Pomumphopia (Irrational Fear or Hatred of Apples)
Ever since the poisoned apple, I can't go near apples.
They used to be my favorite foods, and by that I mean some of the few foods I would eat.
Every single time I see an apple I want to vomit, faint, or run away.
A twelth of the time I do.
Think about it.
I see apples at least thirty times a day, meaning I vomit, faint, or run away at least twice a day!
Call me pampered if you want, but I just can't get over it!
If someone poisoned you with an apple would you be able to look at them, let alone eat them, without feeling sick to your stomache?
What's really hard is that Jacob [Charming] is always away, visiting his brothers, parents and making peace treaties- leaving me to run a kingdom and take care of five-year-old twins alone!
Someone help me!
It’s not over
some days i want nothing more than to be over it. so much so that i close my eyes and grasp my hands on the railing of my bed shaking back and forth while i try to shake the grasp of his hands off of my shoulders. i don’t want to be held down anymore. my body and mind are connected but sometimes i think that the only way to take care of my mind is to stop feeling the sensations of my body. on the hard days i wish that i didn’t have a body at all. if i didn’t have a body this wouldn’t have ever happened. if i didn’t have a body i wouldn’t feel his hands slamming me against a cold wall. my body is tired of being checked to make sure there are no bruises when he holds me down, or grasps my wrist, or feels up my breasts, or gropes my leg. he does this again and again to me, as days turn to nights and weeks turn to years. and although this all takes place in my head, i feel as powerless as if someone were holding a gun to my head. some days i wish that person would just pull the trigger. i ultimately have two options on any given day. live or die. and somehow i have mustered up the courage to choose life every day so far. but many days living feels like a death sentence. what am i living for if i am giving so much power to my abuser. i don’t want to be in prison anymore, but I feel as though i am serving life without parole. i feel his presence in one way or another every day. ive been feeling and feeling and talking and talking and i feel like nobody hears me. nobody understands what i went through to be still standing on solid ground today.
There in the corner stands death, a preppy fellow at that,
Just happy being death, kinda fucking jaunty
And he is really the only one at the gathering that I didn’t want to strangle so I walked
Trying to reach the corner, that intersection where walls meet
but either my legs were failing me or I had underestimated the distance.
He had a match in his hand, picking its teeth with the raw conclusion
Wine so thick, a viscosity akin to oil, yet Reach him I could not—
The vino
in a cup without a saucer. From where do you come sir?
But no noise.
Then I must be asleep
Stopping at the bathroom which fortunately was gender fluid
I had a find a place
a place to find a cup: to look of him.
The glossy second three was the best
In a wardrobe or closet
But it’s the best when one
Can here the snorting life in and around you.
One, two, three, four, quick check, then come the frenzy
For which my Dolce Gabbana keeners would not make the cut.
Oh, the man. I screamed silently and happily walked toward him a more
“I long recognized the ghoul. It was I
And Hope is written
across the side, in a faded Gothic script.”
And Death cannot abide Hope.
So, we belly crawl toward the man who won’t be
The juxtaposition of walls that won’t come
And the trail of lovers behind my lurching
And it seems another common
Another lovely day
Spend not your days in cool retreat my love
But ride the bitch hard,
Put veins in her eyes
You were a born the right color.
behind closed doors
you never take me on tours
of fancy stores
or sea shores
you tell me i’m yours...
like chores
you do me on all fours
sweat drips from our pores
onto these hardwood floors
you tell me i’m yours...
i’m the only one keeping scores
in these internal wars
you tell me i’m yours...
but i’m done being another one of your whores
behind closed doors
Come with me into the thick of it. Where lust and love doesn't exist. We are pure, we are rich. Rich in smiles and laughter. We create doors of emotions, sip on love like a potion. Enter my chest, where my heart rests and things can just beautifully be. Let's admire our shadows dancing together in the air. I am here, for you to stare, to admire, to love and to purchase thoughts that you pay with doves. Come with me, where we can battles the madness. Embrace the good, the bad and the ugly. Remember, beauty is within the most trauma. We fight, we are brave, we speak on emotions and hold hands until our grave. Come with me and leave behind being afraid. We will find strength within eachother and neither of us will ever bend. My friend, I love you with every breath till the end.
Divine jubilant providence unplugged
Inexplicable blessing luckily
avoiding potentially grim fate
finds yours truly coming to grips,
how afterlife did not accommodate
the missus, and/or myself unwittingly
loved ones would never acclimate
reality of our permanent absence,
thus existence all the more I appreciate
and attempt poetically articulate.
Herewith the scenario that defies
conventional atheistic wisdom
finding me unable to square
involving 2009 Hyundai Sonata automobile
driven by spouse or her scribe, who dare
not allude to guardian angel,
yet conundrum inexplicable, when
touted as luck, regarding the rear
wheel bearing (passenger side of car)
that went kaput, blessedly ignorance
attributed absented scare,
yet in retrospect taking stock
i.e. how existence imperilled,
now more grateful than ever
toward life, liberty and
pursuit of happiness,
this in essence potential whipped miracle
of sorts presenting possibility
cosmic creative force continually near.
(1405 South Township Line Road,
Royersford, Pennsylvania 19468)
intuition doth agree
expert knowledgeable SERVICE
familiar personnel employee
since patronizing said facility
(actually franchise sites
scattered across United States), we
regularly return taking car repeatedly
to team of mainly younger,
but wiser technicians than me,
who realizes scant knowledge, née
absolute zero mechanical ability,
especially regarding
twenty first century vehicles
heavily accoutered
with sophisticated technology.
Now yours truly loops
back to (house at Pooh corner -
think Loggins and Messina)
i.e. core theme Impossible explanation within
the infinite universe scheme
to explain convincingly fluke
protection against meme
evoking death, demise, destruction,
et cetera regarding as ye gleam
teetotaler who avoids Jim Beam
plus alcohol in general, cuz
prescription medication harmful
unless feeling suicidal to thee extreme.
Thus one garden variety, generic guy
NON GMO android (ha)
he doth not fear
the grim reaper at rapier
or gunpoint, nor mortality do I despair
hoop fully made somewhat crystal clear,
a quandary (one among many
that recurred), whereby air
ring professed nihilistically
skeptical minus impulse to destroy
comprises whether doubting Thomas
(English Muffins) stance
on wing and prayer
inadequate, obsolete, untenable...