What’s Up There?
I was always used ta askin' momma all sorts of things
'N she was always ready with her answer -
My, was she smart, my Momma indeed.
In church today, Mistuh Brown - I mean - Mistuh Reverend
Talked all about the heavens
'N how we all gonna live up there someday.
Well, what he says is that all of us, even youngins like me,
We is gonna get us some gold mansions up there,
'N that I will be a princess!
So I turned to Momma 'n tugged the skirt of her long, yellow dress
'N I says ta her, "what we waitin' for, Momma? Let's go!"
First she shushed me because we was in church 'n gave that look
Where I know she meant business
But then she leaned down real close ta me 'n says real quiet,
"I'll tell you later, sunshine."
So I waited as long as I could - I really did.
When Mistuh Reverend was done with his speaking 'n Momma 'n I began ta walk home,
I knew I couldn't shush it anymore - I thawt I was gonna explode!
"Momma, why can't we go live in our big house with Jesus?"
All Momma did was just smile 'n giggle 'n squeeze my little hand with hers.
Why did she think I was bein' funny?
I gave her the look where this time I meant business
'N I could tell she was athinkin'.
After all that thinkin', she just says ta me that he ain't ready for me 'n her just yet.
That was all she said.
So I thawt nice 'n quick 'n asked Momma somethin' else, "Where is Heaven, Momma?"
'N she told me it was in the sky, just above my head!
I thawt really, really hard.
'N all of a sudden, I knew why I couldn't see Heaven -
I think God put the clouds in the way,
Since He ain't done makin' my golden castle yet,
He don't wanna spoil the surprise!
Boy, 'n I thawt Momma was smart!
You Were Made For Me
Oh, for as long as our relationship blossoms
My love for you shall never expire
You always guarantee an invigorating adrenaline,
I hold my vow to accompany you with cream and sugar
Adding sweetness to our energetic love.
My beloved dark mystery, I love how you meet and exceed all expectations-
Renewing my light when I feel drowsy and undeserved,
And forgiving me when I had second thoughts about
Considering dumping you to go be with tea.
My drink, my joy, you were picked just for me
Brewed to a steaming perfection, suited to meet my daily needs
As strong as a caribou you are,
A quicker comfort than Dunkin' Donuts into milk,
Coffee, only you were made for me.
Sharp Darkness: A Dedication to my Friend’s Redemption in the Final Hour
As I lay secrete in the corner of a dank room
The surrounding Darkness prowls towards me,
I am deserted-
Void of all protection
With no thanks to the lonesome hall
The Great Shadow harrasses me to glance around
Until my blurry and failing sight stumbles upon what hurts the most
A broken record whose shattered fragments form beautiful knives
Proposing to help squelch the hissing pain
Right here within this solitary hall
So enticing, yet something small within scolds me; I cannot go back-
Yet the choking Darkness does not relent but persists,
Pressing me to look at my isolated estate
For no one cares to join me
And I begin to dart across the desolate hall
With every room empty and no knock answered
I begin the unbearable journey back to my dark cave
To accept my final fate
An escape
From my empty existence in this dreary hall
I pick up the warm blade and arm for destruction
Until suddenly a shimmering hand emerged from the black,
A sunshine piercing through my moon's eclipse,
Shouting out the open words to my secret novel,
Cradling me with the love of an eternity
As it joins me in what once was a companionless hall.
No Longer Ordinary
If only dragonflies
catered soot-soiled lungs,
and with its grilling rib cages,
broiled enough to give way to
singeing orange and white-hot blue flares.
Watch it then exploit all elements-
Basket-catching the creatures slowly meandering
just below the water’s lapping, fluid cap,
Ensnaring predacious critters hidden
amidst the foliage-infested land,
by perfectly calculated velocity,
And consuming its prey now by flame,
ferociously blasting bursts of
agonizing, zesty combustion.
If only dragonflies
catered soot-soiled lungs,
it could then finally
barbeque its mosquito dinner-
cook out the bloody rare
in one steady, sweltering puff.
Fireflies would become a forgotten keepsake
no longer kept in observatory mason jars.
Ah, but FIRE-breathing dragonflies-
Children will need to be
a little more precarious
when attempting to jar
just one.
A Novice Critic’s Take on “The Black Square”
Why is a man known for this dull canvas of darkness?
As if he were so proud when slapping the acrylic tar on the rugged cloth-
Now puffing smoke from his pipe, toasting with boastful glee,
"Why yes, that certainly was me."
I don't get it.
The fancy fellas around me observe this "masterpiece"
One pointing with his manicured hand at the soft light through the dark tough,
"Down there," he said, "Ah, that's what draws the eye."
Well, I'm surprised they could see at all- their noses are up so high.
What the-...?
The others nod in agreement, "yes, there it is."
There what is?
I found just strokes of dark metal gray against putrid ore stains,
Scraping squiggles where dyslexia meets attention deficit & obsessive compulsi-
Is that a thumb print?
Oh yes, he left his mark all right.
This so called "Black Square"is just as
As a cow learning to read novels.
Utter absurdity.
Well, joke's on the superior scholars and bluffing connoisseurs-
I bet the man came home drunk one day,
Had an important deadline to meet,
started... (phew) almost TOO late
Ran out of every color in every medium-
Searched high, low, found nothing
But aha! One tub of black paint...
He probably laughs with his friends, his family, all thinking back
Engaging with a, "Hey, remember that time?
What a hoot. What a day,
What that asphalt-hued square went on display."
All I see when I close my eyes
are confused letters
scrambling together in a race to see which group can
coagulate the most intellectual and complex run-on sentence
as fast as possible.
Disorganized, dyslexic, disillusioned,
what is their deal?
Why can't these thoughts get their crap together?
It's most certainly not my fault!
I come up with the ideas,
I'm the brains of this operation,
and they had ONE job, one stinkin' job-
putting my ideas in
complete, cohesive, and slightly artistic
Can they do that? Nope.
I ought to fire them; clearly I can do a better job.
Must the brain do everything?