One Tiny Prayer
I glide on my skateboard through the pearly gates. Can’t believe I made it to heaven when I’m only twelve years old. As I glance up, it’s not God who I see but my crabby old next-door-neighbor. How did she get here?
My entire life passes before me in an instant, and I once again experience the great joys of Christmas mornings and the extreme sadness of hearing my Dad say he has cancer. In a flash, I see my last moments on earth when I was certain I could top my greatest speed while sailing downhill on my trusty skateboard. It ended when that enormous semi turned the corner.
Before I have time to even realize where I am, it’s the crabby old neighbor who takes my hand and says there is someone waiting to see me. Now I’m wondering if it’s the devil ready to begin my descent. Instead, I see what some refer to as the Higher Power, and He tells me I have earned eternity because of one tiny prayer said by my neighbor the day I broke her window with my baseball. I quickly learned that all it takes to get to heaven is one tiny prayer.