When I was much younger, I thought that the most important political stance that one could take was to be apolitical. I came to this over simplified conclusion by observing that the strict barriers of political ideology often inhibit human progress and problem solving. Of course, this was the reductive thinking of an adolescent. Because, I came to understand that our very existence and all things experienced are in some manner political. Politics is not limited, by any means, to the self-important ramblings of wealthy people in governance. In fact, that is just a spec of dust on the proverbial beach. Further, the manner in which we give such credence to "hot topic issues " is often problematic.
I began to read and study a great deal about various movements ranging from the French Revolution to the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. (These are among the more commonly known, as I also studied more obsure events such as the Turner Rebellions, etc.) I also began putting what I read in Historical, Sociological, and Cultural perspective. And, I began to understand that such elements all carried an amount of political significance in of themselves.
As different as each situation is, there is a very common back story to each incidence of changing regimes and even micro-political phenomenon. That thread lead me to my most strongly held political opinion.
The solution to many of the world's problems is anarcho-communism. "Oh Lord," the reader is thinking. "She's one of 'those." But, let me ask you to stop and just consider the following. After which, you may go back to squabbling over issues with proposed solutions that seem to be bandaids on bullet holes, as far as I can tell.
Here is a brief explaination of the general tenets of this theology, and it is not at all dominated by angry rebellious teenagers and out of touch flighty vegans doing yoga. (Though, all that has its place, of course.) Essentially, a great deal of human suffering stems from two sources throughout all known time: a struggle for resources and oppression. Both of which are completely unnecessary. There is literally no reason for one group of humans to have more than they can ever hope to use, constantly acquiring even more, while other groups of humans cling to the fringes of survival. This has always been true, and with current technology even more so. This is the part where someone inevitably makes a comment about the importance of competition for innovation and motivation. I strongly refute that claim. To begin with, it is the bastard child of Social Darwinism (a load of bs itself). We have no evidence that supports this thought, and a world of evidence that refutes it. Throughout the known existence of human kind it has been out ability to create community that enabled ALL human progress beginning with organized farming.
That said, it is never the right of one group of humans to subjugate any other group based on anything. I think most of us can agree to that. The question is: can we practice it, or do we get needlessly angry when asked to acknowledge this in the micro-political arena?
Now is the part where someone comments about how unrealistic and impractical anarcho- communism is and how communism in general has always failed. I point the reader to the reality that we have seen such structures work in the past in small communities. The majority of the world once thought that the concept of democracy was radical. Anarchist rhetoric doesn't state that there will be zero governing, but that voluntary groups of people would be self governing. It doesn't propose that it can cure all human tragedy. It merely takes the possibility for mass atrocities committed in the name of resources or dominance off the table. Ridiculous? Irrational? Perhaps, but at it's core, it's the most egalitarian rhetoric I have ever come across.
The smell of you-
like pipe tobacco and budget cologne.
Sitting quietly most of the time.
(only you can call me that)
"Come here, girl."
I was nine years old.
And, you would-
play me the new song you wrote; tell me a story; postulate, preach, philosophize.
Or, we would sit by the creek, trying to catch a fish.
But, really, just sitting
in silence.
When I was with you- I didn't have to wear shoes;
or, say I believed in things I DO NOT,
or, talk
or, wear dresses
or, pretend that I wasn't smart.
Then- you smelled like alcohol.
You sobbed, ranted, raved-
pacing back and forth
falling on the ground.
I was only twelve years old-
trying to: hide your pistols, cook for you, clean, to be strong, to be an adult.
I wanted to save you,
but I could not.
I have tried to save everyone since then.
I was fourteen when you gave up;
I was on my own.
Now, I don't know what you smell like.
I am thirty-four.
We do not know each other's lives.
We have become triggers to each other-
to memories of a past we both wish we could forget.
Still, sometimes, when I am really sad, I dail your phone.
Through tears I say,
"I love you, Daddy."
You ask what is wrong,
but I NEVER tell you!
A Human- To Be Honest
The thing about being known is that it is completely impossible. What could I tell you? But, some rambling story of where I have already been, or where I MIGHT go- provided life allows it to be so?
Could I tell you my favorite food, or candy, or color? (As if it won't change?)
How beneficial will this be for anyone -
besides, maybe, the voyeur or the narcissist?
I am liminity; I am ambiguity; I am eternally becoming; -
I am human.
A Human, -To Be Honest
The thing about being known is that it is completely impossible. What could I tell you? But, some rambling story of where I have already been, or where I MIGHT go- provided life allows it to be so?
Could I tell you my favorite food, or candy, or color? (As if it won't change?)
How beneficial will this be for anyone -
besides, maybe, the voyeur or the narcissist?
I am liminity; I am ambiguity; I am eternally becoming; -
I am human.
To My Son in the Month of October (Emotional Stigmata)
It seems to always be the case- people wrapped up in so much foolishness.
And, everytime, when I think..... maybe, maybe not this particular person- I am inevitably wrong! Rejection
And, the fact is, I realize that people don't even know WHAT they are looking at when they see me.
But, the pile up is too much, and I ran out of shovels years ago!
Everything is transient in this New World. We just move from impulse to impulse like toddlers looking for the next shiny thing. Disinterested in the types of gardens built by our great grandmothers- seed by seed; moment by moment; year by year.
Just swipe left- too fat, too tall, too short- swipe left.
Swipe left- 'cause nothing has permanent value in a fluctuating market. We can just get more-
Am I right?
People sell that shit in bulk!
And, myself? So different- so alone. Perhaps, I should adapt. Just be someone else.
New identity, swipe
And, I look at my son, so much like me. IT IS NOT IN US TO NOT CARE! With a heart punctured by a million flecks of stardust- just letting the universe in- all at once, all the time, ALL OF IT!
I am proud of this, even while I witness the armor of a hard shell beginning to form around his tiny giant soul.
Should I tell him? Should I tell him that empaths are always alone?
That those around him will not be capable of caring to the same impenetrable depths.
They won't- and there is NOTHING that he can do about that....or himself.
"This is your curse; this is your gift."
It is people like us- chosen by the Divine, or genetic flaw, or chance-
to bear the sadness of these sins: injustice, oppression, and suffering in ANY form.
Yes, the suffering of all: good or bad; sinner or saint; and all the shades between.
You will pray, "let this cup pass from me."
But, it will not- cannot.
You are made this way, son.
I see you- your internal working- the tick-tock of your mind.
You will let people off WAY easier than they probably deserve.
And, in the most cruel act of fate, they will judge you more harshly PRECISELY BECAUSE YOU ARE KIND!
I never wanted to surrender my light. Of all that has been taken from me- I protected it!
I protected: my Wonder, my Energy, my Love, my Power!
Do NOT let the darkness take your purpose!
Instead, push it down, and rise above. Because, THAT is what keeps you from being a victim!
You are beautiful; your pain is beautiful; your wrath is beautiful! You are a full cup in a world of emptiness. Let them drink from you. Because, though you may weep when you believe there is nothing left- you will be filled again. Because, the well of the universe is infinite. Be always: just and fair; kind and tender.
This takes much more strength than being hard.
I love you.
To My Son in the Month of October (Emotional Stigmata)
It seems to always be the case- people wrapped up in so much foolishness.
And, everytime, when I think..... maybe, maybe not this particular person- I am inevitably wrong! Rejection
And, the fact is, I realize that people don't even know WHAT they are looking at when they see me.
But, the pile up is too much, and I ran out of shovels years ago!
Everything is transient in this New World. We just move from impulse to impulse like toddlers looking for the next shiny thing. Disinterested in the types of gardens built by our great grandmothers- seed by seed; moment by moment; year by year.
Just swipe left- too fat, too tall, too short- swipe left.
Swipe left- 'cause nothing has permanent value in a fluctuating market. We can just get more-
Am I right?
People sell that shit in bulk!
And, myself? So different- so alone. Perhaps, I should adapt. Just be someone else.
New identity, swipe
And, I look at my son, so much like me. IT IS NOT IN US TO NOT CARE! With a heart punctured by a million flecks of stardust- just letting the universe in- all at once, all the time, ALL OF IT!
I am proud of this, even while I witness the armor of a hard shell beginning to form around his tiny giant soul.
Should I tell him? Should I tell him that empaths are always alone?
That those around him will not be capable of caring to the same impenetrable depths.
They won't- and there is NOTHING that he can do about that....or himself.
"This is your curse; this is your gift."
It is people like us- chosen by the Divine, or genetic flaw, or chance-
to bear the sadness of these sins: injustice, oppression, and suffering in ANY form.
Yes, the suffering of all: good or bad; sinner or saint; and all the shades between.
You will pray, "let this cup pass from me."
But, it will not- cannot.
You are made this way, son.
I see you- your internal working- the tick-tock of your mind.
You will let people off WAY easier than they probably deserve.
And, in the most cruel act of fate, they will judge you more harshly PRECISELY BECAUSE YOU ARE KIND!
I never wanted to surrender my light. Of all that has been taken from me- I protected it!
I protected: my Wonder, my Energy, my Love, my Power!
Do NOT let the darkness take your purpose!
Instead, push it down, and rise above. Because, THAT is what keeps you from being a victim!
You are beautiful; your pain is beautiful; your wrath is beautiful! You are a full cup in a world of emptiness. Let them drink from you. Because, though you may weep when you believe there is nothing left- you will be filled again. Because, the well of the universe is infinite. Be always: just and fair; kind and tender.
This takes much more strength than being hard.
I love you.