Child Parent
My sister came up to me last night.
She was crying.
She didn’t want her Dad to see.
She was scared he would get upset,
so she came to me.
She came to me,
her sibling,
to do the job of a parent
and I did that job.
I helped her calm down.
I helped her organize her thoughts.
I did everything I could.
But I still have to wake up,
knowing my sister will never have all she needs.
I don’t want
what happened to me,
to happen to her.
So I work,
I keep going,
for her.
I finish what I have to do,
Then, I ask her if she’s ok.
I ask her what happened at school today.
I ask her about her mom.
I ask if her mom was in a good mood today.
I ask if her mom gave her dinner.
I ask what my sister had to hide in order to survive.
I ask all this
because no one asked me.
No one asked me if I was ok,
they just assumed.
No one told me parents weren’t supposed to blame you for the grocery bill.
No one told me parents were supposed to love you more than they loved themselves.
No one told me I was supposed to be allowed to leave the house,
I was supposed to be allowed to go to school,
I was supposed to be a kid,
I was supposed to have been ok,
been taken care of.
I assumed that the best the world had to offer was a cold room,
a blanket on the floor
and a child who got yelled at for wondering why nothing ever changed.
I don’t want that to happen to my sister.
Now it is.
I can do nothing to stop it.
All I can do is hope,
give her a person to talk to,
make sure she knows she’s loved
then watch.
as she is taken away by the same person who ruined my life.
All I can do is watch,
as she comes home hungry,
gets to school late and lies
Because no one believes you when you tell them it was your parent that made you late,
it was your parent
that didn’t get you dinner,
it was your parent
who made you sleep in their bed,
it was your parent
who tried to stop you from going to school,
it was your parent
who told you you would be safe in their clutches.
It was your parent,
who decided you were too broken to be saved.
And it was every other adult you told
who made it impossible to escape.
This was my life
but I’ve never said a word,
I’m sure you can guess.
So guess.
Think of everything that could have gone wrong and ask if you could do the same.
Could you last the pressure?
I could, but it almost broke me.
I don’t want that to happen to her
but it is.
There's nothing I can do to stop it.
And the worst part?
The worst part is when my sister, the kid I raised,
Calls me mom
And I have to tell her she’s wrong
I have to tell her I’m not her parent
I never will be
it's the adults
who are watching a movie
Taking a nap,
Ignoring the world
While I sit here, and watch my sister cry
Cry, not because of what happened at school
But because of the response her parents have
They didn’t notice she arrived
They didn’t notice she was crying
And worst of all
If she tells them
It will only get worse
So she comes to me
My sister,
Comes to me,
her sibling,
to do the job of a parent
and I do that job.
I will continue to do that job for as long as I live
Because no one did it for me.