Imagine doing division.
You have get the lowest possible number, the lowest possible point, to get the right number. Divide 2 by 2. This is your heart. Your heart is the two pieces. What makes this two pieces? I'll tell you.
Your heart and soul are one times one... Which makes two.
Now imagine. The person you love more than this world coming into your life, changing you forever, you'd never imagine something so beautiful-- so marvelous-- so glorious! The magnificent love, friendship, happiness, intimacy; it's more than you can explain. Words cannot explain the way your soul longs for this One. You've shared smiles, laughter, tears, anger, and even your body. You've told this person your deepest darkest secrets and you have no regrets in doing so.
And then...
This person. Dies. Leaves you alone. Beats you. Leaves you to drown. Uses you. But... wasn't this the person that loved you? There are so many unanswered questions... how, why, when, what? I don't understand; how did this happen? Why did this happen? Wasn't it supposed to be... forever?
Keep dividing.
Eventually, in time, your two became-- One.
That is what your heart does. When it is broken.