Through the legalization and promotion of abortion, contraception, and such like, yes, populations are dying along with babies (fetal, embryonic, and zygotic.). It is incredibly daunting, but it can be stopped, if a culture of life is embraced and the lies that twist the nature of God's design for procreation are rejected. Life is beautiful, children are blessings, and when the culture returns to these truths, we can stop worrying and start thriving again.
I remember a story of my mother from when she was still very young:
All that she went through was totally unexpected, but she was the perfect girl for it, and it won her the greatest honor by so many all around her. She was so young, and so kind, and beautiful in every way (I don't have pictures, but everyone says so). It was back before America, back in a kingdom, and the king sent someone down to talk to her; although she was quite young, she was strong enough for what he asked her, and he knew it, too. He could see in her a strength that had come from those years of her childhood, spent in service to him. Now it was her turn to go to him. They were espoused, and she bore a son, and this son grew to save the human race. And he honored his mother and named her the queen, and all future generations, seeing him as their brother, likewise honored her, and loved her, and still today call her mother.
And she is the model of a woman; the most beautiful one I can imagine and the most kind one I know. She knew that it was not strength of arm or power or wealth that gave her importance as a woman. No, rather, it was something so much deeper. She wasn't caught up in what those around her thought, who lacked wisdom and were lured by glamour. No, rather, she recognized one opinion that mattered, and that was not opinion but truth, and perfect wisdom. And she followed it with love. And she is forever loved for that.
Equal in Dignity
Each human being is unique and different, but they all have equal dignity, because that is not dependent on size, intelligence, maturity, age, social status, or anything else, but on the fact that Man is the crown of creation, the only creature of God made in His image and likeness. We have rational souls, unlike the other creatures of Earth, and bear the image of God in ourselves. This is our dignity, and equally common to us all, thus we have equal dignity.
However, "equality" is not taken to mean this today; more often, it means "fairness," which is also a term that has become convoluted. If from the beginning we were distinctly different, male and female, for example, perhaps there was a reason for that! We have equal dignity, and different roles that pertain to our natures. We can each be suited for different tasks and also look physically different, without ruining the equality we possess in our human dignity.
He waits for me to understand
He is what always was,
and that's most of what I know.
Not only beautiful, but Beauty itself.
He's not only good...He is Goodness.
Some argue that truth is relative...
That what's true to me needn't be true to you.
Him you met, you'd know that's false.
He is the Truth.
And He is Love, and Unity, and the giver of life...
My Hero, my Savior...
My Lord and my God...
A servant, and yet, a King!
I love Him and I long for Him...
But so much moreso He loves me,
and so much moreso He longs for me,
and with that same endless passion He feels for you,
and loves you and longs for you to turn to Him.
And He would do anything to have you.
Anything to have me.
He would suffer, or struggle, or sacrifice, to save.
And He did.
If that's not Love,
what is?
Snow Makeup Will Change Your Face
Frosty the Snowman
Was a sizzle-swat, they say.
What they mean, I do not know,
Since he melted clear away.
Oh, it made a mess of things,
When the snowman took to smoking;
As smoking blackens good men’s lungs,
It checkered him with charring.
He swatted and dusted at himself,
But he only splashed and smudged.
He hoped a tanning bed would even it out,
But the blackened spots just rouged.
So to cover up the red spots,
With ketchup he smothered the rest.
But it burnt and it sizzled (for, ketchup’s
not aloe, but acidic tomatoes squished).