It’s hard to hear the cry of ones voice
In the Wilderness
You know the pain the moment their scream
Pierces your ears
The crackle of tree branches snapping
Echoing in the silence of oblivion
You hear them scramble, reaching for hope
Only to find the sand beneath them sinking
Further into darkness
And all you can do is scream their name
In hopes they hear you
Begging them to hang on
That help is somehow coming
You fall to your knees and feel
The ground tremble
The aching hunger of the earth
Longing to drink them in like
Some ravaged animal
You beat upon it in wretched hatred
As society locks them away with
No care of its own
Lord, have mercy on them!
kind of girl
she wanted to be the kind of girl
who got second glances.....
not because of how she looked,
but because of how she looked at others
she wanted to be the kind of girl
you could tell knew things....
not because of how she spoke,
but because of how she listened to others
she wanted to be the kind of girl
whose presence was wanted....
not because of who she was,
but because of how she made others feel
she wanted to be the kind of girl
who changed the world....
not just because of what she did,
but because of what she encouraged others to do
Facebook Entry
OK Everyone!, to all my buddies out there: I just need to unload (like I did in the toilet a few minutes ago, hemorrhoids improving). My boss is an absolute idiot. Some of you know him from my texts, Arthor Augustine. I am very worried about the lab results I'll be getting soon. Someone comfort me! I wonder about being on a list or having to contact some 'peeps'. Well, I got pretty fuckin' drunk last night. Now I'll have to explain my facial bruise. Long story, I can't really remember. Oh! Here is a pic of breakfast! Don't be jealous. Going out of town this weekend. It's a convention to learn how to flip houses. I'm just leaving some food out for the cats. OK, I've got to go back to being the Judge in this town. People are so stupid.
Forgive me; I don't do social media so I cannot fulfill the second part of the challenge! I'm laughing my ass off!
Feather in his Cap
I sat in my parents car starry eyed at him as we me small talked in his driveway. All the while he sat outside the driver's side and threw small gravel rocks in the car rims but I fell in love!
The captain of the cross country ski team had to "cancel our date for a meet" but I was in love with him!
My mouth was red and sore from his braces as I was in love with tall Eric.
He wanted me to touch him 'there'. I didn't want to, but I was in love with Eric!
His voice sounded so good in the church quire. I joined the quire because Eric would be there.
My parents said we had to move away. I would have waited forever for Eric, but he didn't shed a tear and cheated on me the day before I moved away.
He avoided me and didn't say 'good-bye'.
I wrote many letters of forgiveness and longing. His silence spoke but I didn't want to or couldn't listen. His parents made him send the prom pictures four months later.
I finally got them.
Feather in his loaded cap
Blind as a lovesick bat
His feet upon his doormat
I hate to think of that
He never loved me back
Words Like Stones Thrown
When we were three
My twin sister and me
My mother brought us to class
To clumsy to dance, we fell on our ass
Just barely walking
Our instructor baulking
Deemed us too clumsy
Decreed we'd never plie gracefully
Mother hung her head in shame
Her girls would never achieve dancing fame
Now, like a permanent marker dress
I wear my clumsy legged mess
Not so stubborn, it seems
I let another's words bend my dreams
I'm tapping my toes to all the good I can do
Even when I trip over my own shoe!!!