Regret is eating Chef Boyardee after 9:00pm.
Regret is leaving a "how are you?" text.
Regret is having a cup of coffee at 7:00pm.
Regret is making eye contact walking down the hall.
Regret is never doing.
Regret is never knowing.
Regret is never trying.
Regret is saying "I love you mom".
Regret is not saying "I love you mom".
Regret is saying "I love you" too much.
Regret is saying "I love you" too little.
Regret is not holding on tight enough.
Regret is not letting go.
Regret is giving in.
Regret is giving up.
Regret is leaving the spaces blank.
Regret is pressing "Publish"
Regret is saying "Screw it"
Bravery is knowing that you did anyway.
Wisdom is trying again from a different angle.
Humility is giving thanks that you had the chance to try anyway...
The Only
I feel our love.
I see our future.
One day finally able to laugh
At the journey
And fully appreciate the ride.
For all of the ways
That it strengthened me.
I feel love worth fighting for.
I feel real with you.
I feel enriched by you.
Intrigued by and adoring of you.
I feel free with you.
And deeper than I've ever been.
And bigger.
Way bigger.
More connected and grateful.
More fluid and honest.
More me.
Warts and all.
And ok with that.
In fact elated.
Not just that there's someone like you.
That there's you quite specifically.
Virtually Deleted
Maybe there is a possibility that you could virtually disappear from his / her life
Your text messages
Your pictures
Your social media websites and apps
Perhaps even your phone number
All virtually deleted
But, if they care
One place which may be the hardest
Sometimes even impossible to erase you from
Is the heart
Piece of Art
He was an artist
Thrown away after use
Still, the girl who broke his heart
Became his favorite muse.
She was a poet left at the altar
Her lover didn't give a second look
Still, he was immortalized by words
In her poetry book.
Is it necessary that you have to break a heart,
To be someone's magnificent piece of art?
Is your heart like mine?
Must you see something
with your eyes to know that it is real, or can you listen to the whispers of your heart, when it tells you to believe?
Have you ever been all alone and felt someone's hand touch yours?
Has the sound of a stranger's voice ever taken your mind back to a memory of a time and place, where you have never been before?
Have you ever held the hand of a friend, in great pain, wished that pain into your own body and felt it come?
Can you see me when I will myself into your dreams?
Is your heart like mine?
When you look up into the night's sky, can you see the wolf in the moon?
The wolf all alone, howling out a cry for his mates return.
Are the lights in the dark sky, just stars, created for our delight?
Can't you see that they are lanterns, of hope, from far off worlds?
When the wind blows in your face, can you feel his fingers, playfully tossing your hair and tugging at your clothes, begging you to join his game?
When that wind has whipped the clouds into rows of tight round balls, can you see the under scales of a dragon?
A dragon lost from her world of magic, flying low over our world, in search of escape.
Can you tell that the trees standing beside your gate are sentinels, dutifully guarding your path, keeping you safe?
When you see two trees growing together in a meadow, do you imagine the dance of two lovers?
Lovers with their bodies intertwining, becoming one.
Can you smell the sunshine?
Is your heart like mine?
Have you ever been so alone that you were sure tomorrow would never come?
Have you ever been so busy that suddenly yesterday is last year?
Does the sound of a baby crying make you pray for peace?
Peace for all the babies, everywhere.
Have you ever loved so deeply you felt as though you could fly?
Have you ever lost so much you were sure that you could not take another breath?
Can you look into your lover's eyes and see her soul, or is her beauty all that you can see?
Have you ever broken someones heart and felt your own heart bleed?
Can you hear my voice in these words?
Is your heart like mine ?