I’ve been writing since I grasped how to create real sentences.My vulnerability now released in flights of words
Challenge of the Week CLXXIII
The Antidote. To what? Anxiety perhaps. Or loneliness. Or some other poison. Write about an antidote. Fiction or non-fiction, poetry or Prose.
Embrace your wild
Nobody is born to fly
we first grow wings
and test the tides
The tides gets greedy
consumes our pride
The forge, the hammering
The will to fight
blisters and withers
from rust to shine
As time solidifies,
strength magnified.
The tide we were quondam denied.
Took refuge beneath our arms
We’ve grown to fly
born dependent
Now we rule the sky
Embrace your wild
It’s the ony way to survive
Wings of Fate
These wings, they're so heavy,
A burden on my shoulders,
A reminder to always strive to be perfect,
Not human, I can't act like a human,
I can't cry or pout,
Seem sad even just a little,
Can't make mistakes,
Can't be any different,
I have to hide under these burdensome wings,
And fly in the circle traced out for me...