares will stop and if not,
He'll be there until the morning regardless.
But he's not, he's the nightmare,
Holding onto my brain and dragging
Me back to that place again, the past
Where he was still here and I was happy,
Calm and in peace and not anxious at all.
But, this is the present where he is gone
And I'm in this bed, hot and sweaty
Alone with my thoughts and willing to release
All the blood in my body to be anywhere else.
But, he's still here, and I can't disappoint him
And slit my fickle veins and drain the bad humors.