To Us
I can feel the heat rising from the pavement as Kyle slips around a corner, looking briefly over his shoulder as he disappears into shadows. I wait a beat, pretending to check my phone, then follow him.
You can run, but you can't hide...
I round the corner just in time to see his door shut behind him and hear the faint click of the deadbolt turning. Silly boy, thinking a simple lock will stop a ghost. I stop in front of the door, take a deep breath, and knock twice.
Come out, come out, wherever you are...
There's a moment when I think he won't answer the door, or will see it's me and leave me standing out here. But then I let my breath out in a whoosh as the lock turns again and the door slides open a crack. He sticks his nose out. "Yes?"
"Kyle, it's me," I whisper.
"Alice?" The door flies all the way open and I step inside. "What are you doing here?"
"I've been thinking about what you said, and I forgive you. I want to get back together."
He reaches out, touching my face softly. I suck in my breath, trying not to flinch away from his fingers, and pull my sleeve down further over my bruised wrist.
"I'm so glad you came back to me." He grins, and I can see the haze of alcohol in his eyes and smell it on his breath. I swallow hard.
"I was stupid to kick you out. You were right, we have unfinished business, you and me."
Kyle jabs me in the stomach, a little too hard in his drunken state. "I knew you'd see reason. Wait here." He turns on his heel, tipping slightly and nearly falling, then rushes off into the recesses of his apartment.
Fool me once, shame on you...
While he's gone, I wander into the tiny kitchen. There are still unpacked boxes laying everywhere, as if he really did know I'd come back. I grin. Perfect.
Kyle comes back after a couple minutes, holding a bottle of expensive-looking wine and grinning like an idiot. "To celebrate," he slurs.
He sets the bottle down on a precariously balanced box and wraps his arms around me, pulling me close. "I'll never let you go again," he whispers into my ear.
"Yes, you will," I whisper back.
I pull the knife from my back pocket and drive it into his back, just between his shoulder blades. His bones shift, blood squishing from the wound, a squelch accompanying his sharp cry.
He pushes me away, falling to his knees, and claws at his back. I pull the knife out and shove it deep into his abdomen, beneath his rib cage. He stares up at me, gasping and fighting for breath. "Alice..." It's barely a whisper, and a dribble of blood follows the words out of his mouth.
I lean down to face him. "You'll never hurt me again."
As he collapses to the floor, I open the bottle of wine, find a glass, and drink.
"To us," I say, holding the glass up in a toast towards Kyle's writhing body.
By the time I've finished the wine, his body is lying still in a pool of deep red blood.
Fool me twice, shame on me...
Be Ye Holy.
I am the rising sun
Everglowing purity
Warmth to this frigid world
One with the Son
The testament of my worth
Engraved in the Word
I am Heaven's Pride
Jewel mined from Abraham's loins
Ransomed not by a hundred sheep Nor by million coins
But redeemed
Inestimable Price paid
I am Light 'pon hill
Bearing His Presence within
In boundless love a-dwelling
Wisdom Divine find I in Truth
I am sold out to Christ in my youth
I am Purity's purveyor
Treading God's Streets of Hope
Power have I received to declare:
"I am the rising sun
Sweet, sweet child of Zion!".
Life is but a game of chess
To play without remorse
Your future filled with promise
And the checkerboard your course
Your youth and beauty
Pawns and knights
Your bishops are your vigor
Your steely rooks, ambitious fight
And your most precious queen
Your ego and your stamina
And everything between
And when you have been stripped of those
The king becomes your fate
Your legacy and health because
Death accepts no stalemates
Grieving Time
Back to work
three days later
Back to the store
one week later
Back to 'reality'
one month later
Back to sobbing
one hour later
Back to broken
no time at all
Grieving takes its own time
And steals yours when it's not satisfied
It grinds you up and spits you out
And leaves scars that time can't heal
This is how long grieving takes,
How long it takes to say goodbye;
The rest of time.
Brothers in chains
Sisters in pain
The hurt and lost
Counting the cost
A slave wants to be free
If you're asking me
I'll stand by your side
I'll stand up and stride
I'll fight for you
If you need me to
This post was inspired by the A21 campaign and the fight against human trafficking. I'm participating in #WalkForFreedom this fall and have the link for details in my bio.
The Laugher
She stands like a fortress
Eyes like fires
Sweat pouring from her
Teeth bared in a growl
Feet ready to run
Blood dripping from her sword.
She has conquered fear,
She has fought off death,
And she is ready for more.
Her muscles ache to move
Her sinews strain against skin
And she laughs at challenges
This is strength,
This is courage.
This is the Laugher.
Depression is Grey
Depression is grey
Like the sky
in a storm
Depression is grey
Like hurt
Depression in deceptive
Like a con man
Depression is hard
Like work
Depression is long
like the world's stretchiest taffy
Depression is dark
Like night
Depression is the worst
because there's no cut and dry
Depression has no black or white