butterfly effect
like glistening webs our words carve into society, lashing rules and order based on lies. we don't call it manipulation. One touch or sentences affect the others driving the snowball of our lives to where ever we demand in that moment. Connecting us as we weave the deception into the future and present beings control the soon to be till our newest eggs follow the same path of power. we use because we've been used and our world is based on that to keep us in line. the truth is not freeing, but shameful as we start each generation on a set road by our actions of today leading them to fulfill the same order and no one knows or questions or cares. act as our lives has taught you to act and be treated by the bribe you bearly get to keep. A puppet for a puppeteer who bodiless form gives you the strings of the newest toy tangled with so many others you forget the strings that belong to only yours. we are all guilty of this effect.
I’ll dream for you
taken you by the hand, we walk to the nearest river in our hometown. Your confused but I've already asked you to wait before asking where were going. once we reached the river you took a seat as i stood in the water. "what if everything you see and hear was dumped into this water" i said cupping the liquid and watching it drip back into the flow
"each thing going with the current and breaking up against the rocks before hitting back together as a new word or picture" You look at me strangely as I continue on "sometimes the words and picture twist and turn making all the sense in the world and other times when the river separates and rushes the pictures and words become disoriented and unfamiliar and that's what makes a dream, interesting and different for each of us and though you many never have a dream, my friend. I'll be here to create dreams out of stories for you"
i watch you laugh at my silly notions and thank me for the offer.
Hateful Riot
callus hands breaking through the glass window of my world forcing many of us into a bag. We are bad books in their eyes. I feel myself rise from the shelves then placed under his arm while the others are dragged in the bag. Away from my beloved store, the human holding me says my title to the leader and I am labeled a sin. the warmth and glow of the fire licking at my pages as I'm thrown to the ground. My crafted words , my author's thoughts, burned and gone forever.
Bright lights smudged against the blur vision of my tired eyes as I slumped to the side of the small, car. I don't know why or when we entered the cramped, space but as rearranged my bags to use as a somewhat softer pillow then the car door, I felt strangely empty inside. my mother drove in silents with only the street lights to show her tired, brown eyes,that she used to look back at me. I watched her smile through the side view mirror "go back to sleep , we'll be there soon" nodding i closed my eyes again.
Our last words
the metal creaked as the door opened up, the judge's grip tighten on my arm as he walked me to thought to a huge device. "a hanging or the chair wouldn't do" he bellowed waving a man in a large coat closer. I remembered my friend's face, covered in blood and tears as I held him "it's not your fault" I lied "it's ok" I continued helping him off the crimson floor of the barn. His seaweed green eyes were red from crying as he looked up at my face. we were like family as the sound of a car made its way through the gravel outside I knew I'd have to save Noel. rushed him to a trap door under one of the bully's mutilated body I saw his face sickly pale when he realized my sacrifice. "please sis don-"the oak door silenced his protest just as the local officer entered to see five cut up teens skewered about and me in bloody clothing from when I hugged Noel. I put up no fight as they took me away and placed me in front of one of the kid's father, Judge Lard, who issued death with all except Noel in agreement. I was relieved that he made it out as they dragged me as the court dismissed I looked to him gain "it's ok" he sobbed harder. a harsh pricing reminded me of my place as they finished strapping me in. I scared and alone watching fickled people end my life because they couldn't teach other's not to harm,ande my friend reached his limit to abuse, mental scars that never heal. I smiled to the judge who glared at me as I whispered more to myself than anything "it's ok"
I want In
Roughly they pushed me into the oval office and closed the door. a seemingly ordinary human stood before the president's desk but I knew better as I scrambled backward. "I don't know how you found out, but I'll make you a deal,whatever you want just keep your mouth shut " the creature said ditching the holographic costume to reveal it's true form. in that moment I stood understanding its bribe and how greedy it thought humans were. So boldly i responed with what I thought would keep me alive. "everything your taking over, i want half"