a gift for the present
if you could give me anything today, i'd wish for the knowledge that you're alright.
that while i'm blowing out candles, you're lighting some-illuminating your life and self with the little things that make you happy.
two out of nineteen wishes today are for you.
i wish you to be happy, okay.
i wish you to know you're still cared for and loved and that you deserve only the best.
thank you.
Legends of the Mist (for Kaitlyn)
Early one morning the mist rose,
In a world like this, literature tells us
water flows vertical.
One day someone noticed a man singing.
I began to copy his song
Voices flowing with the water;
I am to imitate his practice.
He talks about song and water and how
They both flow endlessly.
Thoughts that won’t let me sleep
My walls shake
They ache
I'm filled with this emotion
Confliction it's an affliction and
I don't know how to feel.
Drinking is bad
You do it cause you're sad
And now writing this poem
Is making me mad but
I don't know how to feel.
I don't want to think I've lost you
You were my light
I loved you with all my might
These emotions all they do is fight so
I don't know how to feel.
Therapy Session
Imagine a balloon, he said.
Picture all your grief,
The guilt, the sorrow.
Inside you, sitting in a
Pen twirling in his hand
Eyes careful and calculating,
He told me to fill up my balloon.
Transfer all those emotions-
The guilt. The grief. The sorrow-
Into the balloon, that's floating next to
Watch them flow-
The guilt. The grief. The sorrow-
From being trapped inside you,
Into this balloon, and let it
Simply float
The worst therapist ever
sitting in front of me.
His hair stringy and greasy
Wire glasses hiding his dollar sign stare.
This couch reeks of sweat and regret
Why am I here, I don't deserve to be here
It should've been
A cough. A sniff.
He clears his throat and attempts to
Stare into my soul but
There's nothing there.
Nothing left anymore.
It jumped out of me when you
I always said one day we'd fly away together...
Not like this. Not like that.
You spread your wings
Only they didn't catch the wind and you
A downward spiral
Accelerating faster faster
Until suddenly
He told me to fill a bucket with
My guilt. My grief. My sorrow.
That I could put it all inside this fictitious balloon
And watch it dissipate into thin air.
I look up. I stare. I blink. I finally
I am the bucket,
Red and shiny and capable of
Handling anything coming my way but
I am not filled with these emotions,
I have been
It's not that I am bogged down by
This muddy sorrow, guilt and grief.
It's that this overflowing pain has turned me,
Shiny and red and capable, into something
Faded black and grey and
It's not that I'm too full to do anything.
It's that I'm too empty to feel
Metaphorical Mumbo Jumbo
I've lost so many people
So many stars, claimed by the night.
A catastrophic explosion, a supernova.
I'm terrified of you slipping away
Fear is a black hole eating me up
From the inside out.
You are beautiful.
You don't need me to be a constellation,
To be whole. Complete.
I wished upon a shooting star.
A firework.
A flash of light illuminating my heart
Streaking through my mind.
I made a mistake.
I sent you off to space.
Interstellar, Interstellar.
In a perpetual state between stars.
I'm just a space traveler, making their way
Across the galaxy looking for light.
We look for our place in the universe
Yours with me, and mine with you.
That's what we are.
Lost astronauts, tumbling through time and space.
Light finds us, light leaves us.
We survive, but are we living?
Maybe I was meant to tumble alone in the dark.
It's safe and cold. No one to hurt.
I'm a supernova.
A star shining so bright it blinds.
A catastrophic explosion.
Catastrophe. Entropy.
A lack of order in the universe.
A measure of chaos.
We find each other,
We tumble through life.
We cry together,
We feel alone in the strife.
The world is watching
As we soar far above.
Far from light,
With no one to love.
The lie is prominent.
Love is everywhere.
Engraved in the universe,
Its You N I, kid.
No one can hear us,
The shouts and the screams
But when I find you
I'll no longer be,
in my constant state
of being in-between.
No longer interstellar, no longer lost.
Darkness abolished once and for all.
What a stellar collision.