Its not coincidence,
but harmonic unchained events
stocking tissue around a surface
rooted by subtle glow.
I love you, invisible
but appearing.
I feel you, cold
but brightening.
Its not lost if it still make sense,
showing every night
my own contour
painted white.
Your own contour is
a halo of stars.
I love you, sarcastic
but lovely.
I feel you, powerless
but inspiring.
Your own form is an embodied cell,
almost as large as existence.
But my body wont fit you,
as vague as a man,
dressed as an astronaut
waiting to die in your dust.
Air electrifies,
When I see your eyes.
Dream, when I said that I,
Loved you more through time.
Fate still sleeps.
But then I finally see,
The never-ending depths,
In your blackened wreaths.
Your face, I cannot touch.
A flawless grace, a drug too much.
You hide in your smile like a klutz,
But I'll be here, you'll be here, unstopped.
I see your tears, your fears, your demons.
I see the nightmares, the dreams, you moron.
Stop hiding behind that fabricated, annoying laugh,
You and I, we're one in a half.
My sleeping twin.
My Struggles
I write about my life
my pain and struggles
I have been through so much
I have so many feelings and secrets
I keep inside my head
I let them loose
in the words of my poems
All of my poems are really
they are part of my past
they are part of my present
they tell my story
the story I have a hard time
speaking about
even in therapy
were I should share everything
But it it so much easier
speaking in the written word
posting it on here
lets people read it
people can know how I feel
I can't show the people I know
strangers will read
but not try to help me
not try to fix me
or cheer me up
like my friends would
like my family
I can feel heard
without feeling judged
strangers may judge me
but what does it matter
I don't know them
that inspires me
I can speak my mind
I can tell my story
I can feel heard
that is my muse
One Million Different Lives
As I surive through this world I meet people
Who should never have existed
Beyond a paper prison
Those too beatiful for the harshness of man
The violence of reality
Whose voice and character inspire me
To write them where they should be
In a world made of imagination
One that caters to them
That makes them the center of the world
Where they should be
I write them to live the lives that they should have
Because only people in books
Are perfect
And yet
Everyday I see perfection
In your smile
And your laugh
And your sneer
And your anger
These things need be put where they belong
In a world where
That perfection
Isn't overlooked
Inspiration of Tides
Faint whispering breeze
upon your morning shadow
whispers your mystery.
I scrape up your roots
and follow your flashes.
Words sleep fitfully
in my mind until you,
my enchanting muse,
wrap me in your
inspirational blanket,
intoxicating me
with ethereal visions
and swirling auras.
Underneath my skin,
I feel nothing
until you throw me
a lifeline to entice me
to the light brushing
under my door,
awakening senses
arousing decadent flesh
teaching me to scribble
raw words,
venturing to vistas
with no horizons.
Teaching me to tiptoe
in the light of the moon
and shoot my soul
with laser beams
of creative energy.
Vibrations in veiled heart
levitate as I hold
my cup for you to fill.
I quiver when you move
into my writings
to reside with me -
clone of my soul,
inspiration of tides.
Muse for a Lawyer
“You are my Muse, my inspiration!... You are the reason I wake up in the morning and do not sleep at night… When I think of you words just flow in an endless stream; I try to put together on paper the images in my head, albeit in a constricted form. Sometimes I think I will do your bidding, if only you would spare me!”
“Wow, what do you mostly write?”
To Death
Eternally Yours,
The mountaintops are bare of mists
The sun burns away the mesa walls
She comes down, dropping blossoms in
Her wake, palo verde and saguaro flowers
The desert sings of her, my muse
My muse, she sings of the desert
And in the rests between, she turns to me
My match, my spark among the dunes
And lights in me a fire to last through
The black nights where stars scream
Paeans to gods nameless and profane
There are no lovers in the hazy darkness
That have not, in anguish, loved her
There are no poets alone in the scrubland
Shades of Life; To Live is to Inspire
Cotton hair
of wispy white
floats around her azure eyes.
Her fertile skin
of brown, green, and tan
is covered,
and exposed,
by a dazzling dress of magnificent blue.
An obsidian crown
embedded with thousands of diamonds
lies upon her head.
She is a nurturer of the sick,
supplying everything her children need.
She is a tyrant
with an anger stronger than the gods'.
She is an inventor,
creating beyond imagination.
She is a demon.
She is an angel.
She is a god.
She is the most beautiful,
intimidating thing to exist.