Hot Falls An Auburn Night
Hot falls an auburn night
Surrendering her baking embers
Scalpel tipped stars
Inking neon scrawl.
O raging bloom
Snared enroute
Hissing sanctified steam.
Humming pines
Windswept furies
Crashed car ballet.
Moon drunken gravity
Pale mirage
Blue eyed beauty Queen
Jokers wild
Pensive forests lurching.
I leap away
To cities eaten.
Winter’s End
Call off this day.
For now, are the
settling sounds of the rain.
It drums the rivers ice
in a susurrus echo.
Being heard over my movements,
as I rest.
Along the bark of this tree,
on cold still rocks I sit ....
watching the tangled leaves.
There, frozen in place
are the grounded roots.
Pulled away now
in melts and weeps;
once laid and glazed in ice.
Uncovered at the start
of winter’s end.
For out of the whispering woods-
a hunted hoof still warm.
A sparrow-hawk preening.
It’s plumage stained.
With eyes of pale lemon-yellow,
then sudden hints of red,
fresh off a finch roost taste.
I look up to see
the fish-wire crossed,
mid-cast, the fisherman’s reel
calls to man’s best friend
by the rivers edge.
While approaching slowly,
harsh chills of a billowing overcast.
It chooses to dance; swirling~
challenging the sunsets bend.
A journey through ravines,
pulse the water. Diverging spills-
side by side, as vital forces.
In a moment,
the day turns toward night.
The towers light with howling wind.
Edging decay purls-
pulling together, outward,
over the water and into the fog.
In the dark, we
take our canoe up the river.
Out of these wet,
hard-wearing clothes,
we rest.
~ Jessi (poem)
try telling the truth
thinking thoughts through
toying thus time
trembling through touch
turning to the torment
talking tales that tell the truth
timing tension
tactful tears trip the temptation
that tends to terrify the texture
this texture ties the tale
thus takes the thirst
takes the taste
the true tie that threats the thunder
the tone to the tragedy
this tone translates the trap
translating the tiniest truth
the turbulence
the tremor
the tyrant
Pain and pleasure drift in waves of heat
breathes of cold air chill on rooftops
the dazzle of thin spider veins in sky
ghosts of your soul entangling me
beating on the tarred paper of life
shivers of skin sense you are still here
quivering of our hearts goes on, bursting
through floodgates of falling words
illusions lost in sodden clouds
watery reflections of invisible universe
shuddering sighs from my breast.