Child Parent
My sister came up to me last night.
She was crying.
She didn’t want her Dad to see.
She was scared he would get upset,
so she came to me.
She came to me,
her sibling,
to do the job of a parent
and I did that job.
I helped her calm down.
I helped her organize her thoughts.
I did everything I could.
But I still have to wake up,
knowing my sister will never have all she needs.
I don’t want
what happened to me,
to happen to her.
So I work,
I keep going,
for her.
I finish what I have to do,
Then, I ask her if she’s ok.
I ask her what happened at school today.
I ask her about her mom.
I ask if her mom was in a good mood today.
I ask if her mom gave her dinner.
I ask what my sister had to hide in order to survive.
I ask all this
because no one asked me.
No one asked me if I was ok,
they just assumed.
No one told me parents weren’t supposed to blame you for the grocery bill.
No one told me parents were supposed to love you more than they loved themselves.
No one told me I was supposed to be allowed to leave the house,
I was supposed to be allowed to go to school,
I was supposed to be a kid,
I was supposed to have been ok,
been taken care of.
I assumed that the best the world had to offer was a cold room,
a blanket on the floor
and a child who got yelled at for wondering why nothing ever changed.
I don’t want that to happen to my sister.
Now it is.
I can do nothing to stop it.
All I can do is hope,
give her a person to talk to,
make sure she knows she’s loved
then watch.
as she is taken away by the same person who ruined my life.
All I can do is watch,
as she comes home hungry,
gets to school late and lies
Because no one believes you when you tell them it was your parent that made you late,
it was your parent
that didn’t get you dinner,
it was your parent
who made you sleep in their bed,
it was your parent
who tried to stop you from going to school,
it was your parent
who told you you would be safe in their clutches.
It was your parent,
who decided you were too broken to be saved.
And it was every other adult you told
who made it impossible to escape.
This was my life
but I’ve never said a word,
I’m sure you can guess.
So guess.
Think of everything that could have gone wrong and ask if you could do the same.
Could you last the pressure?
I could, but it almost broke me.
I don’t want that to happen to her
but it is.
There's nothing I can do to stop it.
And the worst part?
The worst part is when my sister, the kid I raised,
Calls me mom
And I have to tell her she’s wrong
I have to tell her I’m not her parent
I never will be
it's the adults
who are watching a movie
Taking a nap,
Ignoring the world
While I sit here, and watch my sister cry
Cry, not because of what happened at school
But because of the response her parents have
They didn’t notice she arrived
They didn’t notice she was crying
And worst of all
If she tells them
It will only get worse
So she comes to me
My sister,
Comes to me,
her sibling,
to do the job of a parent
and I do that job.
I will continue to do that job for as long as I live
Because no one did it for me.
Blood on my hands
You don't realize how scary it is to see your own blood on your hands and know that you put it there until it happens. Until, you're looking at your hands and no matter how many times you touch your face they always come away covered in red. You know you put that cut there. You know you dug your fingernails under your skin. You know you've done it a million times before. It's an addiction you can't stop. So, you touch your face again. Your finger comes away red. You take a deep breath, get out your phone, flip the camera to selfie mode and wipe it away as best you can. Your friends can't know. Your family can't know. You have to keep it hidden but your head is faint, your arms have scars you don't remember putting there and you don't know if its ever going to end. This is fear. This is what it means to have lost control. To not know. To never know. And, to never be able to tell.
I am realizing I don't want to talk to my Dad because I don't understand what he sees. I don't know what I look like in his eyes. I can only remember what I looked like in the mirror that morning. I can only guess what name crosses through his mind. I barely understand what he sees in my face when he says I look tired and everything but that is true. I don't understand. I don't understand what he sees. I'm so used to analyzing other people, gathering their view of the world then emulating it in myself that when I don't know what he's thinking my whole personality crumbles. I feel uncomfetable and I don't know how I'm supposed to act, what stereotyoe I need to fill for them to ignore me so I can disappear into the background. I don't know... I need help and I have no where to go, no one who knows the truth and I don't have nearly enough confidence to burden someone else with what's on my mind. So here I am, writing on prose, to an audience I will never know because it is easy for them to dismiss me and for me to do the same in turn. Here, I don't have to pretend in order to disappear into the background. It happens by itself.
I Bow
I'm choking on myself
just let me scream
let the dark close the doors
let the night sink it
I can't take this anymore
I'll suffocate again
All I want is to scream into the night
to let the darkness hides my tears
now anger is all that appears
it tears me apart
even as I mold it into leather
I'm strong but I am cold
I opened the door
But the light shown too bright
I ran screaming into the night
the night hides my tears
but there's a sound I no longer hear
It's that fake, cover up, whirring
it drowns out the sirens and bombs
it kept me sane
but now I remain
though the city has long been gone
I survived an earth quake
just to witnessed a storm
I was only a child
when I left my home.
I was only a child
when stared off the edge of a cliff
and imaged myself
sprawled at the bottom of it.
I was only a child
when I took death's hand.
No one owes me an apology
they all already paid for it
Whether it was the system
that betrayed me or not
doesn't matter anymore.
I'm locked outside that door.
The door to the real world
a world full of pain
I walk next to people who still remember my name.
They all think I'm insane
but in a world full of sorrow
in a world full of pain
not dying is a win
and its all that I can take
it's one of those days
its where I remain
even when I don't want to remain here anymore
I can't open the door.
It's world full of sorrow
its a world full of pain
its where I remain
till the end of my days
Its a knife in the back
its a stab through the heart
but its a start
cause I'm alive again
At I'm not sufferin' so hard
It's a twist of the knife
but it helps me feel alive.
I may be weak
but I am strong
I'm standing alone
but I still want fall
I want to fall
cause its not worth it anymore
I close the door
I stand on the edge of a cliff once again
I remember that time
when I sprawled at the bottom of it
I still want to die
but sometimes I get live
I continue of because this
I'm no longer one of those kids
I exist
Its a world full of sorrow
its a world full of pain
but its worth it,
second of the day
I hope
I'll feel that again
the twist of the knife
the breaking of skin
its real
its hard
its cold
and it hurts
more then you
ever will know
but alive
for the first time
in a long time
is good
and I would 't
give it up
if even I could
I survive every shadow and fall
And I wouldn't give it up for a second of peace on the plane
I remain
I remain
I remain
I remain through it sorrows
I remain through the joys
Even if I hate it
I still rejoice
When all I know is lost
this life, it came with a cost
I'm cold
I'm broken
I've swallowed my soul
But the pieces are here
in the bloodied hands I hold
and I'll sew it back together
no matter how long it takes
I'll live
I'll exist
for fuckgoodness sake
I stake my claim
with nobody by my side
I survive.
It's a world full of sorrow
It's a world full of pain
I just want to scream
and hear it call out my name
instead I take a bow
to an unadoring crowd
I bow
I'm alive.
If I wrote myselves letters
My fingers are trembling but that's not the worst of my problems. You see, I can't seem to figure out my name. That problem, on the ranking scale, is probably second. The first problem is either the looming threat of being sent back to an abusive household or the secrecy, masking, and general gaslighting related to my disabilities. There's also the dictator that just took over my country but I don't think I have to worry about that for another month or two.
Huh, reading that over again I am starting to understand why I have anxiety. Let's look at these problems starting with what I think will be the easiest to solve. I should be able to find my name on a letter or something. Let's do that.
(five minutes later)
Ok, I'm back and I found three letters all addressed to different people. As far as I know I live alone. Now I'm more worried, moving on.
The next easiest thing to solve is the trembling fingers. Reasons they are shaking could include low blood sugar, anxiety, an alter being close to the front who.... I don't know. Let's just assume its anxiety. I have some medication for that but I don't want to take it because it makes it kinda hard for me to think and the disassociation and ADHD are already doing that. Let's go to my next problem. I'm not even going to try to solve problem number one so lets go get another list out of storage. Hmm, this one has a bunch of sports injuries: dislocated thumb, foot bent over backwards and now it hurts, it happened to the other foot, now the other thumb hurts as well. It seems I get into trouble pretty regularly.
Ok, I'm just going to put these lists of useless problems away and go home, wherever that is. See you never, but if you could send money for a therapist it would be appreciated.
P.S: I forgot who I was sending this too. From the lack of greeting it looks like I'm sending it to myself.
P.S. P.S: Good night.
"Switch!" someone shouts and a chorus of voice start pouring through the cracks. I'm back. I smile. Tom is standing in front of me. "How are you?" I ask. My brother looks at me strangely. "What are you talking about? I just broke my leg. I'm not answering your jokes." I roll my eyes. I didn't know his leg was broken. If I had I wouldn't have made that joke. Whatever, It doesn't matter right now. I can fix it then yell at the system later. I got down on my knees and started binding his leg. "What are you doing?! That's going to hurt!"
"Yeah, that's kind of the point. I have to set it and put it in a splint."
"No, you don't. I have mods for things like that--" he stopped talking. His mouth opened but no sound came out.
"You're nonverbal." I stated. He grimaced, then nodded.
"Alright, brace for pain." Frantically, he waved his hands in the air.
"What is it?" I asked, impatiently. He proceeded to make a motion with his hands indicating cash and then wiggled his pointer finger in the air.
"I don't know ASL." After that, I looked around for the bandages.
"Wait, where are the bandages?"
Tom looked exasperated and starting flinging his hands around again. I went inside my head. Anyone know ASL? I ask.
It's literally one of my first languages, responds Alaric.
Ok, how am I supposed to know that?
If you ever paid attention maybe you'd know what purpose each of us serve.
I think I heard curses in about fifteen languages after that.
Fine, just get me someone to translate.
I'll go in the front with you.
Thank you.
Back outside, me and my co-con buddy started working together. Her name was Persephone, in case you wanted to know.
Ok, he says that we don't have any bandages.That's why he doesn't want you to start splinting it.
"What am I supposed to do?" I ask.
"Carry me to the helicopter. There you won't have to use any rusty pipes for bracing and I can sit comfortably while you do it." Addy translated for me. I nodded. Alice then helped me carry him over to the helicopter.
Once I was there I started spinning around in a circle. Why am I fronting? Who is here and why are there so many of you? Does anyone know how to fly a helicopter?
I waited a minute and there was no answer.
I'm kinda starting to freak out!
Just then I became aware of my brother staring at me from the bench. I waved and tried to smile but it was kinda hard to convince him of my fine-ness when I was currently sinking to the floor in a fetal position. I put my head in my hands and breathed in and out slowly. I'm fine. I'm fine. I am soooo fine. It took me a couple minutes but I got myself under control enough to fix my brother's leg. The next problem was figuring out how to fly this thing. Just as I started wondering how I got in this scenario in the first place there was another switch. It was a different alter's problem now. I could sleep.
This Body is No Longer Mine
I sat on the train.
It's a little bit late.
I was supposed to be home by nine.
but I lost my breaks
and the thoughts,
they chased,
me into
the back
of my mind.
Huddled on a bench,
I watch the world
as it slowly fades from view,
I stare through the window,
as the shutters close,
hiding me from view.
I'm just a character dying
to keep the plot thriving,
there's no other choice but to go.
I stare.
My eyes stay open
but the light isn't there anymore.
I can't get up,
not for anything,
not for no one,
not ever again
I'm not dying,
but this...
still feels like the end.
I see a friend take my hand.
I know they must sound grand.
I can't hear their speech
I see, on their face
what they're meaning to say:
"I love you,
I don't want you to leave."
too bad,
it's not me,
they see.
From the end of the tunnel
from the back of my mind
I try to respond
but my leg barely moves
and a smile creeps through.
This body is no longer mine.
I can't play the music
loud enough
to drown out
the noise
in my head
from the frame
I'm sitting in front of
the tv
but there's a mile of distance
in between me
and everything
I can't comprehend
So I just wait
until I can't explain
why I'm beginning to spiral
just wait
for the thoughts to go away
for someone else to take the stage
just wait,
for your turn
just wait,
be quiet
just wait,
it'll all be ok
just wait
and wait
and wait
and wait
til you can't wait anymore
and wait
and wait
and wait
till the noise and tv
are no longer here with me
till everything you wish could be
has drowned you out of everything
you wait
and you wait
until you can't wait any more
and then you wake up on the floor
its black out night
and you can't quite remember
if those things were real
or if they're all were things
that just now appeared
but there's coffee by the fire
and the kids are so tired
and maybe it wasn't real?
so you wait
you just wait
because maybe
it won't happen
Sharing the uninspiredness
I just write something I actually quite liked, but I can't finish the last line and now I hate it. Also, I don't feel that it is relatable to other people. Most of us don't hear voices in our head or refer to ourselves in the plural. I often do and subsequently when I write like that I feel like no one will want to read it. So, yes. There is my uninspired, self hating author statement if the day.
Fractured: that's how I've always felt.
A bit broken,
a bit helpless
and still
I get back up.
I try to find a place that's safe.
I try to carry on.
Yet every little thing
is like a ticking bomb.
One mind, seven faces.
I change at home and school.
My friends are saying I'm not sane.
Sometimes, I say it too.
Then there are times I laugh out loud
and pain is just a dream
but those same dreams come back at night, they become reality.
It used to be my waking day.
I had so much fear.
Now all I have are memories
and things only I can hear.
Sometimes I spin and hang
in sun and fields of green
then there are times when darkness
becomes the only thing I see.
the light is only blinding
and the quiet holds my tears
then there are times music is
the only thing I hear
The war has long been over
but there are pictures on my walls.
I gave up everything I had
and now I'm all but gone.
The war has long been over
but I remember every part.
The silent screams.
The tiny things
like starving in the dark.
What once was beautiful
I only see in blood.
The fields I play in all day
where once my brothers stood.
The war has long been over
but things still feel the same.
I stare into the mirror
but I don't know my name.
Numbers rolling overhead
while thundering cannons roar.
A sequence rumbles through my mind
I can't take this any more.
The war has long been over
but things still feel the same.
The enemy is vanquished.
Now I hold all the blame.
I hear the battle brewing,
the breaking of the tide.
The only thing left to break
is what I hold inside.
The war has long been over,
but things still feel the same.
The war has long been over
but I still hold the blame.
The war has long been over
but cannons shake the ground.
The war has long been over
but my sword was not put down.
The war has long been over,
but things still feel the same.
At night the battle rages,
with memories of the slain.
The war has long been over,
but I have not let go.
I sit cocooned, inside my bed,
and shiver from the cold.
The walls should block the wind,
Time should block the screams.
The bath should wash away the blood,
but still... I bleed.
The war has long been over,
but I still feel the same.
The war has long been over,
but I still hold the blame.
Yes, our foes were vanquished
but a couple things remain:
are the silent screams,
the tiny things,
and memories of the slain.
Good bye old war, hello new one.