Presidential Gesture
We heard many stories and theories about aliens. I was invited to the White House with a number of community activists and discovered the President's secret.
She was greeting the guests and being attentive or who knows taking mental notes.
Her shoulder length hair attempted to cover an unusual neck movement. Every time she turned her neck to respond -further than usual -eyes would blink in the crease of her neck.
I saw the photographers and position myself at the right angle to get the President's- attention including her neck eyes; knowing one of the photographers would discover it-in time.
What if it happened to you?
People don't understand what's it like to walk around with all this anxiety. You know who had the first case of anxiety?
Well it's documented in my family history.
My family line claims the first case of anxiety.
My ancestors had anxiety attack from technology.
The first dude that created fire after they saw lighting strike a tree catch fire-made my ancestor have a serious anxiety attack.
The first anxiety attack was because technology.
The fire was beautiful enough to hold till
They realized how hot it was and how easy hair and animal skin catches fire.
My ancestor stayed away from prehistoric picnics and barbecues for a long time.
The invention of transportation by water caused anxiety on so many spectrums of my family line. You know I'm black right?
I also have American Indians in my family.
Anything that came on a boat that was not from our culture spelled trouble and anxiety.
Now I have anxiety. Just imagining how much more it will cost to travel in the next 5-10 years whether by public transportation or buying gas for my car? I am very interested in horses, sleds, and camels, and large dogs these days and anyone that could watch either of them in between stops or if they don't mind if I tie them up while I do my shopping or go to work.
It comes in many forms. It's not due to relationships only. Any interaction with the living or a thing can cause heartbreak.
Just imagine sentimental jewelry mistakenly flushed. Beautiful hair lost to Chemo.
Talking all day and feeling as if no one is listening or understands. Loving and missing someone who will never return to your life. Yet there are more...
Gradually the body responds as it processes and accepts the reality. The mind searches for hope. Imagines it did not happen of course. But slowly the body appears to cave inward and it feels as if all fluid is draining from your body. Some actually drains through the eyes and nose. You are leaking all over your face.
Energy levels may go in either direction based on your reaction to heartbreak. If you are angry -in a surge of energy you search for comfort and closure or sadly revenge. If you are calm-the same.
If you have maintained self control and have respectable qualities you may need to sit down due to a loss of energy-lay down, pray the feeling that someone is pulling your insides out and leaving you empty- ends.
Let me think about the good times missed. But does it help? Some people can't reflect without acting like a broken record. You're stating everything missed and everything that went wrong. How could it been avoided? Who is the fool? Who has become the enemy? Or how they hope there is hope.
But heartbreak feels like death occurred.
Especially if it's love lost. You are not with this person and in some cases it would not be wise to talk to them or see them.
Thinking of them pains you. You seek to mentally bury them. You see too many things around you reminding you of that person.
You go through the process of hiding, destroying, giving away as many reminders of the heartbreak as possible- maybe not the appliance or the tv -perhaps you can trade it in unless it's too admired . Outfits that have memories- may not last in your closet long.
Is this heartbreak an obsession or them possessing your home and your things?
Is this person gone but still possessing you?
You notice everything about them in the people you meet. Some days you see look alikes everywhere. Or people talking the same. Enough already. It's over. The mental burial needs to take place now. Clean slate please!
But that's not going to happen-every heart break does not result in complete separation. So you see them with someone else. You know you should be mature. Your mind is willing but the body gets the tremors. You try to smile and pretend. You are over it. But why are they with them instead of you? You go back and forth finding a void to fill.
The void of a heartbreak is a baseball size pimple in unfortunate place-that exploded. You know it will heal one day. But look at this most horrible mess.
Not because I am amused
Or for any tickling fancy
For I am confused
Your words dance
In my head and slip out
Before I could hold them
Make them repeat in my head
Your word returns differently
Before I formerly met the first pair
Oh dear
All day long
I rather laugh
Than cry
Stress releases into the air