Her Hair
I always sat in the third row, she sat in the first. When she turned her face to speak to her friends, I buried my face further in my sweater covered arms and binder. I never answered a single question, but i always knew the answer as she did. I loved hearing her voice, it was a soft enough pitch to pierce my brain and etch her sound forever.
Heaven in the hood
Satan was driving around in his hoopty, smoking a bleazy with his old pal Max. They were on their way to a party in the hood of South Dallas, when they reached a red light. A normal, every day red light. Nothing out of the usual, cops driving around patrolling, gas stations already got their chain linked doors shut, dogs walking around with their tongues hanging out, absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. Max, high as a motherfucker, and Satan is very well aware of what a motherfucker is like, looks to Satan in the driver's seat and says *cough cough* "Hit this shit man! Its the best shit I ever had!" as usual, Satan partakes in these reindeer games.
Satan and Max come up to the house on Evergreen Rd, quiet neighborhood to say the least, it was midnight in Dallas after all! So you could imagine that bitch was JUMPIN! I mean hoes twerking, the people vibing to themselves, smoke and drinks EVERYWHERE! Satan, the introvert he is just plants himself into a back room to roll up some more dank with his homies, when who does he bump into crossing the bathroom door...God himself.
"AYE homie I didn't know you would be here!" - Satan
"Oh yeah, my lady over there wanted to roll on through, so I had to show my people some love!" -God
Now I know what youre thinking, God at a party...on a school night! OH YEAH IT WAS LIT!
"Okay, okay, you wanna chill with me and Max and the rest in the back? We just got some 'good good' you in?" - Satan.
"Naw, not tonight, im taking Sabrina home in a bit though...she gettin way too wild!..."
-Sabrina walks towards Satan and God-
*Belches* "Hey guys, whats up! HOW ARE YOU SATTIE, I HAVENT SEEN YOU IN FO-EVA" - Sabrina
"Hey girl, how you been? Spin around let me see you, you look good tonight? You been treatin' my boy right?" - Satan
"Yeah..." - Sabrina strokes God's arm and looks him in the face...
"Lets go home?" - Sabrina
"Hey, gotta give the lady what she wants (; I'll catch yall later homie, stay blessed!"