Fake Cigarettes
Ever since that night I've been restless.
You can't get tan from moonlight.
Someone seems always at my back,
breath tickling the hairs on my neck,
and if I just reached far enough,
I'd feel their skin, cold to the touch, just like mine.
You know I've never smoked in my life
but I bought a pack anyways.
I let one hang from my lip
while I sit on the curb and watch nightwalkers.
I've got enough problems in my life that give me urge and hunger,
no need to throw nicotine into the mix.
Like the last time I saw you.
My chest ached and I couldn't eat for days.
Everything felt raw.
I don't want this in my life, never really have.
But my body is fighting me every step of the way.
So what if I sucked your blood,
it doesn't have to mean anything. Right?
You were the best of us, my Queen.
Devout and deadly as a Bishop, you cut through opposition like butter.
Loyal and with a Rook's honor, you defended me in my worst times.
Yet one day I took to greed and lost you with little to gain.
And only when the board was nearly clear and I was all alone,
did I realize that a King without his Queen has no victory in his future,
and is even less useful than a Pawn.