You Can’t Live too Long
sometimes i think i’ve lived too long
but then i remember all i still have to do
then i remember all that i’ll never have time for
and i realize
there is no such thing as living too long
every second we get on this planet is precious
the good and the bad
in reality,
i think no one has ever lived long enough
no one has ever gotten to do everything they could
i’m going to do everything my short time allows me too
and i’ll do whatever i can
to make my time long and worthwhile
you haven’t lived too long
there are still people who need you
whether it’s now or in the future
don’t let them down
by making your life shorter than it was meant to be
Sometimes,Not Always
Sometimes I think I’ve lived too long.
The people who have cried over me,
the time people have spent on me,
the money people gave me,
the thoughts that make me sound deranged.
It all makes me think I’ve lived too long.
She says otherwise, but I say so.
Sometimes I think i’ve lived too long.
Way too long.
Sometimes I think I’ve lived too long. I think this but never say it out loud.
I am worried the minute I say it outloud, I will cease to exist.
It fills me with panic.
I say to the heavens “I have not lived enough yet.”
I need more time to love my kids. I need more time to lay naked with my husband entangled in his need for me. I need more time to learn, to laugh, to play.
Sometimes I think I’ve lived too long.
But I haven’t.
I never could.
I think
Sometimes I think I've lived too long,
but then I realize I'm still a child,
only 15,
but yet, in my head,
I feel as if my life is nearly done,
and I've been told I'm as wise as old adults,
and that makes me think I've lived too long,
and it holds me back from living,
my wisdom makes my fears,
and keeps me from doing so much,
and it keeps me wondering when will it be over,
and I've been told to loosen up,
when that just makes me tighter,
which makes me think I've lived too long,
making my mind my only safe place,
finding new fears around every corner,
acting like a young child,
to forget I feel like a 60-year-old,
and I just want a break,
or lose this wisdom,
so maybe I can live,
so that makes me think I've lived too long,
but then I realize I'm an adult,
stuck in the body of a teen,
with the wisdom of a grandfather,
living a busy life,
without a break,
so sometimes I think I've lived too long.