It's incredible
How we take the seatbelt for granted
That guards us and tries to save us from dangers
Before we face them
A mask
A protector from those things that will scar
And leave terribly unforgettable memories
That you can't make go away
No matter how hard you may try
But today I have no seatbelt
And I've realized I feel
My skin is raw
And any touch of it will make me cringe
I've realized I needed that seatbelt
To feel safe
And now anyone could hurt me
But I'm free
And I'm not sure what I'd rather have
Knowledge and freedom
Or innocence
My Voice is Not My Voice
Too rough
Too deep
Too manly
For a girl
Not serious enough
When it needs to be
Too serious
When it shouldn't be
A laugh
That came from within
Before the many years of friendship
With too many friends with too many laughs
And now my laugh is no longer mine
It has been stolen
And what of my narration
My attempt to sound as if I care
As if I know and understand
As if I want you to join my "campaign"
Too much I attempt to sound lighthearted
To sound excited
Or real
That instead everything only becomes worse
It is convoluted by my past
My voice is not my voice
But then again
I'm still trying to find it.