Ear lifted from the forest bed,
One eye scouring
the other-
A clover twirling,
A squirrel climbing
A branch snap
Run,leap and sore.
Heavy breathing, heavy steps,heavy hearts with
Pull, with anxious ease,
The trees shiver,
The cries weaken
The eye dulls
Carry,skin and devour.
Easy breathing, easy walks, easy eating with
Full belly's
Grateful hearts.
Randomly Shallow
Don't move. Smile...cheeeesse. Dreadful thing:photographs. At first they forced us to be frozen fools for twenty minutes.Twenty,ridiculous. Now the geniuses are stuffing fake smiles down our throats. We are so miserable,we got to, I can't believe this...say cheese. That fricken dairy product to coaxe a believable grin out of our regular plastered down facades for five seconds. Five,horrendous. Now I've been blessed with a life during the period of selfies,tripods and the abuse of the peace sign. I'm living alongside pests that breathe,eat and overshare online. Privacy, huh, that's a luxury and ignorance is a rapidly sold drug today(I heard it gives some bliss). So no I will not take your picture, if you will excuse me...
Lee September was not the optimistic type, he loved few things and cherished even less,but he was our only option. So do not judge us for what transpired, blame our cruel world for giving us that son of a...
Sir please can you take our picture,we did not mean to disturb you from your midlife crisis. Also, we did not want a whole sermon, pastor boy. Just take it.
I said excuse me one,I do not like repeating myself and my guy we are the same age. I'll take your picture if you pinky promise to sow that hole that keeps moving back at me shut.
That's it. Lee September come with us. We'll explain everything when we get to the others. I knew he wasn't gonna take the picture,Candice.You never listen.
Thomas just take him we have no time for this.
HEY! YOU! Candice is it?! You think you and uh Tom are gonna...
It's Thomas,this f$#%ing guy.
Take me without a fight? I don't know what you want but we're in public so your threats are dismal. Now let me pass unlike you guys I got something to do today besides lose brain cells.
Lee September, that particular pain my holy hole, was stubborn at first,so we had to use force. Of course.
Jy! Vat jou hande af van my!NOU!
Sorry Mr September for the inconvenience,oh and english please.
That's better now go to sleep. Shhhhh shhhhhhh. See Candice I told you we would have to drug him,he's impossible to deal with.
Yeah okay Thomas just put him in the van before someone notices he isn't just a past out fool.
Okay Candice calm down, everything will be okay.
Ughh I hate it when you talk to me like a child.
What I...
Just get in the car.
Hit the gas Thomas I got him tied in the back he won't move.
Don't gotta worry about that he inhaled enough of the drug to stay under for a while.
Okay so Candice how are we gonna tell him quickly without him thinking we insane.
I don't know Thomas, I really don't. I'm scared.
Come sit upfront next to me then.
Give me your hand, okay Candy we know what we have to do, we know the mission. I know you, and you are strong enough to brave through this. We don't have time for doubt and we sure don't have time for fear,so squeeze on my hand when you feel just a little less brave than you were a minute ago.But stay brave.
Ughh I forgot how good you are at this stuff, thanks Thomas. P.S I will squeeze your hand off hahaha.
When we arrived at our hide out Lee was beginning to wake and so was the time to reveal the plan. It was not easy telling him for sure. That bloody sceptic bastard.
Thomas I think he's waking up back there I can here his groans.
Okay we are almost at the hideout.
Stop the car Thomas.
What? No,Why?!
Pull over the car here, we should tell him first.
We got to do this now, trust me.
Really, Candy don't look at me like that...stop pouting. Alright,alright I'm pulling over.
Open the back Thomas.
Yes Ma'am,No Ma'am, Yes your highness...
Huh did you say something up there Thomas?!
No!No just getting ready.
Hurry up, he's eyes are opening.
Yeah I'm coming,patience isn't your virtue.
Hello sleepy head.
Huh Wh...Whe...Wha...Where am I?
In the back of our van, don't freak out.Dont! Calm down! Stop!
Ouch! Why did you hit my arm?
Sorry about that,I just needed you to calm down and stop screaming. We have something important to tell you. Are you ready?
F@$k you!
Alright, here we go. I'm Thomas and this is Candice we come from the near future. This is not some back to the future crap, this is real. Me and Candice among others have been tasked with the mission to save a picture. A picture you will take in approximately ummm 2 hours. This photo affects economies, social structures and can create wars. We need to keep you safe so you can take the picture and live to tell its story. If you don't:in 12 years and 4months from now every economy will collapse,the people will be in disarray globally and hunger will be on a all time high.I'm sorry if this was a bit rushed we don't have alot of time for details.
You must be insane,how can one photo change all that?
That's what I thought but your photo really does.
Why would I ever take that photo?
I honestly don't know. After meeting you I think this has all been a mistake.
Thomas stop! It's him,Mr September I know this is alot to take in but I need you to be brave now.
Lady what the actually hell, im not some child that will believe in your Magic beans story.
Okay sir, you don't have to believe you just gotta take a picture.
We wasted an hour trying to convince him that we were not lunatics. We took him inside the hideout,showed him the evidence of our real time period. He eventually came around,reluctantly. This guy just said after all that...
Let's get this sh#% done.
So you belive Thomas and I?
F#%k no. But I do believe if I do this you'll leave me alone,so let's go "save" the world Bonnie and Clyde.
What followed was not some crazy fight scene or a marvelous photo that made Monet rise, no. He just stood in a park and took a random picture of something he found strange. Strange enough to change the earth we have inherited. After the mission was done, we went down to this Cafe. Best coffee I ever,ever had uhhh what's the name of it. I can't for the life of me...
Fat Harry's is the name of the best Cafe Thomas I promise you that.
How do you know Candice? If I may ask.
It's obvious with a name like that it must be good. Want a coffee Lee?
Mmmm You are paying.
You are such a prick, do you know that?
Stop it Tom, I'm blushing.
Uhhhh it's Thomas really.
It all went swell up until the point me and Lee had a fist fight after he tried to kiss Candice for paying the bill,the prick. Anyways Candice and I went back to our time 3009. We first dropped off Lee Semptember somewhere in Namibia. He needed to lay low for a couple of years and that's the only way he would not get killed.
He was a delightful asshole and I respect him greatly. He saved the world. Who knew a Old South African bloke from 2024 could save the universe with one photo and his words after. That's the story of a regular,random prick who took an even regular, random pic that saved all our uuuuhhhh Candy! What rhymes with pic?!
Forgive my pain
I can't sleep mommy, I cant sleep.He yanks at my skirt with the persistance that locks hands with desperation. The night cradled my hunger underneath my eyes and my son continued. He pulled and moaned so much so that my eyes began to water. No tears fell I was too tired. They had arched my back,beaten my heart and stolen my voice. So I just sat- all night, only getting up once to carry poor Mandla to the bed. See the will of desperation can tire a young soul but it can never tire mine. If my soul was a solid, it would defy gravity,to fly way above all life and weep a wail so beautiful it could shatter the heavens.Listen.They did not break me, I broke myself before they could.My way of damage control but my son,my son Mandla...should not be bruised by my life.
The shock took hold of me that night,it did not humble me,scare me or defeat me but it commanded me. Commanded me to be,just be. If I could not stop time I would stop mine,even if it was just for a night. But that night was not just a night. We mother's fear night,and despise the day. Although our sons and our husband's are killed by day their souls are only taken by night as they dance like embers over their lifeless remains. Some women pray every night with their windows wide open, through sun and rain. In hopes that they can catch their lost ones soul once more and say goodbye. Others,well, they just go on,they are walking wells, so hollow inside,like someone dug out their heart,one can fall to their death inside their pain. I feel for them the most,because they hide behind smiles and sly comments.But If you listen closely you can hear a faint whine of a child whenever they laugh. Ah, they do not know we understand, so we all go along with the charade. It brings us some solace in knowing even the seemingly coping people are but posers trying to get through it all.
The year is 1976 and I am mother of 2 one living one dead. Hate sentenced my son on July 21st to death without trial. I know not what reason is anymore. Art does not bleed me as it once did,music does not move me as it once did and joy disgusts me.A anger as flew and built a nest on my beaten heart and saw it fit to call it home. I have allowed it.Some may say it has corrupted me but it is not sly like a snake it can not trick you. Anger does not slither it simmers and it burns within me,bright and silent. After last night,contemplating while rebelling against time I agreed to do what needs to be done.
I am going to write a letter to Mandla before I do it. He needs to understand why I did it and for that I must start from the beginning.
Beloved Mandla,
Though you are still too young to understand the words I am about to place down on this page, you shall when you are older.Before I begin you must know Mommy loves you with everything I have. I shall begin from where all great things ended for me to make it easier for you my love.
My days were once long and my nights short until your father trotted into my life. I was a maid since age 13,following the labor steps of my mother and hers before and so on. My mother took me first to the big house when I was 16. She always worked at Meneer Van Niekerks house for as long as I can remember. Now you must understand I grew up in a small little shack with one bedroom,no electricity on the outskirts of town with my mother. We were not as bad off as everyone else,we had a warm meal in us every night, a fire to keep us warm and a proper roof made out of slate with wood. We did not grow cold like our neighbour's whose three children died of pneumonia last winter. We were blessed, I thought then.
When we walked up to the house my stomach fell in while my mouth opened in astonishment. My mother snapped at me often when I reacted to the things they had.My amazement soon churned into jealousy as we walked up the long drive through,trees with feet of vibrant flowers all around. The scent of jasmine impeded my senses. When we went inside Mevrou Van Niekerk let us in. Her face was pale with a pasty texture and a consistent look of judgement on her face. I thought God has given them so much but has contorted and screwed their faces into ugly scowls for pay. This was debated when I met Mr Van Niekerk, a man with face that announces to gentle folk he is one of them. His calm deminure and soft spoken words were far different from other men I had seen.
We greeted and he came in to shake my hand. With a tight grip I smiled and stared directly into his eyes. This back then was a statement,a very dangerous statement. When you level with someone's eyes you imply you are their equal,and in his world we were seen as not even close. Instead of threatening me or putting me in my supposed place he held my hand. A look of what I thought for a second was pride was then glassed over by a chuckle and a pat of the hand.
My mother then led me out and instructed me to go sweep the upstairs balcony. Before I could ask where that was she slammed the door in my face.Although Just before it closed i caught Mr Van Niekerks concerned face which undoubtedly confused me a bit. While I pondered on the question I wandered upstairs, cleaned the balcony quick-quick then trudged down the long staircase. To be completely honest I got lost in that house more than once that day and so it was by no accident that I got lost again.Dazed and confused I wandered the seemingly never ending white tiled halls. I became frantic with the fear my mother would leave me in this white plastered mansion so I began to walk faster. Not stopping to take a break I went down every avenue until one bumped into a head.
A dark navy blue shorts, combed back brown hair and emerald eyes. His skin was tinged like honey under the sun ,it shone. At first he mumbled obscene insults my way but he stopped when he found the sincerity in my wild expression. He introduced himself as Wayne Abraham's. Not even a minute later a tall,well-built boy with the same shorts appeared from the room,his blond locks fell over his blue eyes and his smile seemed familiar.
The Hercules look-a-like brushed passed me and yelled down the hall at the emerald eyed boy. He did not move he just stood still and asked for my name. So I gave it to him ,little did I know I would give this man my life with the lick and slap of my tongue I formed Zuri.
He passed me while holding eye contact and then he followed the yellow headed boy. I stood their for a second before I trotted after them,like a lost puppy. They led me to an outside, tennis court with a green ground and white layered lines. I followed alongside the house till I reached the front where my mother was angrily waiting. I already knew I was in trouble but Mr Van Niekerk came out and said he understands many people get lost in the house first time around. A up and down jig of his shoulders with a laugh that eased me and surprisingly my mother, who laughed with him. She apologized and off we went.From long drive ways into dirt as narrow pathways,garbage at the feet of short trees and shacks all around made of glimmering scavenged material. A joke of a poor man's honor.
I returned to that mansion for over 2 years,wherein I encountered the blond headed and the emerald eyed boys frequently. I became close with them both as we all were young teens unaware of the true extremities hate can have on people.The blonded headed boy told me he was Jan Mr Van Niekerks son and Wayne Abraham's was his friend. We all played innocently shielded by the large world in ironically a mansion. Jan and I became very close but Wayne always kept his distance from me. Whenever I wasn't cleaning they came to bother me and sometimes they would deliberately make messes for me to clean. It was always Jan, he wanted me to clean his room while he just chatted with me. This annoyed me but Wayne helped me sometimes when he saw I was irritated.
When I turned 18 I told my mother I want to be something more. This was sparked in me by Tuesdays. Mr Van Niekerk would call me into his office and we would chat about many things:Philosophy,Mathematics,Morality but we never spoke about Politics. After a couple months he started lending me books and embarrassed I hid the fact I could not read. He eventually found out and started teaching me every Tuesday,I got homework and assignments. It was a welcomed exercise for something other than my body which was often sweeping and scrubbing the floors all day.
Your mother was a fast learner, I could read pretty well after 6months. We got really close,we even had debates about philosophy especially between Aristotle and Sigmund Freuds. We debated for weeks over wheather humans are innately evil or born good i always believed good back then. He would make us some tea with biscuits even after i insist on doing it for him,he always responds with i've got two hands dont i.
I enjoyed Tuesdays most of all. When I was 18 I came one day to him and told him that I want to be something more. Just like the first day we met,a glimmer of pride sparkled in his eye that was then glassed over by a chuckle. Hurt by this demeaning chuckle, I questioned his response and for the first time ever I felt small in his company. He clamped me like a car,prevented me from thinking I could go forward. Delicately as he could he put it,he said his world does not allow women or people like me to aspire. I threw all the debate skills and knowledge I had acquired through extensive reading and talks at him. Stunned by my clear cut argument he just sat their and whispered:Leave now.All I said was we were all equal.
So I left,as I went out Wayne stopped me by chasing me down the road. He wanted to know what I was doing at that moment,which I replied with a resound Nothing. He told me to join him as he was going to a meeting. Annoyed, I wanted to take my mind off the bigger things in my life and nurture a small thing rather. He took me to a meeting a gathering of people of all cultures in one place. I had never seen this before. I sat with a new kind of awe as I looked at all these young faces from all walks of life wanting something more.Daring it to come to fruition.
After this everything changed a fight sturred within me. A fight I found out lied dormant within for a while until Wyane like a cancer woke it. I joined him at many meetings and we grew closer,while he grew more radical. We began a relationship not to long after one which I later found out infuriated Jan. Wayne became more and more radical,soon holding his own meetings.
His meetings became a movement against the state. Freedom today not tomorrow was our famous chant. I supported Wayne and fell in love with him for his passion. We were never close but I always was fond of Wayne Abraham's when we were young. When I was 19 years old I fell pregnant with your older brother Silumko(a wise man). His name was befitting for when he came out he was already a little wise man wuth a inquisitive frown. My mother helped me raise Silu while Wayne often traveled the country encouraging others to take up arms. We disagreed on armed resistance I always believed peaceful protest can make a change until Silu.
Silu grew up to be a fine young boy, when he was 10 when Mr Van Niekerk visited my mother's house. We were still staying there as freedom fighters don't have salary,so I did work only here and their writing up pieces for newspapers as well as businesses. I at that point hadn't seen him for 10 years after our...fight. I was shocked to see him their,like a peacock among pigeons. Such a strange sight to see him sitting down on a broken bed in a small shack whilst wearing a tailored clean cut suit.
He spoke with me before Wayne came home,he warned me about the plans he heard about an attack. An attack that was planned by the state to kill Wayne and me as we were seen as threats against the regime. Wayne at the time concerned me he was becoming a bit violent with me and Silo over the past months.I did not know how to feel.
I was angry,because I have not seen Mr Van Niekerk for ten years and here he comes acting like a savior. So i asked him why he even cared?That's when he shared a concerned look with my mother,who nodded at him. That evening I found that Mr Van Niekerk was my father, that I was his only child. I asked how is this possible on the count of Jan's existence. To my surprise Jan was his wife's child from a previous relationship. He is the son of his best friend:Van Rooyen.
My mind that night could not take it all in, and this was exasperated to find out that my mother has been having a secret relationship with Mr Van Niekerk for 30 years now. They could not get married because of the immorality act that illegalised mixed marriages so they made a deal with his best friends wife. He will help raise Jan and protect her while he has his secret relationship with my mother. I did not know what to feel,what to think so I just sat.
Wayne barged in the door right then, with a gun and a look in the eye that scared our son. Silu came and sat by me While clinging onto me. Angry with a faint smell of Beer wafting from his breath ,Wayne approached my now father. All the hate and fear had eaten at his emerald eyes, it had become a dull Grey. He pointed the gun at my father and pulled the trigger once,twice then silence.
There was no bullets in his gun all it was filled with was a rage induced by oppressions grip.
That night I held Silu in my arms after I sent Wayne out. Now I don't know what happened to Wayne that night but later I heard he was ambushed and all our friends were shot dead by police but he ran away.My father allowed my mother,Silu and I in his house to stay but he did not allow Wayne to come visit or see us after the incident.Me and Wayne drifted apart for months.
There I reconnected with Jan who came home after spending mandatory time in the states army. He too was different but he was still the same in some regards. I shall not go into the details of how your father and me finally got into a relationship as its too personal my boy. But you were born not too long after we reconnected and fell in love. I needed him and he needed me and we both wanted you. Mandla,you gave us strength.
After you were born I heard Wayne was being hunted by the state for his 'terroristic acts' such as bombing communication lines. He came to us,disheveled and scared. We took him in but that same day the police came when I was out with you and Silo shopping. The police Shot dead your father, your grandfather and Silos father. When I came home I could not breath their bodies were riddled with bullets but Waynes was beaten to a pulp. Silo took you outside but I knew he saw.I knew he saw them and his father lying there.
A part of me still blames Wayne,why us?
I do not like to speak of that night because it was the turning point in my heart. Silo became radical like his father only a couple of years later,protesting and fighting until one fight on July 21st he was met with a bullet. This he could not fight. That was 2 days ago.
I have lost a man who I bonded with to topple a regime. I lost the father to my child,the blond headed man who loved me beautifully. I lost a father I never knew I had all along and now... I lost my beautiful boy,my wise son.
You are gonna hear many things about me son but I want you to know I tried. They took too much so they must suffer a lingering pain. I will take this bomb and plant it in that area with their long drive ways but I will sit still just there and be.
I loved you more than you can know. Remember only God can prosecute you so never judge another. Revenge is for the weak,and so I accept my defeat as the fickle do.I'm going to sleep now,and dream of you forever.
Mirror Mirror
A blue coat enveloped the decrepit house.Not even smiles of joy could tarnish the ever present gloom that rested in there.Living there is a family we have watched dutifully through the years.We do not get attached, our feelings are not the same as yours so when we felt something for them it was new. You must understand we are God's to them small but worshipped nonethless. Every morning,night and day they search within us but over the years we have dared to look back. When the small one began to walk and the tall one began to cry we did not understand. When the small one fell and screamed and the tall ones ran, we did not understand. When the small one smiled,laughed and shared with us her mind we finally did,understand. Fooled by this enigma we all felt something, like she was our kin,a caring beyond what we knew possible developed.So when things began to change we noticed.
No one expected him,no one does but we do.We know what he does at night when his family is gifted peace. We know what violence dances about when the warm cloak of night comforts him. See we never rest,our duty is to reflect and what we saw we cannot unsee.Everynight it traumatises us a new chip forms like a crack in us.Slowly breaking from the sight,it haunts us.
When she climbs into bed and sniffles into her stuffed baby giraffe at night we saw him. When a tall woman rests her head at exactly 9 :47 every night we see him. He waits patiently like a hunting snake. First he walks down the stairs barefooted in nothing but a loose trousers and top. He slithers into the kitchen with a eyes which hold great secrets,it weighed on him. Thirsty he always drinks a quarter cup of fresh orange juice .He never finishes it.
Eager he leaves the cup on the counter and hurries to his daughters room. He reaches her room and slowly with care he opens the door. He allows it to fling open wide. Strange,he never steps inside but just stares at her. The concept of time we cannot grasp but we have noticed it's power over the years. So we know now that he spends about 4 hours watching her. No movement,not even an itch he stands there with a look that we wish we never saw. So unwavering in its intent,so cold in its delivery but what really scares us is how determined it is that it's almost eerie.
After this he goes down stares into the basement in a rush. When he comes out a smirk is always plastered on his face.A look of relief or fulfillment one seems to disappear the next morning.He wakes up early and shakes her up.She always insists on taking her stuffed giraffe with her.It feels sinister when he grips her hand dragging her down stairs towards the basement.Her giraffe bashes it's head against the steps while the girl let's a tear escape.Everytime.
We do not know what goes down there in the basement but it is not right. When the sun creeps away and the girl hides under her covers she cries rivers. She always grabs at her tissue box next to her light when it overwhelms her. Her melancholia overtakes her,outruns her and it will drown her.To witness her tears every night is torture so we like knights shall fall on our swords to end our suffering and hopefully hers.
A plan has been devised one that needs to be conducted with stealth. See every night the tall one that sleeps beside him wanders to the bathroom at 2:50 am. She relieves herself then returns back into bed at 2:54am.This gives us a 4min gap to end him. One of us is situated above the bed where we have seen horrendous things occur. We shall all crack and break in protest to our dear little friends slow shattering.
Hopefully our shards shall penetrate those eyes that haunts her and all of us each night. Hopefully tall one will feel free and not cover up her scars with us. We are exact but we have studied them,appreciated them that it has softened our eye. So although we may never die, we will never see our dear friend again. Hopefully they will move out this house. It never suited them expect for him. It enfolded him,welcomed him in like and old friend. This houses suited the kind of secrets he held in his eyes. The house was not cluttered it was almost sterile void of feeling and life. Everything was so clean and put neatly together expect her. She was a little walking chaos and this always infuriated him. It also interested him to a point we wished someone threw a dark cloak over us all.
Sadly duty does command us and to not listen and reflect would be denying our very being. So when we all shatter into pieces we shall hold her close. We captured her broken heart and our broken shards will piece it back together. That baby giraffe will not have to bash its gentle head against those cold wooden steps again. Tears will not fall upon her pillow anymore. The tall one will not hide those blue marks by her arms. We will not have to see all this and more.
We will never know why there was so many of us in that house in the first place. A family with so much to hide next to us who reveals everything was odd.
There smiles did not fool us and he certainly did not.
We knew the day we saw him first when he hung us all around except the basement. When he stared into us just a little too long. Desperately he scoured us top to bottom for himself we wonder. Maybe he wanted to see if we could see what others could not.That dark blue coat that sits on him heavily.It was the way he smiled at us like there was something hiding crouched behind it.
He fit in well with the decrepit house...too well.
Musically inclined
Strings gripped my tongue,it's cords cut into my speech and it's tune swayed my focused gaze. My eyes scoured over the ignorant beasts cramming past one another. Strange,
a neon yellow pants-that is bold for a young man. Curious
I followed the brave fashion choice;yellow led me to the strings end and a dapper man stood there
Waiting to
Rip up my discipline as if it was a passport to a heaven he would never enter.
Wayback When
Wayback When
I can't get my body to be still. My foot continues to tap to the beat of my twitching eye. Couple that with my rebellious mind with thoughts like starving vultures. They prey on my worry and ever growing anxiety. Funny enough my surroundings suit my countenance. In a universities library,pass midnight and stressed out;I am no different from any other student. Although every other student doesn't have to catch up on almost a whole year of work like me. It's hopeless,this feeling festers as I page through all the options to make up credits. I do not know what this professor thinks, there is only one month left till holiday.
Feeling utterly wrecked I announce my distrust with the universal learner moan.Maybe if I bury myself underneath all these papers I could absorb it's knowledge.How perfectly normal do I look?
Before my stressed out tears could be pressured out, he comes.
A warm gentle touch on my shoulder jerks my body into an upright stance with simulatneous twirl of the neck. His smile greets me, it is an unwelcoming comfort. My teeth gritt against his infectious joy. Antonio,what are you doing here?
Mo,you seriously gonna ask me that,i was searching all over for you.
Annoyed by his sudden accusatory tone I ask him as nicely possible to leave me alone. My inner voice taps me on the shoulder,umm why is he so upset MO? Let's see,his stance has changed, hands on hips like a discerning father,eyebrows frowned with inquisitive eyes. Okayyy, I can confirm he is upset.
Antonio let it out?
MO,it's Friday.Ringing any bells?
My mind scoured ovet everu record,ripped open every transpondence recorded to get a resound, I have no idea.
Friday is or was movie night,I planned it for you,I mean uh us,never mind.
His body folded in and he pulled away from me, I feel terrible.
Tony I got a lot of work and you know I can't,I won't go back.
He melts just like that and reaches for my hand, to say he's gonna be my rock. Blushing like a schoolgirl (which I am technically) I hold it. His stare is transfixed to my eyes and mine at the floor, pull away from the alarming new sensations his close proximity brings. Embarrassed by the truth,that he eases me. So I might as well tell him my predicament because I know he will help. A serious tone latched onto every word I said in my explanation but melancholy danced on my thoughts.
Antonio, although he is too polite to ask,is definitely wondering why i just didnt get on with my life. My life huh,mine. Maybe it was the echo i feared the most,of their laughter, warmth. It sufficates me to kniw they not here, breathing the same oxygen into their lungs. Life stole my time from them, so i thought best to befriend death for a while. On my own burying their memory seems far less painful than embracing their absence. I will not go back home as i haven't these pass 2 years. I shall stay in this foreign country, and disappear.
A tear forms at the fringes of my eyes to see Tony agitated as ever looking over papers with me. Uhh what time (yawn) is it Mo?
Sloth-like response follows 1am. Fed up with this whole situation i pull the first paper i see, this is the one. Antonio interested takes the paper from my hands, im too nervous to look. You must write a 10000 word essay about a sophisticated 17th century civilization,choose one from the available countries. The options are Egypt,Kenya,Laos and Turkey. Pleasantly surprised I pick Kenya, a country me and my father use to study together. Him a history professor me a 5 year old eager to learn about true great adventures. A Mona Lisa snatches my face for a second. Antonio springs up, determined goes hunting for relevant books. Tired but refreshed by his resolve I slowly write down ideas. Not even 10 minutes pass and Antonio plops massive books onto the table sending a ringing groan throughout the old library. Grabbing at the books, Tony is catching his breath like an old man. History students don't get alot of walking in a day, too bust looking behind us. Sorry. I grab the books until Aha, Tony this is what I'm gonna do,Gedi the mysterious City of 17th century Kenya.
Antonio looks on waiting for a follow up explanation. Well go on..
The City is said to have once been home to a sophisticated Swahili civilisation for a long time. But it mysteriously was abandoned by all inhabitants. Historians today still don't know why they just left. Some new historians believe it was other African kingdoms wanting to make them slaves. I strongly disagree though.
Tony seems convinced this is a good choice, which gives me more confidence. A light blue light starts filtering in not to soon, so i go looking for a now searching Antonio.
One thing about him that gets on my nerves is his obessession with order and control. He hates spontaneity and risks. This is just totally opposite from me.Thinking of Tony where us he?
Tony!?Where are you?! Worried my feet directs my reluctant body around the creepy library, and there he is pulling on a painting. Strange.Whatare you doing Tony?Heis really clutching this paintings edge of what seems a depiction of tye 17th century King of Portugal John IV.Mo can you help me, I want to check the date of this painting, just to make sure I'm right about who I think this is.Soon enough I am tugging with all my might alongside Tony,perspiring for a while. Eventually we feel the effect of our determination in the sound of the painting nudging. Tony yanks it off and then I see it. A tunnel behind the painting about a meter from the ground. The tunnel seems to be made of old mountain rock with odd scratches along it. Curious I climb in, needing this distraction,Tony screams after me but follows me. His mumbles of annoyance infiltrate my brain as we crawl further my hand drops and I go with it.
A warm light envelopes me instantly revealing a room. In awe I see old books stacked up on shelves but no dust or sign of damage. They have not been touched by time it seems, later Tony steps out orderly and he straightens his Hoody out. This one particular book lures me in, it's smell reminded me of strangely enough,my father. Antonio let's his irritation subside as he takes in all these books. While he deals with his new crushes i page through this dust free book,with a golden cover with no title. Soon I realize this is a direct account astonishingly of a person in Gedi, Kenya. I cannot believe what I am looking at right now I call Tony over. Just like me he can't believe what he is seeing, how rare is it to find such a book that has a direct account of a civilisation. This proves there was settlers in Gedi, it must have been the portugese who wrote this account. I was so excited I frantically page through the book with such glee.
Wet,damp smell of dirt,chirping birds and a giant trees all around bombard my senses. The book is not in my hand anymore, I look back and no tunnel, no library. I grip Antonio's hand and turn to him for a logical explanation for all this,but none came.Just as astonished as me, his mouth gapes open releasing a loud gasp every minute. Antonio? Shaking his hand, Antonio? The desperation in my voice rose, Antonio?! My hands clasped the sides of his cheeks,Look at me, breathe with me, In Out . We did this until I couldn't hear his heart beating through his chest. He nodded to me to assure me he was okay, so I flung my arms over him like a lifeboat in a sinking. Clinging onto each other like frightened fools , unaware of what they done, where they are or what they about to go through. He pulls away while whiping a scared tear from running. His stare dislodges all tough feelings stuck in my throat. He rubs my back, attempting to soothe me with a knowing stare. Stare that says I know your sadness eclipses even the strangeness of a world.
He grips my hand and we walk on into the forest,no words. Hoping to hit a town, village just something. We trudge through this seemingly never ending dense forest we see humans. So relieved we run up to them without a thought. The lady is wearing a colorful skirt with no shirt.Her breasts are revealed and Antonio blushes. Look at him, a minute ago his hoody and the ground wasn't as interesting. The woman possibly surprised runs off,hopefully getting help. Tony what's wrong you look a little red, Free the nipple Tony it's the 21st century for God...Tony. I see men with large spears with full on animal skin running towards us. Their manner does not scream welcoming, so I grab Tony's hand and run.
We do not get very far before they catch up to us,to find us panting loudly in the forest. The men drag me and Tony back from where we ran. They however take us farther until we see a break in the tree line. I gasp when I see, a grand city with tall rock buildings similar to that of old Roman buildings. Children playing with what seems like a ball made out of plants, its as if we took a step back in time.Impossible.The man pierces the back of his spear into my back to nudge me forward, this makes Tony visibly angry.
His eyes seem to be burning with fury, but I whisper I am okay to settle him down. I know he wouldn't do anything because he never takes risks but I need him to be in a collected mood.He probably already has a plan.
The men lead us to a small rock building with a wooden door.A man with a friendly countenance ushers us into the home.Skeptical of everything I am seeing I see all the tools,decorations and lack there of.These all were used only from 17 to 18th century Africa before colonizers influenced their life completely. The men with spears leave us with this man.Their absence gives Antonio new confidence so he directly addresses the man,Excuse me sir, can you please tell us where are we? No response follows,only a title of a head and a lift of his eyebrows.So I ask in Swahili, just to test my hypothesis and suddenly he understands. My name is Bulwayo and Gedi,as we the call it is where you are, where you from?I catch some of the Sawhili words to understand as I only understand a little because my father taught me some.Wondering how to respond as Antonio is beginning to connect the dots,and he is not taking it well.Uhhh far South by the sea, many moons to get home.Surprisingly he understands even through my thick English speaking accent. The man insists we sit down and rest.Antonio was already seated trying to process everything, I've never seen him so shocked. Politely the man leaves us after he tells me he's getting food. Finally alone I turn to a perplexed Tony, so I snap my fingers to get his attention. Nothing. I slap him across the face and that gives me more satisfaction than I thought it would. Antonio can see it on my face so he protests with a grin and rub of his cheek.Tony what are we gonna do?Do you have a plan? Uhhh okay let's try and get some information from this man then we can...
What was that?
I can hear little footsteps against the ground followed by giggles. Two little kids run in front of us with such glee until they see us. Their faces turn from smiles to curious frowns. One of the kids is what i think a 10 year old boy, he comes closer to us. I walks around us, possibly searching for peculiarities besides our clothes. They both jump when they hear the door open, so they scurry away. The man is back with fruits, herbs and fish in a basket. Only now do I notice when he walks in a limp in his step,from his right leg. Strange I am so caught up in myself I forget sometimes, I'm not the only one here,feeling,breathing with me.
Starving ,me and Antonio gobble down the fish the man cooked for us over a fire.He whistles out and this alarms the kids because they coming running in, a tall woman follows them not to so long after. She has beautiful dark brown skin,a gentle demeanor and like the man a friendly countenance.They all sit down forming a semi-circle around us.We eat they slowly chomp and stare,as if we are new a new Netflix show. The kids run off after dinner,while me and Tony struggle to keep our eyes open.We have not slept for almost two days. The man shows us to a room with a single bed on the ground. So tired I thank him and we collapse into bed together.
Morning comes and I feel like I had the craziest dream,I giggle thinking about it. My giggles stop when I become aware of my surroundings. A chicken staring at me, a rock house,no mattress and him. Antonio's arm is wrapped around me and I can feel his body cover mine like a large hug. His faint snores make me feel safe so I snuggle up closer and he holds me nearer. A yawn followed by a quiet gasp, Tony slowly trys to remove his hand from around me. Successful he moves away but I can sense his smile as he gets up. Pretending to just wake up, i stretch and whisper Morning Tony we are in the fricken 16th century, what cool. Not finding anything amusing he looks on with a blank stare,the room gets cold from his worry. We need to get out of here Morgan this is serious. Your problems got us into this,I'll just...sorry. My eyes wander so as not to give it a chance to show the hurt.I didnt mean it like that,Mo. I am sorry. We just need to get out of here,okay. Just after he said this the kids burst in and yank my hand. I go along with it and allow them to lead me. They bring me to the woman from last night, who has bucket with water in. She tells me her name is Furaha so I share mine. I can tell she thinks my names strange because eveytime she says it she checks my eyes to see I'm not joking. We have a long conversation about family,love and life while we bathe. Although most of it I vaguely catch like an untrained juggler most end dropping into confusion but I got the gist of it all.
She introduces her family properly to us and they take us in with open arms. 3 days have passed since we arrived and Tony is still obsessed with a plan to get out, so he spends most of his time in the house. I on the other hand have grown quite fond of the family.Today is beautifully sunny,people dancing in middle of the city to drums and shakes.Outside the house I watch the boys play with their kind father and something takes possession of me.An ugly beast that makes me loathe their happiness, and wish harm.Ashamed I look down, I feel a hand tilt my head up.Its Furaha,she says I should never look down when all around is such great heights of joy.She said to look down is easy, but to stay up when lifes beating you is true power.These words I take to heart and so I with them I charge into their house,right up to Antonio.His astonished look contrasts my composed confidence.We are going dancing now .No buts, you need to get out this house.
Before he can complain I pull him out the house and tell him to let loose. So we head to the center of the city by following a crowd. We arrive with all eyes on us but Furaha and her family dance with us for a bit which makes others ease.Antonio gets in touch with his latin heritage,going with the rythym. I have never seen him so relaxed,he's dancing with others and me also. The drums begin to beat faster so I find Tony, we move in-sync with the beat of the drum.He pulls me close, then pushes me out into twirls. He picks me up as we fall into a ball of laughter,he whispers into my ear wanna bring the tango to Africa. Before I know it we waltzing and gathering so much attention that the drummers start drumming to our steps.We whisked around the floor while my African wrapped dress begins to come undone. Tony can feel it so he clasps my waist to keep it intact and I smile.We danced even when there was just one drummer man left and no crowd. Eventually we thank the drummer and proceed to walk back. Banter gets thrown back and forth while we occasionally bump into each other by "accident".Antonio holds out his hand in fron to stop me from walking.We both hear a rustling in the woods, without question I go to inspect. Tony whispers for me to stop.I stop ahead behind a tree to find just beyond the tree line is a man. Dressed in what then would be associated with the fancy or esteemed. It seems he is relieving himself against a tree. Tony creeps up next to me that's when he notices something.He points at the particular emblem and he tells me that this is one of King John IV of Portugals soldiers.
Tony says we should go back and warn the others. We go and warn the whole family about the portugese.They in turn alert the chieftan who alerts everybody to leave. We go help people pack when we hear the gunshots, bam,bam. They here, we pack faster. Furaha gets the kids but Bulwayo is nowhere to be found. We are forced to run with the others as the gunshots got too close to the house. The whole night we ran,then morning came and the frantic search for loved ones began. The toilet mother over a child not in her arms, to the wails of a young girl searching for her baby brother. Amidst all this I see Furaha,holding onto her children like they are balloons that might fly away. We go up to her to hear if she knows what happened to Bulwayo. Furaha said she found out he was shot trying to helping two kids escape and that they lived. Baffled by her lack of tears,her lack of pure heart wrenching sorry I ask is she not sad he is gone. Without a flinch she reaches for my hand puts it on her heart and she takes her hand and places it upon my heavy heart. Her eyes reflect back a pain I know too well. Not Gone.Thats all she said but I understood.My heavy heart felt all the bit lighter. I embraced her and her beautiful sons. Held them tight before I let them go forever.
Let's go home Tony, don't be mad but I knew where the book was the whole time. It's just behind the tree where we landed,are you mad? I squint my eyes bracing for what hes going to say as we are walking back.Nothing.No response just silence,which makes it actually worst. We get the book and just page through it like I did before and we are back in the tunnel.Before I could say something Tony crawls out the tunnel and I'm now the one following him.
He's walking rather fast, I have to do a couple of jumps to catch up with him. He stops in front of my room,opens it because it's usually unlocked,steps in hands me a laptop and tells me to write.Write about this civilisation,these people and their wonderful culture. I began and I did not stop only for toilet breaks,food breaks,walk breaks and a couple of naps but mainly just writing. See we were gone for 4 days but somehow now it has been 28 days in the 21st century so now there is only 2 days till hand-in.
After some tears,a transportation into the past, nearly becoming a slave to the portugese I have finished the essay. I give it in and the next day I get my mark back from Mr Almeida. He calls me up to him after class and says that the essay was by far one of the best he has ever read. But I only can give me a C minus because of the fiction. I got a warning to not make history fiction and that made me laugh since history now is fiction written by the well-fed,trigger happy,in this case portugese, but at least I passed. I walked out of classroom back to my room. Standing their with a book titled time travel for beginners, was Antonio. He asked me how it went,he chuckled rather loudly when I told him after everything I only got C minus.
In a more serious tone I told him I'm finally gonna go home this year, and face the 5 stages of grief,lovely.I need to unknit this tight scarf of pain around my neck and breathe.
I'm proud of you Mo oh and I was not mad at you when we left, I just really wanted to finally do thi... Yes we kissed, my feet grew wings I swear, I can't believe he actually took the risk.Not really a risk because i would have kissed him one second later anyways. And If you want details you are in the wrong place little naughty.I am a 17th century lady now,sauce is scandal,oh me oh my,just kidding. (Note history degrees dont give you comedic timing skills.)
I'm sure my dad would have liked him... after a couple of years...maybe.
Anyways,I love you dad,thank time it brought me back to you.
Wayback When
I can't get my body to be still. My foot continues to tap to the beat of my twitching eye. Couple that with my rebellious mind with thoughts like starving vultures. They prey on my worry and ever growing anxiety. Funny enough my surroundings suit my countenance. In a universities library,pass midnight and stressed out;I am no different from any other student. Although every other student doesn't have to catch up on almost a whole year of work like me. It's hopeless,this feeling festers as I page through all the options to make up credits. I do not know what this professor thinks, there is only one month left till holiday.
Feeling utterly wrecked I announce my distrust with the universal learner moan.Maybe if I bury myself underneath all these papers I could absorb it's knowledge.How perfectly normal do I look?
Before my stressed out tears could be pressured out, he comes.
A warm gentle touch on my shoulder jerks my body into an upright stance with simulatneous twirl of the neck. His smile greets me, it is an unwelcoming comfort. My teeth gritt against his infectious joy. Antonio,what are you doing here?
Mo,you seriously gonna ask me that,i was searching all over for you.
Annoyed by his sudden accusatory tone I ask him as nicely possible to leave me alone. My inner voice taps me on the shoulder,umm why is he so upset MO? Let's see,his stance has changed, hands on hips like a discerning father,eyebrows frowned with inquisitive eyes. Okayyy, I can confirm he is upset.
Antonio let it out?
MO,it's Friday.Ringing any bells?
My mind scoured ovet everu record,ripped open every transpondence recorded to get a resound, I have no idea.
Friday is or was movie night,I planned it for you,I mean uh us,never mind.
His body folded in and he pulled away from me, I feel terrible.
Tony I got a lot of work and you know I can't,I won't go back.
He melts just like that and reaches for my hand, to say he's gonna be my rock. Blushing like a schoolgirl (which I am technically) I hold it. His stare is transfixed to my eyes and mine at the floor, pull away from the alarming new sensations his close proximity brings. Embarrassed by the truth,that he eases me. So I might as well tell him my predicament because I know he will help. A serious tone latched onto every word I said in my explanation but melancholy danced on my thoughts.
Antonio, although he is too polite to ask,is definitely wondering why i just didnt get on with my life. My life huh,mine. Maybe it was the echo i feared the most,of their laughter, warmth. It sufficates me to kniw they not here, breathing the same oxygen into their lungs. Life stole my time from them, so i thought best to befriend death for a while. On my own burying their memory seems far less painful than embracing their absence. I will not go back home as i haven't these pass 2 years. I shall stay in this foreign country, and disappear.
A tear forms at the fringes of my eyes to see Tony agitated as ever looking over papers with me. Uhh what time (yawn) is it Mo?
Sloth-like response follows 1am. Fed up with this whole situation i pull the first paper i see, this is the one. Antonio interested takes the paper from my hands, im too nervous to look. You must write a 10000 word essay about a sophisticated 17th century civilization,choose one from the available countries. The options are Egypt,Kenya,Laos and Turkey. Pleasantly surprised I pick Kenya, a country me and my father use to study together. Him a history professor me a 5 year old eager to learn about true great adventures. A Mona Lisa snatches my face for a second. Antonio springs up, determined goes hunting for relevant books. Tired but refreshed by his resolve I slowly write down ideas. Not even 10 minutes pass and Antonio plops massive books onto the table sending a ringing groan throughout the old library. Grabbing at the books, Tony is catching his breath like an old man. History students don't get alot of walking in a day, too bust looking behind us. Sorry. I grab the books until Aha, Tony this is what I'm gonna do,Gedi the mysterious City of 17th century Kenya.
Antonio looks on waiting for a follow up explanation. Well go on..
The City is said to have once been home to a sophisticated Swahili civilisation for a long time. But it mysteriously was abandoned by all inhabitants. Historians today still don't know why they just left. Some new historians believe it was other African kingdoms wanting to make them slaves. I strongly disagree though.
Tony seems convinced this is a good choice, which gives me more confidence. A light blue light starts filtering in not to soon, so i go looking for a now searching Antonio.
One thing about him that gets on my nerves is his obessession with order and control. He hates spontaneity and risks. This is just totally opposite from me.Thinking of Tony where us he?
Tony!?Where are you?! Worried my feet directs my reluctant body around the creepy library, and there he is pulling on a painting. Strange.Whatare you doing Tony?Heis really clutching this paintings edge of what seems a depiction of tye 17th century King of Portugal John IV.Mo can you help me, I want to check the date of this painting, just to make sure I'm right about who I think this is.Soon enough I am tugging with all my might alongside Tony,perspiring for a while. Eventually we feel the effect of our determination in the sound of the painting nudging. Tony yanks it off and then I see it. A tunnel behind the painting about a meter from the ground. The tunnel seems to be made of old mountain rock with odd scratches along it. Curious I climb in, needing this distraction,Tony screams after me but follows me. His mumbles of annoyance infiltrate my brain as we crawl further my hand drops and I go with it.
A warm light envelopes me instantly revealing a room. In awe I see old books stacked up on shelves but no dust or sign of damage. They have not been touched by time it seems, later Tony steps out orderly and he straightens his Hoody out. This one particular book lures me in, it's smell reminded me of strangely enough,my father. Antonio let's his irritation subside as he takes in all these books. While he deals with his new crushes i page through this dust free book,with a golden cover with no title. Soon I realize this is a direct account astonishingly of a person in Gedi, Kenya. I cannot believe what I am looking at right now I call Tony over. Just like me he can't believe what he is seeing, how rare is it to find such a book that has a direct account of a civilisation. This proves there was settlers in Gedi, it must have been the portugese who wrote this account. I was so excited I frantically page through the book with such glee.
Wet,damp smell of dirt,chirping birds and a giant trees all around bombard my senses. The book is not in my hand anymore, I look back and no tunnel, no library. I grip Antonio's hand and turn to him for a logical explanation for all this,but none came.Just as astonished as me, his mouth gapes open releasing a loud gasp every minute. Antonio? Shaking his hand, Antonio? The desperation in my voice rose, Antonio?! My hands clasped the sides of his cheeks,Look at me, breathe with me, In Out . We did this until I couldn't hear his heart beating through his chest. He nodded to me to assure me he was okay, so I flung my arms over him like a lifeboat in a sinking. Clinging onto each other like frightened fools , unaware of what they done, where they are or what they about to go through. He pulls away while whiping a scared tear from running. His stare dislodges all tough feelings stuck in my throat. He rubs my back, attempting to soothe me with a knowing stare. Stare that says I know your sadness eclipses even the strangeness of a world.
He grips my hand and we walk on into the forest,no words. Hoping to hit a town, village just something. We trudge through this seemingly never ending dense forest we see humans. So relieved we run up to them without a thought. The lady is wearing a colorful skirt with no shirt.Her breasts are revealed and Antonio blushes. Look at him, a minute ago his hoody and the ground wasn't as interesting. The woman possibly surprised runs off,hopefully getting help. Tony what's wrong you look a little red, Free the nipple Tony it's the 21st century for God...Tony. I see men with large spears with full on animal skin running towards us. Their manner does not scream welcoming, so I grab Tony's hand and run.
We do not get very far before they catch up to us,to find us panting loudly in the forest. The men drag me and Tony back from where we ran. They however take us farther until we see a break in the tree line. I gasp when I see, a grand city with tall rock buildings similar to that of old Roman buildings. Children playing with what seems like a ball made out of plants, its as if we took a step back in time.Impossible.The man pierces the back of his spear into my back to nudge me forward, this makes Tony visibly angry.
His eyes seem to be burning with fury, but I whisper I am okay to settle him down. I know he wouldn't do anything because he never takes risks but I need him to be in a collected mood.He probably already has a plan.
The men lead us to a small rock building with a wooden door.A man with a friendly countenance ushers us into the home.Skeptical of everything I am seeing I see all the tools,decorations and lack there of.These all were used only from 17 to 18th century Africa before colonizers influenced their life completely. The men with spears leave us with this man.Their absence gives Antonio new confidence so he directly addresses the man,Excuse me sir, can you please tell us where are we? No response follows,only a title of a head and a lift of his eyebrows.So I ask in Swahili, just to test my hypothesis and suddenly he understands. My name is Bulwayo and Gedi,as we the call it is where you are, where you from?I catch some of the Sawhili words to understand as I only understand a little because my father taught me some.Wondering how to respond as Antonio is beginning to connect the dots,and he is not taking it well.Uhhh far South by the sea, many moons to get home.Surprisingly he understands even through my thick English speaking accent. The man insists we sit down and rest.Antonio was already seated trying to process everything, I've never seen him so shocked. Politely the man leaves us after he tells me he's getting food. Finally alone I turn to a perplexed Tony, so I snap my fingers to get his attention. Nothing. I slap him across the face and that gives me more satisfaction than I thought it would. Antonio can see it on my face so he protests with a grin and rub of his cheek.Tony what are we gonna do?Do you have a plan? Uhhh okay let's try and get some information from this man then we can...
What was that?
I can hear little footsteps against the ground followed by giggles. Two little kids run in front of us with such glee until they see us. Their faces turn from smiles to curious frowns. One of the kids is what i think a 10 year old boy, he comes closer to us. I walks around us, possibly searching for peculiarities besides our clothes. They both jump when they hear the door open, so they scurry away. The man is back with fruits, herbs and fish in a basket. Only now do I notice when he walks in a limp in his step,from his right leg. Strange I am so caught up in myself I forget sometimes, I'm not the only one here,feeling,breathing with me.
Starving ,me and Antonio gobble down the fish the man cooked for us over a fire.He whistles out and this alarms the kids because they coming running in, a tall woman follows them not to so long after. She has beautiful dark brown skin,a gentle demeanor and like the man a friendly countenance.They all sit down forming a semi-circle around us.We eat they slowly chomp and stare,as if we are new a new Netflix show. The kids run off after dinner,while me and Tony struggle to keep our eyes open.We have not slept for almost two days. The man shows us to a room with a single bed on the ground. So tired I thank him and we collapse into bed together.
Morning comes and I feel like I had the craziest dream,I giggle thinking about it. My giggles stop when I become aware of my surroundings. A chicken staring at me, a rock house,no mattress and him. Antonio's arm is wrapped around me and I can feel his body cover mine like a large hug. His faint snores make me feel safe so I snuggle up closer and he holds me nearer. A yawn followed by a quiet gasp, Tony slowly trys to remove his hand from around me. Successful he moves away but I can sense his smile as he gets up. Pretending to just wake up, i stretch and whisper Morning Tony we are in the fricken 16th century, what cool. Not finding anything amusing he looks on with a blank stare,the room gets cold from his worry. We need to get out of here Morgan this is serious. Your problems got us into this,I'll just...sorry. My eyes wander so as not to give it a chance to show the hurt.I didnt mean it like that,Mo. I am sorry. We just need to get out of here,okay. Just after he said this the kids burst in and yank my hand. I go along with it and allow them to lead me. They bring me to the woman from last night, who has bucket with water in. She tells me her name is Furaha so I share mine. I can tell she thinks my names strange because eveytime she says it she checks my eyes to see I'm not joking. We have a long conversation about family,love and life while we bathe. Although most of it I vaguely catch like an untrained juggler most end dropping into confusion but I got the gist of it all.
She introduces her family properly to us and they take us in with open arms. 3 days have passed since we arrived and Tony is still obsessed with a plan to get out, so he spends most of his time in the house. I on the other hand have grown quite fond of the family.Today is beautifully sunny,people dancing in middle of the city to drums and shakes.Outside the house I watch the boys play with their kind father and something takes possession of me.An ugly beast that makes me loathe their happiness, and wish harm.Ashamed I look down, I feel a hand tilt my head up.Its Furaha,she says I should never look down when all around is such great heights of joy.She said to look down is easy, but to stay up when lifes beating you is true power.These words I take to heart and so I with them I charge into their house,right up to Antonio.His astonished look contrasts my composed confidence.We are going dancing now .No buts, you need to get out this house.
Before he can complain I pull him out the house and tell him to let loose. So we head to the center of the city by following a crowd. We arrive with all eyes on us but Furaha and her family dance with us for a bit which makes others ease.Antonio gets in touch with his latin heritage,going with the rythym. I have never seen him so relaxed,he's dancing with others and me also. The drums begin to beat faster so I find Tony, we move in-sync with the beat of the drum.He pulls me close, then pushes me out into twirls. He picks me up as we fall into a ball of laughter,he whispers into my ear wanna bring the tango to Africa. Before I know it we waltzing and gathering so much attention that the drummers start drumming to our steps.We whisked around the floor while my African wrapped dress begins to come undone. Im proud of you Tony can feel it so he clasps my waist to keep it intact and I smile.We danced even when there was just one drummer man left and no crowd. Eventually we thank the drummer and proceed to walk back. Banter gets thrown back and forth while we occasionally bump into each other by "accident".Antonio holds out his hand in fron to stop me from walking.We both hear a rustling in the woods, without question I go to inspect. Tony whispers for me to stop.I stop ahead behind a tree to find just beyond the tree line is a man. Dressed in what then would be associated with the fancy or esteemed. It seems he is relieving himself against a tree. Tony creeps up next to me that's when he notices something.He points at the particular emblem and he tells me that this is one of King John IV of Portugals soldiers.
Tony says we should go back and warn the others. We go and warn the whole family about the portugese.They in turn alert the chieftan who alerts everybody to leave. We go help people pack when we hear the gunshots, bam,bam. They here, we pack faster. Furaha gets the kids but Bulwayo is nowhere to be found. We are forced to run with the others as the gunshots got too close to the house. The whole night we ran,then morning came and the frantic search for loved ones began. The toilet mother over a child not in her arms, to the wails of a young girl searching for her baby brother. Amidst all this I see Furaha,holding onto her children like they are balloons that might fly away. We go up to her to hear if she knows what happened to Bulwayo. Furaha said she found out he was shot trying to helping two kids escape and that they lived. Baffled by her lack of tears,her lack of pure heart wrenching sorry I ask is she not sad he is gone. Without a flinch she reaches for my hand puts it on her heart and she takes her hand and places it upon my heavy heart. Her eyes reflect back a pain I know too well. Not Gone.Thats all she said but I understood.My heavy heart felt all the bit lighter. I embraced her and her beautiful sons. Held them tight before I let them go forever.
Let's go home Tony, don't be mad but I knew where the book was the whole time. It's just behind the tree where we landed,are you mad? I squint my eyes bracing for what hes going to say as we are walking back.Nothing.No response just silence,which makes it actually worst. We get the book and just page through it like I did before and we are back in the tunnel.Before I could say something Tony crawls out the tunnel and I'm now the one following him.
He's walking rather fast, I have to do a couple of jumps to catch up with him. He stops in front of my room,opens it because it's usually unlocked,steps in hands me a laptop and tells me to write.Write about this civilisation,these people and their wonderful culture. I began and I did not stop only for toilet breaks,food breaks,walk breaks and a couple of naps but mainly just writing. See we were gone for 4 days but somehow now it has been 28 days in the 21st century so now there is only 2 days till hand-in.
After some tears,a transportation into the past, nearly becoming a slave to the portugese I have finished the essay. I give it in and the next day I get my mark back from Mr Almeida. He calls me up to him after class and says that the essay was by far one of the best he has ever read. But I only can give me a C minus because of the fiction. I got a warning to not make history fiction and that made me laugh since history now is fiction written by the well-fed,trigger happy,in this case portugese, but at least I passed. I walked out of classroom back to my room. Standing their with a book titled time travel for beginners, was Antonio. He asked me how it went,he chuckled rather loudly when I told him after everything I only got C minus.
In a more serious tone I told him I'm finally gonna go home this year, and face the 5 stages of grief,lovely.I need to unknit this tight scarf of pain around my neck and breathe.
I'm proud of you Mo oh and I was not mad at you when we left, I just really wanted to finally do thi... Yes we kissed, my feet grew wings I swear, I can't believe he actually took the risk.Not really a risk because i would have kissed him one second later anyways. And If you want details you are in the wrong place little naughty.I am a 17th century lady now,sauce is scandal,oh me oh my,just kidding. (Note history degrees dont give you comedic timing skills.)
I'm sure my dad would have liked him... after a couple of years...maybe.
Anyways,I love you dad,thank time it brought me back to you.
Jesus took the wheel
Excuse me, are you blind? God help us! You have just bumped into me sir, do you have anything to say for yourself, hey? Hello, are you okay? Yes i am almighty, excuse me i mean alrighty-oh. I must apologize for my negligence. See i was trying to teach my young son, how to take the wheel. Oh okay, umm he seems a little old for his father to teach him to drive and is he like a costume actor or somethin'? No he is not, why do you ask? Oh nothing just you don't often see a 30-year-old man, with long hair, a thorn crown and beautiful brown skin with a thin white cloth for clothing. My son is how can i say excentric, but i love him, Oh Holy Ghost we are late for a meeting. I am sorry Jenna but i have to get going. Um sure but wait how do you know my name? Can you just uhh give me your insurance details, please? God bless you, young soul, i shall pray for you. Pray for me what %$#@ .Hey sir!Stop, don't you dare get in...your car. Where did he go? The car was there a moment ago. Okay that was was strange, Shit it's 10 am. I am in so much shite. Jesus take the wheel! AHHHH! My car, my car... SOMEONE IS TAKING MY CAR!
So what you are telling me is Jesus stole your car and God pulled a hit-and-run on you
after he rear ended you on the N2 ,okay. Jenna you can just say you were late because you were lazy, now you just seem crazy. Sir that's not, ughhh, Jesus @#$#$.