Boy who sees
A young couple makes a stop along the freeway. Their son has just learned to walk as the couple eats their lunch, the joy of their son walking through the warm grass in the shade of a pine tree which gave air to the occasion.
Parking in the handicapped parking spot, adjoined to the young couple's car. The old man makes his way out of the car. Combating the pain and aging signs he earned over the years of life. He stands and reaches for his cane. As he stands up and begins a journey of working out the pain of his age.
The old man makes his way to the pine tree, a short distance from the young couple. The old man closes his eyes and thanks God for his guarding angel, who just a short mile earlier had saved him from a terrible accident. A driver who had fallen asleep at the wheel was racing to catastrophe the target was the old man in his car. In that moment, the old man calls out to God, help us!
The car only a fraction of an inch away from colliding, the head of the young lady driving had bounce off the steering wheel, and then she awoke. The car glided to a stop to safety at the side of the road.
The old man now safe and from any harm turns opens his eyes and leans upon his cane. He noticed the child making his way toward him. The young couple watches the child and offers him a treat. But his gaze, which is transfix to lead him on a journey through the warm grass toward the old man.
The old man could see the child would continue on his journey toward him. So he walks away from the tree along the sidewalk to discourage the child. The old man now sees what the child is racing toward. The old man smiles when he sees too, a tall figure dress in white in a mist of sunlight hiding from the unbelieving eyes of humanity. It was the Angel who had kept the old man safe.
The young child stands now at the Angel's feet, looking up with a smile of delight. The couple gathers up the picnic remnant. The young lady takes hold of the child, placing him in his car seat. At they drove off, the Angel now seated next to the child.
The old man prays for their safety and praise God. Shalom to the child who sees. May the face of God shine on him and keep him safe from the dangers of this world. Bless the couple who has such a child that sees.
Dear God,
Why did you send me here? would it not have been better if I was just aome soil in heaven?
Whatever... I dont need you to answer those qusetions.
Just one more thing... rise shall you rise, leave shall you leave, enter shall you enter, but let me be me, don’t decide my fate, for I don’t need fate to ‘help’ me, but just only the help of those who love me.
Preserve all who can love and trust, God!
I meant... Father!
Blank walls,
soft echos,
whispering back
my quiet words.
Four walls,
they keep
me trapped
in this place.
I don't
to be.
I don't
to live.
I am
me in
Crazy is
what they
will call
my lonely self.
and broken,
to pieces.
set me free
from this
i’m obsessed with the melting feel it brings
i wrote hollow poetry and never noticed the echo;
but watching you hang my moon, hang my stars,
hang my world, hang my heart; as if we’re a gallery
that’ll never be shown, instead kept like memories
in our souls? darling, when you become a part of me,
there’s no such thing as breathing. & there’s no more
capitalizing, it’s not just ‘i’ anymore,
it’s ‘us’ ,
it’s ‘you and me’
it’s ‘we’
& somehow through that,
we became our own kind
of poetry.
tell me, how are we writers
if we can’t ever find the words we need?
how can we write a piece unexpectedly at midnight; yet,
when there’s a question mark after the do you love me too,
there’s no word that means:
of course i do,
these fibers burn for you
i’ve already rearranged the galaxy to a constellation of you
why isn’t there a phrase that means all three of these things
and so much more? sometimes i love you just doesn’t feel like
enough for me to say to you.
perhaps...suppose i’m overthinking again? it’s like, loving you
took me on a path of self-discovery, unknowing need; originally,
i thought i’d lace this piece with quotes, but i don’t want
an artist’s voice to speak my heart; i’m selfish darling; i want you
to remember my voice, the whisper of it, like i do yours.
& as i picture your hand trying to cover up
that awfully cute smirk, all i ask is for,
those magic words.
Metaphor Time
1) “Flirting with time”:
Not using one’s time wisely while your youth, strengths, and looks fade. While we are still young, using our time on the wrong pursuits.
“Time waits for no man.”
Popular Tom Petty Song “Flirting with time.”
2) “Beating a dead horse”:
Idiom that means a particular effort is a waste of time will not cause it to do any useful cause.
“You’re just spinning your wheels.”
3) “Just us chickens”:
Fable involving a chicken thief hiding in the henhouse. Farmer yells out, “Who is that making all that noise in the henhouse?” Sarcastic reply to the farmer, “Just us chickens!”
Otherwise, caught red-handed, “not a good time.”
Louis Jordan Song in the 40s, “Just us chickens.”
4) “Tip of the iceberg”
Cliché: Meaning: only the most visible part of a much bigger whole.
Idiom: Basically means the small part of a much larger situation or problem that remains hidden.
Metaphor, that all we can see is the tip of the iceberg, and that there is a depth beyond depth below it
“Not the whole enchilada.”
“More to time than meets the eye.”
5) “Once in a blue moon”
This poetic phrase refers to something extremely rare in occurrence.
“Timing is everything.” And is, “Almost as rare as chicken lips.”
If someone uses these idioms to describe you, they’re really letting you know...
1) Flirting with time = That you’re forgetting your age and flirting with someone too young for you
2) Beating a dead horse = That you’re never able to finish the job
3) It’s Just us chickens = That you’re nothing to worry about, because even if you wanted, you couldn’t fly the coop
4) You only see the Tip of the iceberg = That you’re too optimistic and superficial (you refuse to delve deeper into an issue)
5) Why don’t you let yourself go Once in a blue moon? = That you’re bipolar, so every month (preferably under a full moon) you should allow yourself to howl and go crazy
Depression is Like Dinner
Dinner is just not dinner to someone who is sad. It's the draining energy of getting out of the house. Putting on real clothing and shoes take so much time and making sure to remember your wallet and finding your debt card turns into another frenzied search. Walking to your dirty car that needs new windshield wipers and an oil change and forgetting your keys. Walking back, digging into your pockets to find your house key to unlock the front door with the fading and peeling gray paint and then tripping on the last porch step that has been loose for over a year, is ridiculous. Finally pulling out of your drive way, you notice you are low on fuel and the red arrow is past the white E, you make it to the mouth of the gas stations driveway and your cars dies. It's having to pay for a little red plastic tank to pump gas into to walk the twenty five steps to your in the way car that people are honking at. When you get to the store, a loose shopping cart quickly drifts into your door leaving a small dent and a stratch. You end up taking the cart inside and one of the wheels is bent and makes a loud squeak sound as you try to steer it straight. It's finding old welted vegtables, expired milk and coffee creamer, decaying fruit and dented cans of soup. It's seeing your hideous reflection in the doors of the frozen products but that balled up mess of sloppiness, wrinkled pet hair covered clothes, and oily slept-on hair that cannot be you. It's carrying heavy plastic bags that either split open and break or cut off blood flow to your wrist and fingers. It's the annoying drive back to the house where you are stuck at every red light and almost re-ended. It's heaving those disaposalable bags to the kitchen and dropping a can of green beens on top of your foot.
It's putting everything away and noticing you already had some or you got the wrong flavor. It's half-heartedly making an okay meal, burning your thumb on the hot pan and spilling food making stains that will need to be scrubbed off. It's having to wash the dishes and sweep up the crumbs.
"The best revenge is acting like you don't care."
"One chance turns into two and two chances turn into too many."
"Some people don't change... They just find new ways to lie."
"So far, you've survived 100% of your worst days. You're doing great."
"One of the happiest moments in life is when you find the courage to let of what you can't change."
"Trust is earned, respect is given, loyality is demonstrated--Betrayal of any one of those is to lose all three."
"Something I learned about people...If they do it once, they'll do it again."
"Before you forgive them, remember they tried to get away with it."