Dear Happy
Hey. I know it's been pretty rough. You've gone through some shit no one should have to deal with. But I need you to believe me when I tell you you're better off for it. I know it hurts now, but believe me, you'll do some great things, and you'll meet some great people. You'll get through this just like I did. One day you'll meet someone who will change your life. she'll be your best friend. No. She'll be like your own sister. You'll go through everything together. You'll be an idiot, and she'll ground you to earth. Everything you do, she has an opinion on. she's truly the best friend you'll ever have.
But hold on. we aren't through this yet. things will get way worse before they get better, but don't worry, because you'll meet a friendly giant who will show you how to live your life once more. He'll teach you things you never knew, and you'll be the best friend he has (his words by the way). you'll meet a girl, and she's going to hate you, but that's not going to stop you from crushing on her for a year and eventually getting your heart broken. But believe me, you'll survive, and because of her, you'll learn the wonder of music, and even act in a play (and like it). Yeah. Those two things that you've hated basically all your life. oh and that computer crap you keep doing. yeah, that junk's boring now. you're gonna wanna get into English. It's a heck of a lot of fun.
You're going to reach your first low at the end of your first year at your new home, but you shouldn't worry, because you'll have writing and music to turn to. Those are real lifesavers, you know. and after a whole summer of being bored as heck, you're going to meet a really cute girl. she's really the best. her brother becomes your PE talking buddy, and you're going to start sitting at a table at lunch with a chic you hate simply because your friend wants you to. other than that, super uneventful. well push comes to shove, and you end up dancing with the cute girl in theater, and from that moment you will literally be in awe. the weirdest feeling ever. later on, you ask her out. And you won't believe what she says. She actually says yes. You date for a month and a half and you'll be really close, but don't let your wants get in the way. it's not meant to be. You'll break up. you'll reach your 2nd low as the world begins to crumble around you. you'll be trapped at home. you'll try to work things out and it won't work. all will seem lost. Eventually, she'll stop talking to you and it will be the worst feeling you've ever felt, in your life. But chin up. Life moves on, and you will be happy again. I wish I could tell you more but I really must be off.
Yours truly~ You