How are you doing today?
We often forget to ask other's how they are doing today? Maybe we become so self absorbed and blinded by our own stuff, that we forget. I don't want to forget!
Soaring And Sinking
"How are you today?"
What a silly set of words.
They can mean nothing and everything
Yet always pass in a blur
Swept by like seaweed in a tide
Crushed underfoot like glass running miles high
soar against the sky
just to come sinking down
you forget that no body cares
you forget how desolate the world seemed just moments ago,
because someone cared,
someone cared
even if it was just in passing
even if the wind stole your words
even if you never told them how much it hurts
It's just a pleasant sentence
one single set of words
they can tell you someone cares
but just as easily
remind you of the facade you must put forth.