Challenge Ended
Explain dreaming to a person who never had or never will have a dream. Either because of a neurological problem or because he/she is not able to remember dreams.
Ended December 21, 2016 • 38 Entries • Created by Owninowned
Dreams are bizarre even on the off chance they make sense. You can be standing in your house except it's not your house it's a beach house but that doesn't matter because you need to climb out the skylight to escape the sunscreen zombies anyway. And then the zombies get you and you're a zombie and then you're still running from the zombies because now you're the newscaster you saw earlier. Then you can't think of anything to say in the argument you were having with the president about where to take the submarine since no one else thinks they need to run. And THEN you lurch out of bed because sleep paralysis just wore off and you're trying to flying kick a zombie in the face. That's of course if you don't wake up gasping for breath because you were just drowning in the chocolate pudding ocean.
What, you thought those were dreams I actually had? Mine are even stranger.