Wild and Free
She grasps ribbons from air
and weaves them into life.
Spirit exhales nomadic echo
like a thousand birds on a wire
taking shameless flight at her will.
Wild gypsy woman whizzes past
unforeseen curves in the road,
speeding so fast, leaving only
remnants of her shadow.
Tucks sun in her bosom
to light life’s adventures,
sets the moon askance
on head as mock halo.
Quaffs freedom
in the cup of her hand,
running barefoot
untamed and wild.
Dances in savage abandon
in raindrops of passion
answering only to herself
as she rounds
the endless loops
of tomorrow,
feral and free.
Wet Sheep
My favorite chair near the window,
I'm all swaddled in warm blankets
cup full of cocoa.
It's a rainy, dreary kind of day
the kind I don't like to go out and play.
The rain keeps falling on the tin roof
of my tiny little shack
but I am warm and dry because there's
not so much as a nut crack.
The "Ping,ping!" "Ping,ping, ping....... ping!"
Lulls me to sleep.
I dream of ducks and
Wet sheep? WTF?
Oh I was watching sheep jump fences! Lol!
What a wonderful thing it really is.